314 research outputs found

    A Syntactic Neural Model for General-Purpose Code Generation

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    We consider the problem of parsing natural language descriptions into source code written in a general-purpose programming language like Python. Existing data-driven methods treat this problem as a language generation task without considering the underlying syntax of the target programming language. Informed by previous work in semantic parsing, in this paper we propose a novel neural architecture powered by a grammar model to explicitly capture the target syntax as prior knowledge. Experiments find this an effective way to scale up to generation of complex programs from natural language descriptions, achieving state-of-the-art results that well outperform previous code generation and semantic parsing approaches.Comment: To appear in ACL 201

    On-the-fly Table Generation

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    Many information needs revolve around entities, which would be better answered by summarizing results in a tabular format, rather than presenting them as a ranked list. Unlike previous work, which is limited to retrieving existing tables, we aim to answer queries by automatically compiling a table in response to a query. We introduce and address the task of on-the-fly table generation: given a query, generate a relational table that contains relevant entities (as rows) along with their key properties (as columns). This problem is decomposed into three specific subtasks: (i) core column entity ranking, (ii) schema determination, and (iii) value lookup. We employ a feature-based approach for entity ranking and schema determination, combining deep semantic features with task-specific signals. We further show that these two subtasks are not independent of each other and can assist each other in an iterative manner. For value lookup, we combine information from existing tables and a knowledge base. Using two sets of entity-oriented queries, we evaluate our approach both on the component level and on the end-to-end table generation task.Comment: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieva

    Merging Weak and Active Supervision for Semantic Parsing

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    A semantic parser maps natural language commands (NLs) from the users to executable meaning representations (MRs), which are later executed in certain environment to obtain user-desired results. The fully-supervised training of such parser requires NL/MR pairs, annotated by domain experts, which makes them expensive to collect. However, weakly-supervised semantic parsers are learnt only from pairs of NL and expected execution results, leaving the MRs latent. While weak supervision is cheaper to acquire, learning from this input poses difficulties. It demands that parsers search a large space with a very weak learning signal and it is hard to avoid spurious MRs that achieve the correct answer in the wrong way. These factors lead to a performance gap between parsers trained in weakly- and fully-supervised setting. To bridge this gap, we examine the intersection between weak supervision and active learning, which allows the learner to actively select examples and query for manual annotations as extra supervision to improve the model trained under weak supervision. We study different active learning heuristics for selecting examples to query, and various forms of extra supervision for such queries. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on two different datasets. Experiments on the WikiSQL show that by annotating only 1.8% of examples, we improve over a state-of-the-art weakly-supervised baseline by 6.4%, achieving an accuracy of 79.0%, which is only 1.3% away from the model trained with full supervision. Experiments on WikiTableQuestions with human annotators show that our method can improve the performance with only 100 active queries, especially for weakly-supervised parsers learnt from a cold start.Comment: AAAI 2020 Main Track [Oral] (To appear
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