52 research outputs found

    Using Participatory Simulation Support Learning Algorithms

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    During learning computer science theory, it is essential to learn sorting algorithms, but it is not easy to understand the concept of the different sorting algorithms. This paper describes a system called PLASPS (PDA-based Learning Algorithm System Using Participatory Simulation). This is an interactive simulation system to learn the sorting algorithms. Learners use it to deeply understand the sorting algorithms. Using this system, the teacher can assign tasks to his student and ask them to sort a list of numbers according to a certain algorithm. Learners receive these tasks, collaborate together and send the result to the server. The system will check it and feedback the student with the positions of the numbers if there is a mistake. The learners will correct the number positions and send it back to the server. Learners can understand the algorithm through the dissections and their errors. This system is like ‘scaffolding’. Scaffolding is a great technique that can help the students to master understanding the sorting algorithm. At the beginning, this system assists the students by supporting some instructions, and later the fading process is starting where the students have to practice independently. There are two parts in this system, one is the system-driven, which uses scaffolding technique, and the other is the learner-driven, which allows the student to work independently. This system was developed and evaluated. In this paper, we describe how the system uses participatory simulation environment for sorting algorithm learning, how we use the scaffolding technique to develop this system. We also describe the implementation of the PLASPS, the evaluation of the system and the plan of the future work.Dept. of information science and Intelligent Systems, University of Tokushima, Japa

    ユビキタス ギジュツ オ モチイタ コウガク ノ ミリョク オ ツタエル キョウイク ケンキュウ プロジェクト : Niche-Learning ノ ウンヨウ オ ツウジテ エラレタ カダイ ト キョウクン

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    “Niche-Learning” is a method of digital signage for delivering digital learning materials (e.g., short video and slideshow) to public spaces on a university campus. Niche-Learning prototype has been installed to a public space at the University of Tokushima as a university internal project and over two years passed. This paper outlines the Niche-Learning and describes considerations of “Sustainable Niche-Learning” with reviewing the past management of Niche-Learning. We recognized that the following aspects were important for sustainable Niche-Learning: (1) how we should increase the number of collaborators, (2) how we should increase the number of contents (learning materials), (3) how we should win the university’s understanding, (4) how we should acquire budgets, and (5) how we should reflect efforts in (academic) achievement

    Supporting ubiquitous language learning with RFID tags

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    Ubiquitous computing will help in the organization and mediation of social interactions wherever and whenever these situations might occur. With those technologies, learning environment can be embedded in real daily life. Especially, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags are very useful and important technology to realize ubiquitous computing, because they are able to bridge real objects and information in a virtual world. RFID tags will be embedded in a lot of physical objects in the near future in order to trace products shipping, and so forth. Also, this paper proposes a computer-assisted language learning (CALL) using RFID tags, which is called TANGO (Tag Added learNinG Objects).TANGO detects the objects around the learner using RFID tags, and asks the learner appropriate questions for vocabulary learning in daily life with PDA. There are two different kinds of users of this system: one of them is an overseas University Student in Japan, who wants to learn Japanese Language; the other is a Japanese Student who is interested in English as a second language and plays an important role as a helper for the overseas student. They can share their knowledge through RFID tags and learn language with authentic and tangible objects. In the experiment conducted, the learners were very interested in this system.Dept. of Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokushima, Japa

    EDB オ リヨウ シタ ガクシュウ ケイロ タンサク オ シエン スル e シラバス システム ノ コウチク

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    徳島大学では、教育・研究者情報データベース(EDB)が稼働しており、シラバスの作成やWeb閲覧に利用してきた。現在、教育を学習の基盤(教学インフラ)開発の1つとして、授業科目間の関連性を動的にグラフ表示する。eシラバスシステムの構築を行っている。eシラバスの構築にあたり、各授業科目のシラバスに、キーワード、先行科目、関連科目の3つの項目を新たに設けた。EDBのデータ保存形式であるXMLは汎用性が高く、1つのテキストファイルで構造化データを表現できるため、配布されるCD-ROMにそのまま格納することで、Webを介さずに科目間の関連性をグラフ表示可能である。eシラバスの実現により、ネットワークを介して学習計画や学習経路探索が支援され、シラバスの使い勝手が向上する。In Tokushima University, the syllabus has been published and opened on the web using an Educator and Researcher Information Database (EDB). We are now developing an e-Syllabus system that represents graphically and dynamically the relationships between lectures. This development represents one of the improvements of infrastructure for education and learning. In order to construct the e-Syllabus, three new columns have been added to each lecture of the syllabus: keywords, preceding lectures and relational lectures. XML is used as a storage format for EDB; it allows us to represent the structured data within on a text file that can be stored on a CD-ROM. Thus, without accessing the web, it is possible to represent graphically and discover the relations between the lectures. This representation of the syllabus supports the students in the discovery of learning-paths and the definition of learning plan. Thus, the e-Syllabus system improves the convenience of using the syllabus

