2 research outputs found

    Post-collisional tectonomagmatic evolution in the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield: time constraints from ion-probe U–Pb dating of zircon

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    <p>Ion-probe U–Pb dating of plutonic rocks from the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield in Sinai and southern Israel constrains the timing of late East African batholithic post-collisional calc-alkaline (CA2) magmatism and within-plate alkaline to peralkaline (AL) magmatism to <em>c</em>. 635–590 Ma and <em>c</em>. 608–580 Ma, respectively. The earliest dated CA2 rocks are slightly deformed to undeformed, indicating that penetrative deformation ceased by <em>c</em>. 630 Ma. Within the CA2 suite a change from mafic to felsic magmatism is manifested in most of the region, peaking in a voluminous pulse of granodiorite to granite intrusion at 610–600 Ma. The AL magmatism started contemporaneously with the peak in CA2 felsic activity at <em>c</em>. 608 Ma and lasted until 580 Ma. It includes mostly alkaline and peralkaline granites, probably representing variable degrees of differentiation of similar parental magmas. Thus CA2 and AL granites do not represent different tectonic settings, but coeval derivation from variable sources during crustal extension. The majority of rocks dated in this study show minor to non-existent zircon inheritance and thus indicate very minor interaction with previously formed felsic crust. The rare zircon xenocrysts span a typical East African age range (900–607 Ma) and confirm the absence of older crustal components in the juvenile Arabian–Nubian Shield. </p

    The Baltoscandian margin detrital zircon signatures of the central Scandes

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    <p>In central parts of the Scandinavian Caledonides, detrital zircon signatures provide evidence of the change in character of the Baltoscandian crystalline basement, from the characteristic Late Palaeoproterozoic granites of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB, <em>c.</em> 1650–1850 Ma) in the foreland Autochthon to the typical, mainly Mesoproterozoic-age profile (<em>c.</em> 950–1700 Ma) of the Sveconorwegian Orogen of southwestern Scandinavia in the hinterland. Late Ediacaran to Early Cambrian shallow-marine Vemdal quartzites of the Jämtlandian Nappes (Lower Allochthon) provide strong bimodal signatures with TIB (1700–1800 Ma) and Sveconorwegian, <em>sensu stricto</em> (900–1150 Ma) ages dominant. Mid-Ordovician turbidites (Norråker Formation) of the Lower Allochthon in Sweden, sourced from the west, have unimodal signatures dominated by Sveconorwegian ages with peaks at 1000–1100 Ma, but with subordinate components of older Mesoproterozoic zircons (1200–1650 Ma). Latest Ordovician shallow-marine quartzites also yield bimodal signatures, but are more dispersed than in the Vemdal quartzites. In the greenschist facies lower parts of the Middle Allochthon, the Fuda (Offerdal Nappe) and Särv Nappe signatures are either unimodal or bimodal (950–1100 and/or 1700–1850 Ma), with variable dominance of the younger or older group, and subordinate other Mesoproterozoic components. In the overlying, amphibolite to eclogite facies lower part of the Seve Nappe Complex, where the metasediments are dominated by feldspathic quartzites, calcsilicate-rich psammites and marbles, most units have bimodal signatures similar to the Särv Nappes, but more dispersed; one has a unimodal signature very similar to the Ordovician turbidites of the Jämtlandian Nappes. In the overlying Upper Allochthon, Lower Köli (Baltica-proximal, Virisen Terrane), Late Ordovician quartzites provide unimodal signatures dominated by Sveconorwegian ages (<em>sensu stricto</em>). Further north in the Scandes, previously published zircon signatures in quartzites of the Lower Allochthon are similar to the Vemdal quartzites in Jämtland. Data from the Kalak Nappes at 70°N are in no way exotic to the Sveconorwegian Baltoscandian margin. They do show a Timanian influence (ages of <em>c.</em> 560–610 Ma), as would be expected from the palinspastic reconstructions of the nappes. Thus the detrital zircon signatures reported here and published elsewhere provide supporting evidence for a continuation northwards of the Sveconorwegian Orogen in the Neoproterozoic, from type areas in the south, along the Baltoscandian margin of Baltica into the high Arctic. </p