75 research outputs found

    Pseudo Floating-Gate and Reverse Signal Flow

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    Erfaringer fra strukturert peer review ved bruk av et egetutviklet sensureringsprogram

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    Peer review eller fagfellevurdering er en stadig vanligere metode som kan bidra til a? øke læringsutbytte. I denne studien retter sudentene medstudenters besvarelser. Det viser seg at metoden gir studentene økt læringsutbytte og større faglig refleksjon. Studien ble gjennomført ved a? bruke siste a?rs eksamen som utgangspunkt for en fagfellevurdering. Et eget dataprogram er utviklet for strukturert gjennomføring av sensureng eller fagfellevurdering. Det viser seg at studenter som deltok i fagfellevurderingen gjennomga?ende fikk bedre resultat pa? avsluttende eksamen. Dette tyder pa? at strukturert fagfellevurdering gjennomført av studenter gir økt læringsutbytte. Resultatene kan ogsa? komme til nytte for faglærere

    Ultra low-voltage CMOS current mirrors

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    Lower-order compensation chain threshold-reduction technique for multi-stage voltage multipliers

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    This paper presents a novel threshold-compensation technique for multi-stage voltage multipliers employed in low power applications such as passive and autonomous wireless sensing nodes (WSNs) powered by energy harvesters. The proposed threshold-reduction technique enables a topological design methodology which, through an optimum control of the trade-off among transistor conductivity and leakage losses, is aimed at maximizing the voltage conversion efficiency (VCE) for a given ac input signal and physical chip area occupation. The conducted simulations positively assert the validity of the proposed design methodology, emphasizing the exploitable design space yielded by the transistor connection scheme in the voltage multiplier chain. An experimental validation and comparison of threshold-compensation techniques was performed, adopting 2N5247 N-channel junction field effect transistors (JFETs) for the realization of the voltage multiplier prototypes. The attained measurements clearly support the effectiveness of the proposed threshold-reduction approach, which can significantly reduce the chip area occupation for a given target output performance and ac input signal

    Studentaktivisering gjennom bruk av hverandrevurdering for førstesemesters studenter i Canvas LMS: en forsøksstudie

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    I denne forsøksstudien har vi gjennomført hverandrevurdering på et førsteårs-emne i informatikk. Hverandrevurdering fremheves i forskningen som en metode for å aktivisere studentene, og å styrke deres læring og metakognisjon. Ikke minst kan det å vurdere andres faglige prestasjoner være en måte for begynnerstudenter å utvikle innsikt i de faglige kriteriene og arbeidsmåtene i faget. Det kan også bidra til deres forståelse av egen læringsprosess og hvordan de best kan jobbe med studiene. Vi brukte Canvasfunksjonen Rubrics og SpeedGrader til å administrere hverandrevurdering av 524 studentbesvarelser. Det vi ønsket å undersøke var hvordan studentene erfarte denne typen læringsaktivitet; hvorvidt studentenes vurderinger var i tråd med faglærers vurdering; på hvilken måte og i hvilken grad hverandrevurderingen bidro til studentenes læring; samt hvordan data generert gjennom denne aktiviteten gir informasjon til faglærer som kunne brukes til å forbedre og tilpasse undervisningen. Til tross for enkelte tekniske mangler og utfordringer ga forsøket mange positive resultater

    Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection: a test-negative case-control study with additional population controls in Norway

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    Objectives This study aims to assess risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection by combined design; first comparing positive cases to negative controls as determined by PCR testing and then comparing these two groups to an additional prepandemic population control group. Design and setting Test-negative design (TND), multicentre case–control study with additional population controls in South-Eastern Norway. Participants Adults who underwent SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing between February and December 2020. PCR-positive cases, PCR-negative controls and additional age-matched population controls. Primary outcome measures The associations between various risk factors based on self- reported questionnaire and SARS-CoV-2 infection comparing PCR-positive cases and PCR-negative controls. Using subgroup analysis, the risk factors for both PCR-positive and PCR-negative participants were compared with a population control group. Results In total, 400 PCR-positive cases, 719 PCR-negative controls and 14 509 population controls were included. Male sex was associated with the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection only in the TND study (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.4 to 2.6), but not when PCR-positive cases were compared with population controls (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.9. to 1.5). Some factors were positively (asthma, wood heating) or negatively (hypertension) associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection when PCR-positive cases were compared with population controls, but lacked convincing association in the TND study. Smoking was negatively associated with the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in both analyses (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.3 to 0.8 and OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.8). Conclusions Male sex was a possible risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection only in the TND study, whereas smoking was negatively associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in both the TND study and when using population controls. Several factors were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection when PCR-positive cases were compared with population controls, but not in the TND study, highlighting the strength of combining case–control study designs during the pandemic.publishedVersio