    キャンパス SNS Social Networking Service サトアイ ニオケル ガクセイ コウドウ ノ ブンセキ ト ガクセイ シエン ノ カノウセイ

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    現在,新しいコミュニケーションの形として様々なSNS(Social Networking Service)が生まれ,大 学においてもSNSの教育的活用が試行されている.我々はこうした動きに先駆け,新たな学生支援のツ ールとして2007年1月から徳島大学工学部を中心に「キャンパスSNS」 の運用を開始した.本研究で は,学生の視点に立った学生支援の在り方を探求するため本SNSのログデータから学生行動を分析した. その結果,学生は不特定多数の参加者との交流を好まず自分への関心に終始しがちな傾向が見られたが, 面識のない学生や世代の異なる参加者同士がコンテンツを通じて触れ合い現実の世界へと繋がった事例 もあった.これらをさらに発展させるため我々は学生を取り巻く教職員,卒業生,サポータと連携し, 多様な人材が出会うコミュニティの活動を支援した.このような大学版SNSの特徴を活かせば有効な学生支援が可能である.Recently,various Social Networking Services (SNSs) have been created as a new communication form.Educational utilization of SNS has also been attempted at universities. We started a Campus SNS as a new tool for supporting students begun by the Department of Engineering of the University of Tokushima in January 2007. For supporting university students by elucidating the students' perspective,this paper describes results of analyses of the students' online behavior by extracting log data on Campus SNS. Results indicated that the students do not like communications with strangers on this SNS. They are strongly interested in issues relating to themselves. However,in some cases,they developed new actions through contents in the real world and took opportunities to meet unacquainted users of different generations. We cooperated with staff, graduates,and supporters associated with the students. We supported their community activities for building new human relations at universities. The advantages of university SNSs underscore that they are effective as new tools for supportings students

    Knowledge Awareness Map for Computer-Supported Ubiquitous Language-Learning

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    This paper describes a computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in a ubiquitous computing environment. In the environment called CLUE, the learners provide and share individual experience and interaction corpus and discuss about them. This paper focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of knowledge awareness map. The map visualizes the relationship between the shared knowledge and the current and past interactions of learners. The map plays a very important role for finding peer helpers, and inducing collaboration. 1

    Context-aware support for computer-supported ubiquitous learning

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    This paper describes a computer supported ubiquitous learning environment for language learning. This paper proposes two systems. The first is contextaware language-learning support system for Japanese polite expressions learning, which is called JAPELAS (Japanese polite expressions learning assisting system). This system provides learner the appropriate polite expressions deriving the learner’s situation and personal information. The second system is called TANGO (Tag Added learNinG Objects) system, which detects the objects around learner using RFID tags, and provides the learner the educational information. This paper describes the preliminary evaluation of those two systems. 1

    Collecting Organizational Memory Based on Social Networks in Collaborative Learning

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    The exploration of social networks is essential to find capable collaborators who can help problem-solving and to augment cooperation between users. This paper describes PeCoMediator-II for seeking for a collaborator with the chain of personal connections (PeCo) in distributed organizations. Moreover, this system helps gathering, exploring, and visualizing social networks. The experimental results show that the system facilitates that learners encounter collaborators and develop a new helpful relationship beyond the classroom

    Combining Social Networks and Collaborative Learning in Distributed Organizations

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    The exploration of social networks is essential to find capable collaborators who can help problem-solving and to augment cooperation between users. This paper describes PeCo-Mediator-II for seeking for a collaborator with the chain of personal connections (PeCo) in distributed organizations. Moreover, this system helps gathering, exploring, and visualizing social networks. The experimental results show that the system facilitates that learners encounter collaborators and develop a new helpful relationship beyond the classroom. Keywords: Collaborative learning, personal connections, on-line social networks, collaborative help networks, mediation, and software agents