13 research outputs found

    Three Years Survival Rate of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Central Java

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    Objectives: to determine the association between prognostic factors of ovarian cancer with a 3-years survival rate of epithelial ovarian cancer patients.Material and Method: Retrospective cohort study was conducted in 90 patients (during 2012) at Dr.Kariadi General Hospital. Kaplan meier, Log rank and Cox regression were used to analyse survival rate and prognostic factors that influence the disease.Result: Overall 3-years survival rate of epithelial ovarian cancer patients were 58.5% (Kaplan meier). Three-years survival rates were 89.3%, 44,4%, and 35.1% for patients in stage I, stage II, and stage III, respectively, and no patient survive up to 3 years in stage IV. Prognostic factors that associated with 3-years survival rate were stage of the disease, ascites, residual tumor, and type of histopathology {p<0,001; p=0,001; p=0,004; p=0,041, respectively (Log rank test)}, whereas age and size of tumor were not associated. After using multivariate analysis (Cox regression) only stage of the disease was associated with 3-years survival rate of epithelial ovarian cancer patients.Conclusion: There were an association between stage of the disease, ascites, residual tumor, type of histopathology, and 3-years survival rate of epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Stage of the disease was a prognostic factor that most influence 3-years survival rate of epithelial ovarian cancer patiens in this study

    Sistem Informasi Akademik SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat Berbasis Web

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    The objective of this research is to make academic information system of SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat. The system is web-based, which designed and realized using the programming language PHP and MySQL database. The menu in Aca-demic Information Systems of SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat is divided into several main menus, namely home menu, menu information, menu material, news menu, menu galleries, guest books and menu navigation admin. For information consists of a sub-class data menu, sub menu Master data information, data information Student sub menu, sub menu infromasi Data Value, sub menu data information Alumni and sub menu data information Lessons. With the website SMP Negeri 2 Talang Empat, the school already has an alternative media provider of information, making it easier to search data on Junior High School 2 Talang Empat

    Efforts to Improve Mother Skills in LBW (Low Baby Weigh) Baby Care with Approach of Experiential Learning Care (ELC) Method.

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    Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) are babies born with a body weight of less or equal to 2,500 grams. High levels of stress on parents, especially mothers and low levels of competency, show that parents (mothers) still have the right knowledge of caring for LBW babies. This situation affects the mother's behavior in caring for the baby. Kangaroo method is one of the rights and correct efforts to care for LBW babies because this method provides benefits to increase the temperature of LBW infants. The purpose of this study was to improve maternal skills in care for low birth weight babies with an experiential learning Care approach. The research method used queasy experimental with pre-post test design. The stages in this study start from collecting data through the mother's pre-test skills in the care of low birth weight babies, then providing midwifery interventions through Kangaroo Mother Care with the approach of Experiential Learning Care I, II and III. Next post-test was carried out; data analysis was done through Wilcoxon test with the results of p = 0.003 &lt;α = 0.05, meaning that there was an increase in maternal skills in the care of LBW infants with the Experiential Learning Care (ELC) method. The results of this study are expected to be a guide for midwives in midwifery interventions for mothers who have LBW babies. Thus, it will be able to provide maternal skills in the care of LBW babies who are right and correct, so that mothers can care for LBW babies at home properly

    The Influence of Therapy Playing Cut and Stick Paper on an Anxiety in Pre-School Children Hospitalization in Blambangan Room, RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojosari

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    Hospitalization is a new experience that can make the child be afraid, it can take effect for his physical and psychology because of a new environment and the officer. Afraid feels and uncertain feeling is a danger warning that can make the children take an action for the threat. As a result the child is not cooperative. Then the nurse can give the child distraction therapy with playing therapy. Playing therapy is to change the children problematic are playing with a situation. This research is to prove the influence of therapy playing cut and stick paper on an anxiety in preschool children hospitalization in Blambangan Room, RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar. The population is all of the preschool children, with design pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest approach. The Sample 15 children are taken with consecutive sampling. 15 child is given playing therapy playing cut and stick paper. Collection of data taking with Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale. Then data is processed and tested by modus analysis.&nbsp; The anxiety score of the child before is given playing therapy is 9 (60%) normal anxiety, 5 (33,3%) slight anxiety, 1 (6,7%) medium anxiety. The anxiety score of the child after given playing therapy is 15 (100%) decreased anxiety. There was a change from before and after therapy to play cutting and sticking paper. Decreased anxiety from this stressors is delivered on the hypothalamus that will stimulate the adrenal glands to perform vasodilatation of blood vessels so that blood pressure decreases

