15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Wajib Pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Samarinda

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    The purpose of this study was to determine simultaneously or partial significant effect of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy for the taxpayer as well as the satisfaction of knowing the most dominant variable affecting the satisfaction of taxpayers in Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama SamarindaVariable reliability (X2) has dominant influence on consumer satisfaction Tax Office Primary t value Samarinda because most of the 9.796. Similarly, the value of the standardized beta coefficients greater than 0.743 standardized beta coefficients other variables.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui secara simultan atau parsial pengaruh yang signifikan dari bukti langsung, keandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak serta mengetahui variabel yang berpengaruh paling dominan terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama SamarindaVariabel keandalan (X2) mempunyai pengaruh dominan terhadap kepuasan konsumen Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Samarinda karena nilai t hitungnya yang paling besar 9,796. Demikian juga nilai standardized coefficients betanya 0,743 lebih besar dari nilai standardized coefficients beta variable lainnya

    Perancangan Buku Esai Foto Kehidupan Pengrajin Logam Di Kawasan Situs Trowulan Mojokerto

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    Situs Trowulan adalah situs yang terkenal di Provinsi Jawa Timur karena dengan adanya beberapa peninggalan situs-situs Kerajaan Majapahit. Selain itu juga terkenal dengan kerajinan pembuatan patung berbahan logam.Kehidupan dan sisi lain dari seorang pengrajin logam sangatlah menarik untuk diamati karena di daerah perkotaan tidak ditemukan profesi perajin patung logam. Apalagi profesi sebagai seorang perajin patung merupakan profesi sebagian besar masyrakat yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar kawasan situs Trowulan, namun sebagian dari mereka adalah perajin patung dengan bahan dasar batu arca.Melalui perancangan buku esai fotografi kehidupan perajin logam di situs Trowulan, penulis memperoleh banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru di antaranya adalah mengetahui sisi lain dari kehidupan perajin logam mulai dari lingkungan sekitar, spiritual, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, penulis memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai proses pembuatan patung logam dengan detail dimulai dari proses membuat desain hingga patung logam terbentuk. Maka dari itu dibuat suatu perancangan buku yang dapat memberikan media infomasi dan media promosi kepada masyarakat khususnya untuk wisatawan secara visual mengenai perajin logam di situs Trowulan

    Program Application Page Web Browser to Display Using the Internet in Delphi 5

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    The Internet is an unlimited source of information, information on the Internet arepresented in various forms. One form of information available on the Internet is theWorld Wide Web (WWW). WWW is a form of multimedia information preparedusing language that is Hypertaxt Markup Language (HTML).To access the WWW needed a web browser. Web Browser works as a client Dimanclient requested a file from a server in the form of HTML and also displaysinformation to the desktop in the form of multimedia.To create a Web Browser needed an object-oriented programming language calledObject Oriented Program (OOP). One of these programming languages are Delphi 5.With Delphi 5 is very possible someone can make a web browser, since Delphi 5support in the Internet-based programming

    Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

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    Identification include fingerprint, property, medical, dental, serologic and exclusion methods. In the development, identification methods led to molecular forensics, a new field of science evolving since the 1980s, known as DNA fingerprinting. Blood spots/bloods, semen spots, vaginal swabs, buccal swabs and bones are specimens widely used in DNA assay for identification. In addition to these specimens, the last objects often used by the perpetrators/victims can be used, such as hearing aids (headsets/earphones). In its use, earphones are attached to the outer ear skin; thus, the earwax is suspected to adhere to the device. To date, in Indonesia personal identification is performed through swabs of earphones/headsets using the DNA profiling method. In particular, mitochondrial DNA has not been widely used for identification. The present study was of laboratory experimental. Earphones which have been used for 3 days were placed in room temperature for 1, 7, 14 and 20 days. Results showed that the environmental factor of exposure duration had an effect of a significant decrease in the levels of DNA from day 1 to day 20. Only 126-bp mtDNA (HVS II) was detected on the samples of day 1 and continued with sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA has better durability and relatively higher number of copies than those of nuclear DNA. This leads to greater possibility of success in amplification, given the higher number of mitochondrial DNA copies and the fact that mitochondrial DNA is a single locus that allows recombination

