97 research outputs found

    Bacteria of genus <i>Filifactor</i> in patients with periodontitis and type 2 diabetes in accordance with metagenomic analysis of the periodontal microbiome

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    Introduction. Periodontal diseases are a common pathology with chronic periodontitis (CP) being the most severe form. This polymicrobial disease has become a problem of great importance in recent years due to the possibility of development of systemic effects associated with this condition. CP is often combined with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The main cause of the occurrence and development of periodontal pathology is played by the bacteria Filifactor alocis, the least studied and most recently discovered periodontal pathogen. The objective of this study was to identify bacteria of genus Filifactor as part of the periodontal microbiome associated with CP and T2D and to clarify the mechanisms of their possible influence on associated metabolic processes according to comparative metagenomic analysis. Materials and methods. A metagenomic study of the microbiome of periodontal pocket samples from 28 patients with CP associated with T2D and 22 patients with CP, as well as the microbiome of dental gingival sulcus samples from 19 clinically healthy individuals was performed. 16S-sequencing of the ribosomal RNA gene was used to determine the taxonomic composition of the microbiome. Prediction of metabolic pathways involving the microbiome was performed with the help of the shotgun method. Results. Filifactor bacteria were the one of the most frequent microorganisms only in patients with CP associated with T2D. The rate of identification of these bacteria was correlated with low predicted metagenomic levels of fatty acid biosynthesis and pyrimidine metabolism in the affected area. Conclusion. The detection frequency of Filifactor bacteria in patients associated with CP and T2D is negatively correlated with the selected features of putative metabolic pathways of the microbiome, which include fatty acid biosynthesis and pyrimidine metabolism


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    To date, the traditional methods of instrumental diagnosis of occlusion and TMJ - quite time consuming and difficult to perform.Requires a very high qualification of experts capable of conducting such a diagnosis. In this regard, the existing and evolving digital technologycan not only producevarious removable and nonremovableorthodonticand orthopedicdesign, but also allow for a precise and easier to perform, diagnoseocclusion of dentition with the biomechanicsof the temporomandibular joint and the aesthetics of the patient's face.Традиционные методы инструментальной диагностики нарушений окклюзии и дисфункции височно-нижнечелюстного суставадостаточно трудоемки и сложны для выполнения. Необходима очень высокая квалификация специалистов способных провести такую диагностику. В этой связи существующие и постоянно развивающиеся цифровые технологии позволяют не только создавать различные съемные и несъемные ортопедические и ортодонтические конструкции, но также провести высокоточное и более простое обследование окклюзии с учетом биомеханики височно-нижнечелюстного сустава и эстетики лица пациента

    Genetic diversity and phylogeography of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) across Eurasia

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    Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) is one of the world's oldest cultivated cereals, with several lines of recent evidence indicating that it was grown in northern China from at least 10 000 cal bp. Additionally, a cluster of archaeobotanical records of P. miliaceum dated to at least 7000 cal bp exists in eastern Europe. These two centres of early records could either represent independent domestications or cross-continental movement of this cereal that would predate that of any other crop by some 2 millennia. Here, we analysed genetic diversity among 98 landrace accessions from across Eurasia using 16 microsatellite loci, to explore phylogeographic structure in the Old World range of this historically important crop. The major genetic split in the data divided the accessions into an eastern and a western grouping with an approximate boundary in northwestern China. A substantial number of accessions belonging to the ‘western’ genetic group were also found in northeastern China. Further resolution subdivided the western and eastern genepools into 2 and 4 clusters respectively, each showing clear geographic patterning. The genetic data are consistent with both the single and multiple domestication centre hypotheses and add specific detail to what these hypotheses would entail regarding the spread of broomcorn millet. Discrepancies exist between the predictions from the genetic data and the current archaeobotanical record, highlighting priorities for investigation into early farming in Central Asia

    Acrocephalus orinus: A Case of Mistaken Identity

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    Recent discovery of the Large-billed Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) in museums and in the wild significantly expanded our knowledge of its morphological traits and genetic variability, and revealed new data on geographical distribution of the breeding grounds, migration routes and wintering locations of this species. It is now certain that A. orinus is breeding in Central Asia; however, the precise area of distribution remains unclear. The difficulty in the further study of this species lies in the small number of known specimens, with only 13 currently available in museums, and in the relative uncertainty of the breeding area and habitat of this species. Following morphological and genetic analyses from Svensson, et al, we describe 14 new A. orinus specimens from collections of Zoological Museums of the former USSR from the territory of Central Asian states. All of these specimens were erroneously labeled as Blyth's Reed Warbler (A. dumetorum), which is thought to be a breeding species in these areas. The 14 new A. orinus specimens were collected during breeding season while most of the 85 A. dumetorum specimens from the same area were collected during the migration period. Our data indicate that the Central Asian territory previously attributed as breeding grounds of A. dumetorum is likely to constitute the breeding territory of A. orinus. This rare case of a re-description of the breeding territory of a lost species emphasizes the importance of maintenance of museum collections around the world. If the present data on the breeding grounds of A. orinus are confirmed with field observations and collections, the literature on the biology of A. dumetorum from the southern part of its range may have to be reconsidered