    Literasi Digital Infodemic Pada Masyarakat Wilayah Rural, Rural-urban, Urban Di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan literasi digital masyarakat Bengkulu dalam menyikapi infodemic tentang Covid-19, yang yang berdasarkan kompetensi personal dan kompetensi sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 3 wilayah yang merepresentasikan masyarakat provinsi Bengkulu yaitu Wilayah Rural Kabupaten Mukomuko, wilayah Rural-Urban Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, dan wilayah Urban Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix methode, dengan kuesioner sebagai instrument utama. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisa literasi digital menurut standar European Commission, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 233 orang. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa literasi digital pengguna internet dalam mengakses informasi Covid-19 dalam kategori medium. Kompetensi personal dalam kategori medium sebesar 55% terdiri dari kemampuan menggunakan perangkat untuk mengakses internet, mampu mencari informasi tentang Covid 19, masyarakat mampu memilih informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Nilai Kompetensi sosial 42% diperoleh dari kemampuan masyarakat membagi informasi setelah mengetahui kebenaran informasi tentang Covid-19 serta memiliki aktivitas dalam komunitas online untuk bertukar informasi

    Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety Firefighters in Makassar City

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    The problems discussed in this study relate to the number of employee work accidents that tend to increase each year significantly due to aspects of the work environment, work equipment and materials, and how to do work. Therefore, this study's purpose of identifying and analyzing employees' occupational health and safety at the Makassar City Fire Department. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative. The population in this study were all firefighters in the Makassar City Fire Department, with a total sample of 214 people. Data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaires, observations, interviews, and document review using a Likert's Summated Rating (Likert's) scale analysis and SPSS 17 program assistance. The results showed that the occupational health and safety of the Makassar City firefighter department is a positive category. In addition, 196 respondents or 91,5% positive outlook and 18 respondents or 8,41% have a very positive outlook in environment work, 133 respondents or 37,9% positive outlook and 81 respondents or 37,9% positive outlooks about work equipment and materials. The last aspect shows 135 respondents or 63,1% positive outlooks and 79 respondents or 36,9% positive outlook on how to do the wor

    The Relationship Between Family Support And Depression Level Among Hiv/aids Patients In Prof.dr. Soekandar General Hospital Mojokerto

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    Problems that arise in people with HIV / AIDS not only from viral infections there are also social impacts experienced such as a lack of support from the family. The phenomenon that occurs in the community that shy families sometimes even ostracize people with HIV / AIDS so that when treatment is rarely delivered, isolating in the family such as placing in a separate room makes ODHA increasingly experiencing psychological disorders such as prolonged stress reactions, namely depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with the level of depression in patients with HIV / AIDS in VCT poly RSUD Prof.Dr. Soekandar Mojokerto. The research design used is correlation analysis. The population in this study were all HIV / AIDS sufferers in the VCT Police Hospital, Prof. Dr. Soekandar, Mojokerto Regency, which consists of 51 patients. The Sampling technique uses consecutive sampling with a number of samples that meet the research criteria of 50 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire. After the data is collected, data processing is done in editing, coding, scoring, tabulation by using the frequency distribution and followed by cross tabulation (Crosstab). The results of the study were tested by the Spearman rho test. Obtained by the results of p (0,000) and α (0,05), so that p (0,000) &lt;α (0,05) which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted which means there is a relationship between family support and depression in HIV / AIDS patients in Poly VCT Rsud Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojokerto. Family support is needed by patients with HIV / AIDS to reduce depression by providing support, providing facilitation, and assisting patients when at home or when going to the hospital

    Playdough to Reduce Anxiety”: Alternative Therapy in Pre-school Children with Hospitality

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    Hospitalization is an experience that produces every child who has physical and psychological effects as a result of the environment, and officers they do not know. Therefore the effort that can be done by nurses is to provide distraction therapy with playdough. The study aimed to prove the effect of treatment on Playdough play on anxiety in preschoolers because of hospitalization in the Kertawijaya Room Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto. The design of this study uses pre-experiment with one group pretest approach. The population in this study were all preschool children who were in hospital treatment in the first week of October 2018. Samples were 20 children, with consecutive sampling. Playdough therapy for 20 children. Data collection used a mYPAS (Modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale) questionnaire. After that, the data processing with Wilcoxon signed test was 0.00 which was &lt;0.05, As for the conclusions in this study there is a therapeutic effect of playing plasticine on children's anxiety with hospitalization. The value of preschool children's anxiety before being given play therapy is the majority of respondents 13 respondents (65%) experienced moderate anxiety and And a small proportion of respondents experienced severe anxiety as many as 5 respondents (25%). The value of anxiety after being given play therapy most of the respondents experienced a decrease in anxiety as many as 12 respondents (60%) experienced mild anxiety and almost half of the respondents were 8 respondents (40%). Stress will stimulate the body to send messages from the hypothalamus to the adrenal gland which will affect vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels that will determine the increase or decrease in blood pressure which is one of the physiological characteristics of the body when experiencing anxiety