55 research outputs found

    Development of Lessons Using Balls Aimed at Deep Learning actively and interactively: Through giving lessons for two games focused on "spatial visions"

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    本研究は,体育科のボール運動の実践において,これまでの課題を改善し,論点整理に示された「主体的・対話的で深い学び」が実現されるように,子どもたちが「よい動き」を合意形成し,その動きを活用しながら主体的に学んでいくことができる学習指導の在り方を明らかにしていくことをねらいとする。そのために,「アルティメット」「ハンドボール」という二つのゴール型ゲームの実践を通して,教師の設定した三つの手立てが有効であったかを考察した。「空間的視点」を課題解決のために必要な知識として設定し,単元を進めていったことで,子どもたちは自ら意思決定した動きについて分析し,仲間と吟味するようになっていった。今後は,より自己の動きに対する実感が持てるような教材開発に取り組み,深い教材理解と研究を積み重ねていく必要性を感じた。This study aims at clarification of guidance on how children will reach a consensus of what "good motions" are and learn the motions actively in lessons for using balls in order to realize "deep learning activetly and interactively" through improving some problems. The researcher scrutinized whether the three means set by the researcher were effective through two games: ultimate frisbee and handball. In each lesson, the researcher set "spatial visions" as necessary knowledge to solve a problem. As a result, this study revealed that children analyzed their motions with their decision, and inquired about them with their friends. Further studies are required to develop teaching materials to deepen their understanding of each motion, and further studies are needed to understand teaching materials and continue doing studies

    Instruction on Rhythm Play in a Systematic Learning : Through a Lesson "Dance♪Dance☆Dance" Focusing on Hesitation in Dancing

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    本研究では,初めてリズム遊びの学習に出会う子どもたちの「踊ることへの抵抗感」に着目し,抵抗感を取り除くための方法を手立てとして,学習内容を明確にし,系統的に学習を進めていった3つの実践について事例を挙げて報告している。「踊ることへの抵抗感」を緩和するために,子どもたちが経験したことのある動きを習得し,「よい動き」を合意形成しながら活用→探求していった実際の実践を述べながら,子どもたちの動きや表現が変わっていく様子を考察していった。子どもたちの「踊ることへの抵抗感」を順に取りのぞき,系統的に学習を進めることで,子どもたちは動きをアレンジし、試行錯誤しながら表現をしていく姿が見られることがわかった。今後は,さらに1年生から中学2年生までの8年間で「何を教え,子どもたちに考え表現させていくのか」を明確に,そして系統的につながっていくように学習内容を整理していきたい。The present study, a case study of physical education class in an elementary school, focused on hesitations of pupils, who experience rhythm play for the first time, clarifying learning contents and implementing three case lessons based on systematic learning to remove the hesitation. This study explains the changes in pupils' movements and expressions through the lesson aiming to relive the hesitations. During the lesson, the pupils acquired movements that they had experiences of, made their understandings of good movement, and utilized and further explored the movement. The lesson removed pupils' hesitations one after another through a systematic learning, which encouraged the pupils to arrange movements and managed to express their feeling/rhythm. Further investigations are expected to organize systematic learning contents about what to teach and what pupils should think and express within eight years from first to eighth year

    Spin-Torque Diode Measurements of MgO-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Asymmetric Electrodes

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    We present a detailed study of the spin-torque diode effect in CoFeB/MgO/CoFe/NiFe magnetic tunnel junctions. From the evolution of the resonance frequency with magnetic field at different angles, we clearly identify the free-layer mode and find an excellent agreement with simulations by taking into account several terms for magnetic anisotropy. Moreover, we demonstrate the large contribution of the out-of-plane torque in our junctions with asymmetric electrodes compared to the in-plane torque. Consequently, we provide a way to enhance the sensitivity of these devices for the detection of microwave frequency

