30 research outputs found
The perceptual evaluation of wall paintings in living quarters
This study was carried out in three different cities (Erzurum, Artvin and Tokat). The aim of the study was to determine people's preferences about wall paintings or pictures they have in their living quarters and the related wall painting-natural environment by putting forward the perceptions people get from the places in the pictures about their daily life. A total of 300 subjects, 100 in each city, were interviewed personally. It was found that the subjects mostly preferred the pictures characterizing a combination of seasons (37.0%), and they rarely preferred pictures characterizing winter season (1.0%). Pictures including seaside and sea landscape characteristics were the first on the preference list (M: 0.32). This was followed by pictures including forest, water and rural house landscape characteristics (M: 0.29). The majority of the interview participators (46.7%) stated that they would like to live in such places as illustrated in wall paintings and 22.0% of them reported they would not. It was determined that the paintings aroused a feeling of esthetical pleasure in people in their daily life (M: 0.47). It was concluded as a result of the study that wall paintings were significant, in that, they are one of the ways through which people living in urban settings could satisfy their longing for living in natural places
Kentsel Yaşam Alanı Memnuniyet ve Kamu Tercihi
The aim of the present study, which was carried out in three different cities of Turkey (Erzurum, Artvin, Tokat), is to determine satisfaction degree of urban people with the environment they live and to bring about their demands and biases for their living environs. The study includes totally 300 questionnaires conducted over subjects from each city. As the consequence of the study it was found that people in Erzurum and Tokat are satisfied with the urban environment they live (59.0 % and 64.0% respectively) whereas those in Artvin are not (69%). Among the living area types people prefer, if they are given adequate time and money, are coastal areas in the first row (M: 6.64), which are followed by the areas near water surfaces, lakes and river banks.
While people generally prefer residential areas in the cities far from the centres (M: 5.79) the most, they prefer the areas again far from centres and close to parks and green sites in the second row (M: 5.64). it was concluded from the study that regardless of their income, education, age, gender, and occupation, urban people tend to prefer natural areas by escaping from the stresses in urban areas (e.g. dense urbanisation, traffic, pollution, population density, psychological stress and lack of green areas).Türkiye (Erzurum, Artvin, Tokat) üç farklı şehirlerde yürütülen bu çalışmanın amacı, yaşadıkları çevre ile kent
halkının memnuniyet derecesini belirlemek ve onların yaşam çevresi için onların istek ve önyargılarını ortaya
koymaktır. Çalışma, Artvin, Erzurum ve Tokat şehirlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu 3 şehirde konu ile ilgili soruları
içeren toplam 300 anket yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda Erzurum ve Tokat'ta insanlar (% 59.0 ve 64.0
sırasıyla%) yaşadıkları kentsel çevreden memnun olduğu Artvin'de ise (% 69) yaşadıkları kentsel çevreden memnun
olmadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcılara yeterli zaman ve para verilirse yaşayabilecekleri alanlar nereler olabilir
sorusuna; (6.64 M) Su yüzeyleri, göl ve nehir kıyısı gibi kıyı alanları ilk sırada çıkmıştır. Insanlar genellikle şehir
merkezinden uzak yerleşim alanlarını (M: 5.79) tercih ederken, ikinci sırada parklar ve yeşil alanlara yakın olan
yerleşim alanlarında (M: 5.64) yaşamayı tercih etmektedirler.
Çalışmada; yoğun kentleşme, trafik, kirlilik, nüfus yoğunluğu, psikolojik stres ve yeşil alanların eksikliği gibi
sebeplarden dolayı farklı gelir, eğitim, yaş, cinsiyet ve meslek gruplarından kent merkezlerinde yaşayan insanların
doğal alanlarda ya da doğal alanların yakınlarında yaşamak öncelikli tercih nedeni olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır
Determining the recreational demands and tendencies of students at Atatürk University through questionnaires
If recreational planning is to be made considering the demands and tendencies of users, limited resources will be utilized more profitably and the needs of the users will be met more effectively. From this point of view, the purpose of this study was to determine the recreational tendencies of students at Atatürk University and investigate whether the campus was satisfactory enough to meet the needs. At the end of the study, the results were put forward by comparing the factors which influence the demands and tendencies of the students most to the parameters such as the faculty, origin and sex of the student
Erzurum tarihi kent dokusundaki değişimlerin fraktal analiz yöntemiyle değerlendirilmesi
