2 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Learning pada Enterprise Resource Planning Retail dengan Optimasi Pencarian Menggunakan Metadata

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    Tugas akhir ini merancang dan membangun sebuah aplikasi e-learning pada Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Retail. Aplikasi e-learning ini dibangun menggunakan platform Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle yang berpedoman pada standardisasi yang menekankan aspek shareable dan reusable. Moodle adalah program aplikasi open source yang dapat mengubah sebuah media pembelajaran ke dalam bentuk web yang mendukung implementasi e-learning dengan paradigma terpadu dimana berbagai fitur penunjang pembelajaran dapat dengan mudah diakomodasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan waktu, ruang, dan biaya. Standardisasi pendistribusian konten e-learning dilakukan untuk memungkinkan terjadinya proses penggunaan kembali materi ajar pada platform yang berbeda dan dapat dibagikan kepada pengguna lain. Perancangan aplikasi e-learning pada ERP Retail yang dikembangkan terdiri dari modul Business Process Management, Purchase, Inventory, Business Intelligence, Sales, General Ledger and Accounting. Pengembangan modul yang memiliki dokumen informasi tentang materi pembelajaran yang bervolume besar, sistem e-learning yang dibangun memanfaatkan sebuah teknologi Enterprise Content Managemnet System (ECMS) Alfresco sebagai penyimpanan dan pengelolaan materi pembelajaran yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada sumber daya penyimpanan e-learning yang terbatas serta untuk mendukung efektivitas dan efisiensi yang dijanjikan dalam metode e-learning dapat terimplementasi dengan baik melalui objek pembelajaran bersifat shareable dan reusable. Sebuah tempat penyimpanan data pada sistem e-learning yang berisikan data bervolume besar, secara tepat dan cepat sulit dilakukan pencarian data, sehingga pada penelitian ini objek pembelajaran dirancang menggunakan sebuah metadata standar Learning Object Metadata (LOM) yang berfungsi memegang peranan penting di dalam mekanisme pencarian maupun pertukaran suatu data atau objek pembelajaran di dalam sistem e-learning. Aplikasi e-learning dapat membantu untuk mempermudah mempelajari berbagai ilmu mengenai ERP Retail tanpa kendala waktu, ruang dan biaya dengan kemampuan sistem e-learning yang mempunyai nilai efektivitas serta efisiensi dalam melakukan pengelolaan dan pencarian informasi. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kemampuan sistem e-learning dalam melakukan penyajian konten materi pembelajaran dan pencarian informasi yang lebih cepat dan tepat. =================================================================================================== The final project is to design and implementation an application of e-learning on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Retail. This application using Moodle's Learning Management System (LMS) platform based on standardization that emphasizes the shareable and reusable aspects. Moodle is an open source application program that can transform an instructional media into web forms that support the implementation of e-learning with integrated paradigm in which the various features are easily accommodated learning support to overcome the problems of time, space, and cost. Standardization of e-learning content distribution is made to allow the re-use of teaching materials on different platforms and shared with other users. The design of e-learning application on Retail ERP module developed consist of Business Process Management, Purchase, Inventory, Business Intelligence, Sales, General Ledger and Accounting. Development of module that has document information on a large volume of learning materials, the e-learning system utilizes an Alfresco Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology for storage and management of learning materials. It is necessary to overcome the problem of limited e-learning storage resources and to support the effectiveness and efficiency that promised in e-learning method can be implemented well through sharedable and reusable learning object. A repository on e-learning system that contains large volumes of data, precisely and quickly is too difficult for search the data. So in this final project, the object of learning is designed using a metadata technology using Learning Object Metadata (LOM) that serves an important role in the search mechanism and exchange of a data or learning object in e-learning system. This e-learning can help to make studying various sciences concerning ERP Retail without the constraints of time, space and costs with the ability to e-learning system that has a value of effectiveness and efficiency in managing and finding information. With this application is expected to improve and enhance the ability of e-learning system in conducting the presentation of instructional material content and search information more quickly and accurately

    The Effect of Music Therapy for Improving Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer Pain: An Evidence Based Case Report

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    Background: Music therapy is a frequently used complementary and creative arts treatment in psychosocial cancer care. Particularly in advanced cancer populations and palliative care, music therapy has recently received high attention in both research and clinical care. This evidence-based case report is aimed to assesed the effect of music therapy for improving quality of life in patients with cancer pain. Methods: the search was conducted on Pubmed, Cochrane Library, and EMBASE according to clinical question. The studies were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The selected study was critically appraised. Results: All selected studies significantly showed effectiveness of music therapy towards quality of life in cancer patient. Conclusion: Music therapy might be beneficial adjuvant for cancer patients