5 research outputs found

    Towards a mobile system for hypertensive outpatients' treatment adherence improvement

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    Covering more than a third of the population, arterial hypertension is a debilitating disease resulting in the adverse effect on the physical and emotional state of the patient and, hence, exerting the negative influence on the patient health- related quality of life. Treatment of hypertension involves the use of specific drug therapy along with a modification of a lifestyle and a diet over a long-term period. This, in turn, leads to the low adherence to the treatment among the ambulatory patients and, as a consequence, increases the chances of the hypertension-related complications, including the risk of sudden cardiac death. To address the problem of low adherence, we have previously proposed the mobile personal monitoring and assisting system constructed on the principles of smart spaces. The system relies on joint processing of both objective and subjective health measures accumulated in semantic ontology-driven storage enabling the construction of the personalized assisting services. In this paper, we extend the approach putting into consideration behaviour activities and interventions. Moreover, we propose the adherence assessment method based on the variety of user engagement measures, which also can be divided into subjective questionnaire-based measures, and objective metrics based on behaviour analysis and mobile app analytics

    Navigation infrastructure for people with disabilities

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    The importance of navigation support for people with disability has been demonstrated by convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This paper presents the navigation infrastructure for people with disabilities. The infrastructure includes map generation service, web interface, mobile services. Also we purpose method of target area examination by volunteers. Using a modified Openstreetmap road graph allows you to build more precise routes. Introduced classification of obstacles types allows you to identify problems in the path of a person with disabilities. Application of Dijkstra's-based algorithm with modified edge weights allows you to find safe traffic routes. The results of testing on the pilot region allow us to estimate the amount of work required to improve the quality of people's live with disabilities

    An ontology-based semantic design of the survey questionnaires

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    Questionnaire is the most common tool of data collection for the purposes of either assessment of the trend of observed parameter of the individual, or statistical survey. Due to the prevalence of mobile devices, the cost of questionnaire-based data gathering from the respondents became extremely low, and thus, collecting of the information can be easily reiterated, providing the deep insight of the studied phenomenon. From the other hand, regular questionnaire-based data collection inevitably leads to the significant growth of the recorded information and to the necessity of automatic processing, e.g., the reasoning on the data to take a decisions. In this paper, the generic ontology for representing questionnaires in machine-readable form is proposed. The presented ontology is intended to use in decision support systems and in personalized smart environments

    On the Semantic Approach to Service Development for Socio-Cyber-Medicine Systems

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    In a Cyber-Medicine System (CMS), the Internet is used to deliver healthcare services, such as medical consultations, diagnosis, and prescriptions. Services allow end-users (patients) online access to consultations and treatment with medical professionals. When the services benefit from the end-users activity and collaborative work, then the system becomes Social CMS (SCMS). In this position paper, we discuss how SCMS can be implemented based on the semantic approach. As in the generic case of smart environments, an additional layer is introduced— the semantic layer, where all system and domain objects are virtually integrated: multisource data, ongoing processes, situation attributes, reasoning rules, and human activity. The objects are dynamically related leading to a knowledge-rich structure in the form of a semantic network. Semantic algorithms are used for data mining in this network. The derived knowledge feeds construction of context-aware information services to support medical professionals as well as to assist mobile patients

    Психогенетика пространственных способностей человека

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    Introduction. This scientific review aims to understand the etiology of human spatial abilities. Spatial thinking is a complex combination of cognitive abilities related to recognizing, transforming, and storing information about objects and predicting the transformation of interactions among them under the influence of other factors. In this work we tend to provide the most complete description of spatial abilities as a specific type of mental activity that underlies practical and theoretical problem-solving in the framework of psychology and genetics to emphasize the importance of synthesizing the experimental data and psychological foundations of spatial intelligence. Theoretical Basis. This review presents the results of genetically informative studies of human spatial abilities. Since the ability to orientate in space is an integral characteristic of all living organisms, spatial abilities are of evolutionary and adaptive importance. In cognitive psychology, spatial skills are understood as the ability to operate with mental spatial images, schemes, and models of reality. Moreover, these abilities vary widely among individuals. The analysis of the etiology of these individual differences showed a significant contribution (69 %) of hereditary factors in the formation of spatial abilities. The results of twin studies indicate the need for searching specific polymorphic variants in genes involved in the development of spatial skills. Large-scale longitudinal studies have shown that spatial abilities are a reliable predictor of individuals’ achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Therefore, studying their molecular-genetic mechanisms merits special attention. Results and Discussion. Various experimental studies on the psychogenetics of human spatial abilities first reported very interesting findings confirming their hereditary nature. Thus, spatial intelligence is a moderately heritable trait, which development involves a wide range of genetic factors causing the activation of various signaling pathways of the metabolism of the human organism.Введение. Представленный научный обзор направлен на понимание этиологии пространственных способностей человека. Пространственное мышление – сложный комплекс когнитивных способностей, позволяющих распознавать, преобразовывать и сохранять информацию об объектах, прогнозировать трансформацию взаимодействий между ними под влиянием прочих факторов. Настоящая работа направлена на получение наиболее полного описания пространственных способностей как специфического вида умственной деятельности, лежащего в основе выполнения практических и теоретических задач, решаемых индивидом, с позиции психологии и генетики, чтобы подчеркнуть важность синтеза накопленных экспериментальных данных и психологических основ пространственного интеллекта в общем. Теоретическое обоснование. Представлен обзор результатов генетически информативных исследований пространственных способностей человека. Так как умение ориентироваться в пространстве является неотъемлемой чертой всех живых организмов, пространственные способности имеют эволюционно-адаптивное значение и также важны для индивида. В когнитивной психологии под пространственными навыками понимаются способности оперировать мысленными пространственными образами, схемами, моделями реальности, причем эти способности существенно различаются между людьми. Анализ этиологии этих индивидуальных различий выявил значительный вклад (69 %) наследственных факторов в формирование пространственных способностей. Результаты близнецовых исследований ставят задачу поиска конкретных полиморфных вариантов в генах, вовлеченных в развитие пространственных навыков. В целом ряде масштабных лонгитюдных исследований показано, что пространственные способности являются надежным предиктором достижений человека в области естественных наук, технологий, инженерии и математики (STEM), поэтому изучение их молекулярно-генетических механизмов представляется важной и актуальной задачей. Результаты и их обсуждение. В ходе проведения различного рода экспериментальных работ по психогенетике пространственных способностей человека были впервые получены весьма интересные данные, подтверждающие их наследственную природу. Выявлено, что пространственный интеллект является умеренно наследуемым признаком, в развитии которого задействован широкий спектр генетических факторов, обуславливающих активацию различных сигнальных путей метаболизма организма человека