Like everything in the world, cities and the values they possess undergo a change process. So, all the components from districts making up a city to streets making up the districts and the architectural structures and elements forming them go through a constructive or unconstructive change or renewal process. Erzurum city heads the list of the cities under the influence of such a change to a great extent due to its historical qualification, too. The aim of this study is to reveal the extent of this change, determine the negative and positive sides of this process and prove using visual material whether we are on the right or wrong direction with respect to general progress and future of the city. In the study, totally eleven couples of images, which can constitute strong relationships between historical and modern structures of the city and represent the historical core were evaluated. The findings, obtained by comparing and evaluating the past, old state and visual materials produced by considering the old state, revealed that we are faced with a big destruction rather than a change process. In addition, another importance of the study is that it has filed a new and up-to-date visual archive of the cultural works, compiled and added new photos to the existing archive.Dünyada var olan her şey gibi, kentler ve kentlerin sahip oldukları değerlerde değişim gösterirler. Bu yüzden bir kenti meydana getiren mahallelerden, mahalleleri meydana getiren sokaklara ve onu şekillendiren mimari elemanlar ve unsurlara kadar tüm bileşenler olumlu veya olumsuz bir değişim ve gelişim süreci geçirirler. Erzurum kenti de tarihsel niteliği nedeniyle bu değişimden en büyük oranda payını alan kentlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu değişimin boyutlarını ortaya koymak, bu sürecin olumlu ve olumsuz taraflarını belirlemek ve kentin geleceği ve genel gelişime göre doğru veya yanlış yönde olup olmadığımızı görsel materyaller kullanarak göstermektir. Çalışmada, tarihi kent çekirdeğini temsil eden ve kentin modern ve tarihi yapıları arasındaki güçlü ilişkiyi ortaya koyan 11 çift fotoğraf değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçta, eski ve eski durum ve açılarına uyularak çekilen yeni görsel materyallerin karşılaştırılması ile elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmiş ve değişimden çok, büyük bir yıkımla karşı karşıya bulunulduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu çalışma sonuçları, günümüzde yeniden fotoğraflanmış kültür varlıklarının görsel arşivlerinin oluşturulmuş, var olan arşivlerin derlenmiş ve arşivlere yeni tarihli fotoğrafların eklenmiş olması nedeniyle de önem taşımaktadır
Erzurum tarihi kent merkezinin mevcut durum analizi ve haritalarının oluşturulması
Historical cities are cultural heritages which mankind should preserve, keep alive, experience and hand on future generations. Situated in the eastern part of Turkey within an area with a high altitude, Erzurum city was the home of a lot of civilizations in the past and it is also a city with geopolitical significance; therefore, with these features, it houses several important historical monuments and cultural values. In this study, the current state analysis was done based on protection regions and the borders of protection focused public improvement plans. The study aimed at presenting the current state of historical city texture by quantifying and evaluating the monumental structures of the historical city core, the samples of civilian architecture and cultural features. Although the urban tissue has been in a deterioration process through history due to the natural disasters, battles, and recent distorted and unplanned urbanisation, it still shelters a considerable amount of values. From this point of view, it may be concluded that historical remains and structures can be transferred to the next generations in conservation and use balance.Tarihi kentler, tüm insanlığın koruması, yaşatması, yaşaması ve gelecek nesillere aktarması gereken kültürel miraslardır. Türkiye’nin doğusunda ve en yüksek rakımlı bölgesinde yer alan Erzurum kenti, geçmişinde pek çok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış ve jeopolitik öneme sahip bir kent olup, bu özellikleriyle çok sayıda, önemli tarihi yapıları ve zengin bir kültürü barındırmaktadır. Çalışmada, koruma amaçlı imar planı sınırları ve koruma bölgeleri temel alınarak kentsel dokuya ilişkin mevcut durum analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, tarihi kent çekirdeğinin anıtsal yapıları, sivil mimarlık örnekleri ve kültürel özellikleri değerlendirilerek sayısallaştırmak ve tarihi kent dokusunun bugünkü durumunu ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Tarihi kent dokusunun geçmişe kıyasla büyük ölçüde tahrip görmüş olmasına karşın, hala önemli ölçüde değeri barındırdığı, ancak bugüne ulaşabilmiş eserlerin koruma ve kullanma dengesi içerisinde gelecek nesillere aktarımının sağlanabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır
Transformation of a historical city: Erzurum city
Kentler yaşayan varlıklar olup doğar, zaman içerisinde gelişip büyür ve değişirler. Kentler bu süreç içerisinde sahip oldukları varlık, kültür ve karakterlerin bir kısmını korur, bir kısmını değiştirir ve bir kısmını da kaybederler. Erzurum kenti, kuruluşu çok eski tarihlere dayanan bir kent olup, doğal süreçlerin bir gereği olarak büyük bir değişim yaşamıştır. Üzerinde kurulan pek çok uygarlıktan etkilenen, izler ve miraslar barındıran kent, sonunda modernleşen ve kompleksleşen kent anlayışına yenilmiştir. Bu değişimin en büyük ve en çarpıcı örnekleri ise tarihsel nitelikli anıtlar, geleneksel konutlar ve mahallelerde görülmektedir. Tarihi kent çekirdeğinin geleneksel mahalle anlayışı, sokak yapısı, taş evleri ve kentsel donatılarından oluşan yapısının tahrip eden değişimler kültürel ve sosyal yapıyı da tahrip etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Erzurum kenti’nde zaman içerisinde yok olmuş, değişime uğramış ve yok olma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya olan kültürel mirasın değişimini gözler önüne sermek, bir yıl gibi kısa bir süreç içerisinde yıkımın ne kadar büyük boyutlara ulaştığını vurgulamaktır.