    Evidence of Two Way X-Ray Emission from Pyroelectric Crystal

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     タンタル酸リチウム単結晶の加熱/ 冷却に伴うX 線発生現象について,真空度および昇温温度を制御した実験を行い,その発生機構について検討した.X 線発生は既往の報告より三桁高い真空度10-4 Pa でも起こり,X線発生終了までの全積分強度は1 Paまで一定であった.タンタル酸リチウム単結晶の焦電性を利用したX線発生は,結晶表面近傍で起こる放電に伴って残留ガスより生じる高密度の荷電粒子の衝突を起源とする数分以内で終了する現象と,もともと残留ガス中に存在する荷電粒子を起源として10分以上継続するものとの二元機構であると結論された.焦電結晶の昇温する速度を一定にすることでX線発生強度が一定となる時間を延長することができた.X-ray emission behavior from a LiTaO3 pyroelectric single crystal during heating and cooling procedure was investigated by controlling the degree of vacuum in the range of 10-4 through 20 Pa, and the heating procedure. X-ray emission was confirmed at the vacuum degree of 10-4 Pa, which was higher than those for previous reports by three orders of magnitude. The total emission intensity was almost constant in the vacuum range among 10-4 Pa and 1 Pa. X-ray emission with the use of pyroelectricity was caused by individual two processes: One is accompanied by electric discharge around z-plane of LiTaO3 single crystal within a few minutes, and is sensitive to the degree of vacuum; the other is caused by collision of floating charged particles onto the plane. X-ray emission related to the floating particles continues more than 10 minutes and is less sensitive to the vacuum. The emission intensity could be kept constant for 10 min by controlling heating rate of LiTaO3

    Development of a Learning Model Effective for the Neck Spring Vault Exercise for Elementary School Children

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    本研究は,「首はね跳び」につなげるための学習モデルの開発を目的としている。本年度は,台上で行う「首はね跳び」の前段階として,頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するための下位教材として,「前転ブリッジ」に焦点を当てて研究を行った。 本研究により,「首はね跳び」に必要な腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,アンテナブリッジで腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得した後に,前転ブリッジにおいて頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得する学習モデルが有効であることが分かった。また,前転ブリッジにおいて腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,前転のスピードコントロールを意識させる学習が必要になることが明らかとなった。This research aimed to develop a learning model effective for the neck spring. In the current academic year, we researched the preliminary step in the neck spring on the vault and focused on the forward roll bridge as the lower-level teaching material to allow children to acquire the ability to perform a spring motion with hip subduction, including a forward roll. In this research, we found a learning model that is effective for children to acquire the spring motion with hip subduction. This spring motion is necessary for neck spring vault exercise. Our model allows children to acquire this spring motion, which includes a forward roll bridge, after acquiring a similar spring motion with hip subduction and an antenna bridge. We also clarified that this learning model allows children to be conscious of controlling the speed of their forward roll. This is necessary for performing the spring motion with hip subduction in the forward roll bridge

    Development of Materials for “Goal” Games Focused on “Movement without a Ball (Tactical Movement)”: Practical Study Conducted in the Classes of Middle and High Grades of an Elementary School and a Middle School

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    本研究は「ゴール型」ゲームの「ボールを持たない動き(戦術的な動き)」を中心的な学習課題として設定した教材の開発を目的としている。その教材として,ハンドボールを選択し,小学校中学年から中学校までの発達段階に応じた「つけたい力」を明確にして実践を行い,検討を行った。本研究により,「ボールを持たないときの動き」を子どもたちが思考し,実際にその動きを獲得するためには,ゴール前の空間をいかに攻めるかが課題となった。つまり,その空間にボール非保持者がどのように走りこむのか,走りこむための空間をどのようにうみ出すのかが,どの学年でも共通の課題となり学習を進めることになった。これは,ハンドボールという教材が,ゴールエリアラインよりゴール側は攻撃も守備もはいることができない空間があったからだと考える。したがって,本教材は,「ボールを持たないときの動き」を学習していく「ゴール型」ゲームの教材として有効であったと考察した。The purpose of this study was to develop materials focused on the learning task of “movement without a ball (tactical movement)” in “goal” games. The students practiced handball in a class with the clear purpose of acquiring the “targeted skills” appropriate to their developmental stages. We examined how to practice to achieve this goal. The students considered the “movement without a ball,” finding it difficult to run into the space facing the goal, and deliberated how to create that space. This was a common challenge across grades that facilitated their learning. This active learning was thought to be caused by the fact that there was a space in front of the goal in the handball court wherein neither the offence nor the defense could run. Therefore, we concluded that handball was effective as material that focuses on “movement without a ball.