    Training on Implementation of Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2013 and Assessment Record to Increase Teachers Competence

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    Early childhood education (ECE) Curriculum 2013 has been socialized since 2014, and had been prior testedin some kindergarten Pembina. Other early childhood institutions must use the curriculum 2013 started in oddsemester of 2015. Early childhood education Curriculum 2013 focuses on scientific approaches and authenticassessment, in order to give children more space and challenge to freely develop their potential. In the processof implementation, many early childhood education teachers face difficulties in interpreting the needs of thenew curriculum, especially on how to conduct activities based on scientific approach, and assess childrendevelopment authentically. This fact occurs might be because of the socialization and training of theCurriculum 2013 were only theoretical based, rather than provide more practices to the participants. To solvethese problems, the Center for Japanese Studies of Sebelas Maret University organized training for ECEteachers in Sukoharjo and Klaten on how to implement the Curriculum 2013. This training provided anexample of scientific approach based-activities and method to do recording of authentic assessment. It aimedto train teachers to be able immediately put it into practice in the classroom. Results from the training areteachers have increased their competences in the preparation of learning tools, scientific approach basedactivities,anddoauthenticassessmentprocess

    The Effect of Government Regulation on Coal as Export Commodities and Downstream Effort Through Coal Liquefaction (Systems Dynamic Modelling Approach)

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    Coal is still treated as an export commodity. On the other hand, the government is expecting additional value from the coal sector, among other, through coal liquefaction. The role of the government has been demonstrated through regulation, but there have been no concrete results to realize the downstream effort of coal. To find out to what extent is the optimum coal composition between the coal exported as commodity and coal used for liquefaction, it is analyzed by systems dynamic modeling method in several scenarios. The results show that there are several scenarios that suitable as Government alternative by fine-tuning the royalty instrument and the portion of state revenue. Scenario II plausibly be the best proposal that is to seek coal for downstream effort through liquefaction in order to liquefy the coal by 50%, while still allocating the remaining portion for the sale of coal as a commodity. This is reinforced because factually there is portion of coal as a commodity being sold domestically as fuel of power plant (PLTU). In Scenario II, coal liquefaction begins to provide a positive cumulative cash flow difference to the baseline after assuming a pre-set condition of royalty at 0% and the state revenue portion in the range of 60% - 80%. The imposition of a royalty of 5% can still be maintained, provided that it remains collaborated with a decrease in the portion of state revenue. This is because the decline in the portion of state revenue is very significant in increasing the cumulative cash flow of coal liquefaction. The state revenue portion can be installed in the range of 60% - 70% on the grounds that this coal liquefaction activity is a process of increasing the value-added that has an impact on the economy

    Pendidikan Karakter Indigenous dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an

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    This study aims to reveal the formulation of concepts and models for the implementation of indigenous character education in the Al-Qur'an perspective for students in premarital, prenatal, and golden ages. The interpretation method of al-Maudhu'i and a qualitative approach are used in this dissertation, in order to produce descriptive data through observation of the letters and verses of the Qur'an, and the science associated with indigenous character education in the perspective of the Qur'an. The results of this study, among others, revealed; 1). Formulation of concepts and models for the implementation of indigenous character education in the perspective of the Qur'an; 2). Religious indigenous character, love for the homeland, intellectuality from the Prophets (Prophet Adam, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Muhammad); 3). Character of religious indigenous, love of homeland, taqwā intellectuality (kindness); 4). Religious indigenous character, homeland love, intellectuality fujūr (evil); 5). Formulation of the "TADZKIROH PLUS" implementation model in premarital, prenatal, and golden ages. The conclusion of this study, among others, is that in the perspective of science and the Qur'an, humans from birth have two types of indigenous characters in pairs and are mutually opposite, namely the character of goodness (taqwâ) and character of ugliness (fujûr). Actualization and development through character education that maximizes the character of goodness (taqwâ) and minimizes the character of badness (fujûr)