Çalışmada Erzurum kenti I. ve III. derecede arkeolojik ve kentsel sit sınırları içerisinde ki geleneksel doku değişimleri ortaya konulmak amacı ile 1986 yılı imar planı altlık olarak alınmış ve 2006 ile 2007 yıllarında alan gezilerek ortaya çıkan 1 yıllık değişimler haritalanmıştır. Sonuç olarak tescilli evlerde herhangi bir yıkımın görülmediği ancak, tescilli olmayan geleneksel evlerin %12’sinin yok olduğu görülmüştür. Mahalle ölçeğinde değerlendirme yapıldığında ise tarihi kent dokusunun yok olarak geleneksel mahalle anlayışının yeni imarlaşmalar ile düzeltilemez hale geldiği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tarihi kent, değişim, kent dokusu.The city of Erzurum is an old settlement, which originates from very old dates and has experienced huge transformations resulting from natural processes. The city, which was affected largely by several civilisations founded on itself and shelters their traces and heritages even now, was finally beaten by an urbanisation understanding in which modernisation and complexity are dominant features. The best and the clearest examples of this transformation can be seen on the historical-featured monuments, traditional houses and in ancient neighbourhoods and substreets. These changes not only destroyed the structures of historical core of the city, which was composed of traditional neighbourhood understanding, street structure, stone houses, and urban equipment elements but also cultural and social structure. The aim of the study is to reveal the conditions of cultural heritages in Erzurum city, which were destroyed, transformed and faced to extinct in time by focusing how big the extents of devastation are even in a single year. In the study, development plan in 1986 was considered as base map in order to determine the changes in traditional urban tissue inside the boundaries of first and the third degree archaeological sit areas and urban sit areas and one-year changes between 2006 and 2007 were determined by field-surveying. It was found that the area whose present conditions were determined in 2006 was largely destroyed compared to development plan in 1986. In the evaluation conducted in 2006, there existed thirteen houses, which were in use and inventoried as strong enough; three houses, which were not in use but inventoried as strong enough; one house, which was partly destroyed and had inventory while all of twenty-one inventoried houses were fully destroyed. Among the traditional houses, which were not inventoried, twenty-two were determined to be in use and strong enough, seven were not in use but strong enough; sixteen were partly destroyed while thirty-three were fully destroyed. It was also determined that mosques, hamams (Turkish baths), cemeteries, tombs (kumbet), medreseh, fortress and fountains survive, and the number of garden walls reduced only to four.In 2007, field survey was repeated and the counts were updated. Found data were processed on the development plan again. According to the findings, there exist thirteen houses in use and inventoried as strong; three houses not in use but inventoried as strong; and one partly destroyed and inventoried. Among the traditional houses which are not inventoried, twenty-one were found to be in use and strong; six not in use but strong enough; eleven partly destroyed while thirty one were determined to be fully demolished. It was determined again that mosques, hamams (Turkish baths), cemeteries, tombs (kumbet), medreseh, fortress and fountains survive, and the number of garden walls reduced only to four. Consequently, it was found that there was no devastation on the inventoried traditional houses while twelve percent of those not inventoried were fully destroyed. The reason for not changing the number and use conditions of the inventoried houses in this period is that these houses are under absolute conservation status and therefore, they cannot be demolished, changed, and attached with new structures. However, the same conditions are not valid for the houses, which are not inventoried. They can be deliberately demolished, some new structures can be attached with them, and they are not carefully maintained. Huge concrete buildings are constructed in the place of the demolished traditional houses, which were deliberately demolished and destroyed. When considered the historical core of the city of Erzurum on neighbourhood scale, it was found that historical urban tissue and the understanding of traditional neighbourhood disappeared because of new constructions. These losses in the city are unfortunates of many newly developing cities. In avoidance of this fate, the biggest responsibility is taken by local administrations. Planning maps should be prepared in details. At this stage, economic and social development policies of the city should also be considered. Reconstructions should be avoided in historical urban tissue as possible. Another crucial care is the record of historical urban tissue in inventories However, these recorded data should be preserved not only on the scales of buildings but also include historical urban core, streets and substreets with some features such as topography. In the determination of the conservation states, buildings should not be evaluated individually but in combination with urban tissue important to perform interdisciplinary works in the preservation of historical urban core. Keywords: Historical city, transformation, urban tissue
The Relationship Between Interleukin-17 and Osteoporosis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Objective: In this study; it is aimed to compare interleukin-17 (IL-17) levels in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoporosis (OP) patients compared to healthy controls, and to determine the relationship between IL-17 and disease activity, functional status and presence of OP in RA.
