90 research outputs found

    Fabrication and deterministic transfer of high quality quantum emitter in hexagonal boron nitride

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    Color centers in solid state crystals have become a frequently used system for single photon generation, advancing the development of integrated photonic devices for quantum optics and quantum communication applications. In particular, defects hosted by two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are a promising candidate for next-generation single photon sources, due to its chemical and thermal robustness and high brightness at room temperature. The 2D crystal lattice of hBN allows for a high extraction efficiency and easy integration into photonic circuits. Here we develop plasma etching techniques with subsequent high temperature annealing to reliably create defects. We show how different fabrication parameters influence the defect formation probability and the emitter brightness. A full optical characterization reveals the higher quality of the created quantum emitters, represented by a narrow spectrum, short excited state lifetime and high single photon purity. We also investigated the photostability on short and very long timescales. We utilize a wet chemically-assisted transfer process to reliably transfer the single photon sources onto arbitrary substrates, demonstrating the feasibility for the integration into scalable photonic quantum information processing networks.Comment: revised versio

    Hydrogenation and Hydro-Carbonation and Etching of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present a systematic experimental investigation of the reactions between hydrogen plasma and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) at various temperatures. Microscopy, infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy and electrical transport measurements are carried out to investigate the properties of SWNTs after hydrogenation. Structural deformations, drastically reduced electrical conductance and increased semiconducting nature of SWNTs upon sidewall hydrogenation are observed. These changes are reversible upon thermal annealing at 500C via dehydrogenation. Harsh plasma or high temperature reactions lead to etching of nanotube likely via hydro-carbonation. Smaller SWNTs are markedly less stable against hydro-carbonation than larger tubes. The results are fundamental and may have implications to basic and practical applications including hydrogen storage, sensing, band-gap engineering for novel electronics and new methods of manipulation, functionalization and etching of nanotubes.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Space-compatible cavity-enhanced single-photon generation with hexagonal boron nitride

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    Sources of pure and indistinguishable single-photons are critical for near-future optical quantum technologies. Recently, color centers hosted by two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) have emerged as a promising platform for high luminosity room temperature single-photon sources. Despite the brightness of the emitters, the spectrum is rather broad and the single-photon purity is not sufficient for practical quantum information processing. Here, we report integration of such a quantum emitter hosted by hBN into a tunable optical microcavity. A small mode volume of the order of λ3\lambda^3 allows us to Purcell enhance the fluorescence, with the observed excited state lifetime shortening. The cavity significantly narrows the spectrum and improves the single-photon purity by suppression of off-resonant noise. We explore practical applications by evaluating the performance of our single-photon source for quantum key distribution and quantum computing. The complete device is compact and implemented on a picoclass satellite platform, enabling future low-cost satellite-based long-distance quantum networks

    An optically-gated AuNP–DNA protonic transistor

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    Bio-interface transistors, which manipulate the transportation of ions (i.e. protons), play an important role in bridging physical devices with biological functionalities, because electrical signals are carried by ions/protons in biological systems. All available ionic transistors use electrostatic gates to tune the ionic carrier density, which requires complicated interconnect wires. In contrast, an optical gate, which offers the advantages of remote control as well as multiple light wavelength selections, has never been explored for ionic devices. Here, we demonstrate a light-gated protonic transistor fabricated from an Au nanoparticle and DNA (AuNP–DNA) hybrid membrane. The device can be turned on and off completely by using light, with a high on/off current ratio of up to 2 orders of magnitude. Moreover, the device only responds to specific light wavelengths due to the plasmonic effect from the AuNPs, which enables the capability of wavelength selectivity. Our results open up new avenues for exploring remotely controlled ionic circuits, in vivo protonic switches, and other biomedical applications

    High-Efficiency Monolayer Molybdenum Ditelluride Light-Emitting Diode and Photodetector

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    Developing a high-efficiency and low-cost light source with emission wavelength transparent to silicon is an essential step toward silicon-based nanophotonic devices and micro/nano industry platforms. Here, a near-infrared monolayer MoTe2 light-emitting diode (LED) has been demonstrated and its emission wavelength is transparent to silicon. By taking advantage of the quantum tunneling effect, the device has achieved a very high external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 9.5% at 83 K, which is the highest EQE obtained from LED devices fabricated from monolayer TMDs so far. When the device is operated as a photodetector, the MoTe2 device exhibits a strong photoresponsivity at resonant wavelength 1145 nm. The low dark current of ∼5pA and fast response time 5.06 ms are achieved due to suppression of hBN tunneling layer. Our results open a new route for the investigation of novel near-infrared silicon integrated optoelectronic devicesThe authors acknowledge Financial support from ANU Ph.D. student scholarship, China Scholarship Council, ANU Major Equipment Committee fund (14MEC34), Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) (DE140100805) and ARC Discovery Project (DP180103238)

    Proton-driven patterning of bulk transition metal dichalcogenides

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    At the few-atom-thick limit, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit a host of attractive electronic optical, and structural properties. The possibility to pattern these properties has a great impact on applied and fundamental research. Here, we demonstrate spatial control over the light emission, lattice deformation, and hydrogen storage in bulk TMDs. By low-energy proton irradiation, we create uniquely favorable conditions for the production and accumulation of molecular hydrogen just one or few monolayers beneath the crystal basal plane of bulk WS2, WSe2, WTe2, MoSe2, and MoS2 samples. H2 therein produced coalesces to form bubbles, which lead to the localized swelling of one X-M-X plane prevalently. This results eventually in the creation of atomically thin domes filled with molecular hydrogen at 10 atm. The domes emit light strongly well above room temperature and can store H2 indefinitely. They can be produced with the desired density, well-ordered positions, and size tunable from the nanometer to the micrometer scale, thus providing a template for the manageable and durable mechanical and electronic structuring of two-dimensional materials
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