    Very Bright Green Fluorescent Proteins from the Pontellid Copepod Pontella mimocerami

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    Marguerite E. Hunt is with UT Austin; Michael P. Scherrer is with UT Austin; Frank D. Ferrari is with the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution; Mikhail V. Matz is with UT Austin.Background -- Fluorescent proteins (FP) homologous to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria have revolutionized biomedical research due to their usefulness as genetically encoded fluorescent labels. Fluorescent proteins from copepods are particularly promising due to their high brightness and rapid fluorescence development. Results -- Here we report two novel FPs from Pontella mimocerami (Copepoda, Calanoida, Pontellidae), which were identified via fluorescence screening of a bacterial cDNA expression library prepared from the whole-body total RNA of the animal. The proteins are very similar in sequence and spectroscopic properties. They possess high molar extinction coefficients (79,000 M−1 cm−) and quantum yields (0.92), which make them more than two-fold brighter than the most common FP marker, EGFP. Both proteins form oligomers, which we were able to counteract to some extent by mutagenesis of the N-terminal region; however, this particular modification resulted in substantial drop in brightness. Conclusions -- The spectroscopic characteristics of the two P. mimocerami proteins place them among the brightest green FPs ever described. These proteins may therefore become valuable additions to the in vivo imaging toolkit.This work was supported by the Ocean Exploration program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“Operation Deep Scope 2007”), and the National Institutes of Health grant R01 GM078247 to M. V. M. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Biological Sciences, School o

    Assessment of the temporomandibular joint condition using two-dimensional ultrasound scanning and doppler ultrasonography methods in patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases

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    Introduction. Currently, dentists are increasingly detecting changes in the temporomandibular joint in patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal disease.Aim of the study. To carry out a comprehensive dynamic assessment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) condition and the registration of regional blood flow using two-dimensional ultrasound scanning to improve the efficiency of diagnostics of inflammatory periodontal diseases.Materials and methods. The study included 2 groups of patients: group 1 (control) consisted of 20 volunteers aged 20–25; Group 2 consisted of 52 people aged 25–45 years with moderate chronic periodontitis. For TMJ ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound, a portable ultrasound scanner LogicScan  128 with an HL-10  linear ultrasound transducer  with an operating frequency of 5     to 12 MHz was used.Results and discussion. During ultrasound examination of the temporomandibular joint and measuring the size of the joint space in patients with moderate chronic periodontitis in a state of relative physiological rest, the following  values were obtained:   in the anterior region – 2.3 ± 0.5 mm; in the upper section – 1.6 ± 0.6 mm; in the posterior section – 1.8 ± 0.3 mm. We also measured the area of the temporomandibular joint disc in various positions. According to ultrasound data, an increase in the size of the joint space from 12.2 to 16.1% and an increase in the area of the articular disc by 17.1 to 36.7% were found in patients with chronic periodontitis. When assessing the trajectory of the articular track, motion delay and joint wedging are determined. In addition, in the color Doppler mapping (CDM) mode, the speed and index indicators of Doppler ultrasonography of the external carotid and temporal arteries were calculated.Conclusions. Modern diagnostic methods of ultrasound and Doppler mapping, assessing the hemodynamics and functional state of the TMJ, allow early diagnosis of changes in order to prevent the development of TMJ disorders in patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases

    Formation of a System of Planting Atheism in the Ussr

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    В статье проводится анализ основных механизмов насаждения атеизма в СССР. Установлено, что распространение атеизма являлось неотъемлемой частью идеологической деятельности правящей коммунистической партии. Атеистическое воспитание не смогло сыграть решающую роль в борьбе с влиянием религии и церковных организаций. Определено, что важной составляющей частью антирелигиозной работы являлось устранение конкуренции на пути распространения материалистического мировоззрения. Рассмотрены механизмы ликвидации культовых объектов и способы введения ограничений религиозной деятельности. Проведенный анализ показал, что к 1980-м гг. имелись значительные успехи в преодолении воцерковленности граждан. Публичный атеизм, советизированный набор примет и суеверий становились определяющими элементами в преодолении религиозности.= The article analyzes the main mechanisms of implantation of atheism in the USSR. It is ascertained that the spread of atheism was an integral part of the ideological activity of the ruling communist party. Atheistic education failed to play a decisive role in the fight against the influence of religion and church organizations. It is determined that an important component of anti-religious work was the elimination of competition in the way of spreading the materialist worldview. The mechanisms of liquidation of cult objects and methods of introducing restrictions on religious activity are considered in the article. The analysis showed that by the 1980s there was significant success in overcoming the churching of citizens. Public atheism, a sovietized set of signs and superstitions became a defining element in overcoming historical memory