Materials and Methods: Eighty five patients were classified in four groups. Group 1: RA + OP (n=21), group 2: RA (n=22), group 3: 20 healthy volunteers, and group 4: OP (n=22). Demographical data, bone densitometry values, serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and IL-17 levels were recorded. The disease duration, medications, pain levels of the patients and the disease activities were noted, and the disease activities of patients were evaluated by the health assessment questionnaire.
Results: No difference was detected between IL-17 levels of patients with and without RA (p>0.05). Likewise, we could not establish a relationship between disease activity and IL-17 levels. However, IL-17 levels of RA patients with OP were significantly higher when compared with patients without OP. Rheumatoid factor and IL-17 levels were higher for RA patients with OP. While a significant, negative correlation was established between IL-17 and lumbar T-score with femoral bone mineral density, no correlation was detected between other variables in RA patients.
Conclusion: IL-17 levels are elevated in RA and OP. While there is no relationship between IL-17 and disease activity and functional status in RA; IL-17 levels are high in RA patients with OP
Using complementary and alternative medicine in patients with breast cancer diagnosis at Afyon Kocatepe University
AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi’nde meme kanseri nedeniyle takip edilmekte olan hastalarda tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi (TAT) kullanım sıklığının ve TAT ile ilgili uygulamaların belirlenmesi ve incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmamıza Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi, Tıbbi Onkoloji Polikliniği ile Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Ana Bilim Dalı’na başvuran toplam 70 meme kanserli hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların sosoyodemografik özellikleri ile, kullanılan TAT yöntemlerine yönelik sorgulamayı içeren 44 soruluk bir form doldurulmuştur.
BULGULAR: Ortalama yaşları 57.5 ± 11.2 yıl olan hastaların en az bir TAT yöntemi kullanma oranı %85.7 (60 kişi) olarak belirlenmiştir. TAT yöntemi olarak en çok dua etmenin (%85.7) ve bitkilerin (%30) tercih edildiği saptanmıştır. TAT yöntemi kullanan meme kanserli hastaların %55’i TAT kullanmaya kendisi karar verirken, %13.3’ü ailesinin etkisiyle TAT kullanmaya başlamış. Çalışmamızda TAT kullanan hastaların sadece %35’inin bu konuda doktoruna bilgi verdiği görülmüştür. TAT kullanan hastaların %32.9’u çok fayda gördüğünü belirtirken, bu hastaların %44.3’ü tanı aldıktan hemen sonra tedavi süreci başlamadan bu yöntemlere başvurduğunu ifade etmiştir.
SONUÇ: Hastalarımızın TAT yöntemlerini sık olarak kullandıkları, çoğunlukla da dua ve bitkisel yöntemleri tercih ettikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca meme kanserli kadınların TAT kullanımı ile ilgili sağlık çalışanlarına bilgi vermediği, özellikle kemoterapi, radyoterapi/ hormon tedavisi devam edenlerin büyük çoğunluğunun beraberinde TAT kullandığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca; sağlık çalışanlarının hastaları TAT kullanma yönünden sorgulamaları, böylelikle bu yöntemlerin kullanımı ile ilgili oluşabilecek yan etkilerin önlenmesine de yardımcı olunabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the frequency of complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) usage and CAM related applications in patients with breast cancer at Afyon Kocatepe University.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our study included a total of 70 patients with breast cancer who applied to the Afyon Kocatepe University Medical Faculty Hospital, Medical Oncology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation outpatient clinics. A 44-question form including questionnaires on the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients and the CAM methods used were filled out.
RESULTS: Patients with a mean age of 57.5 ± 11.2 years were assigned at least one CAM method as 85.7% (60 people). It was determined that; praying (85.7%) and plants (30%) were as the most preferred CAM method. While 55% of breast cancer patients using the CAM method decided to use oneself, 13.3% of them started to use CAM due to the influence of their family. In our study, only 35% of the patients using CAM were informed about this issue by their doctor. While 32.9% of patients using CAM indicated that they were very beneficial, 44.3% of the patients stated that they applied to these methods immediately after the diagnosis was started.
CONCLUSIONS: It has been determined that our patients use CAM methods frequently, mostly they prefer prayer and herbal methods. In addition, breast cancer patients do not inform health workers about the use of CAM, especially the majority of those continuing with chemotherapy, radiotherapy / hormone therapy were using CAM together. As a result; we also think that health professionals can also interrogate patients in terms of using CAM so that they can also help prevent side effects from using these methods