8 research outputs found


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    The marketing environment is developing very dynamically, has influenced the existence of traditional markets in Indonesia. This rapid and dynamic environmental change, such as the increasing number of modern shops / retails / minimarkets, has an impact on the existence of traditional markets. Traditional markets as a source of economy for the people in Indonesia, which have unique characteristics with bargaining transactions, are also faced with the classic market problems that are identical with smell, muddy, dirty, are demanded to continue to make changes to be able to compete with modern shops. Market revitalization efforts, changes in consumer behavior, as well as market management professionalism need to be improved so that traditional markets can compete with modern shops and have a positive image in society. In this study, it tries to offer a strategy in developing traditional markets, through the concept of marketing within the framework of marketing competence of traditional market traders, especially in Pasar Panorama Lembang, West Bandung Regency. The research method was carried out through survey techniques, by conducting interviews, distributing questionnaires and collecting secondary data through searching journals, documentation and other sources. The questionnaire was distributed to traders using accidental sampling techniques of several types of commodities sold in the market. Based on the results of the research, the competence of Trader Marketing in Panorama Lembang Traditional Market, West Bandung Regency shows that the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills of traders based on product, price, promotion and distribution elements have different competencies based on the types of commodities sold by traders. . Marketing competence of merchants who sell fashion has a level of marketing competence above traders who sell basic food commodities. That includes individual competences of traders such as knowledge, attitudes, skills, understanding and values. The marketing competence of traders in the traditional market Panorama Lembang, West Bandung Regency, does not yet fully know and understand the concept of marketing in their merchandise marketing activities. Marketing competence needs to be given strengthening related to product, price, promotion, and distribution elements to traders to improve the existence of traditional markets that are competitive and adaptive to market changes, towards a market that is safe, clean, comfortable, and continues to be of interest to the public to shop at the market. traditional. Keyword: Competence of Traders, Marketing, Traditional Market


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    Pangalengan sebuah Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung Propinsi Jawa Barat . Pangalengan terletak di sebelah Selatan Kota Bandung dan terkenal akan berbagai objek wisatanya seperti Situ Cileunca, perkebunan teh dan pemandian air panas Cibolang. Pangalengan juga dikenal sebagai daerah pertanian, peternakan dan perkebunan. Terdapat beberapa perkebunan teh yang dikelola oleh PTPN. Pangalengan juga merupakan daerah penghasil susu sapi, peternakan dan pengolahan susu di daerah Pangalengan. Potensi yang lain yang berkembang dengan pesat saat ini adalah perkebunan kopi. Kampung Citiis yang berada di desa Warnasari Kecamatan Pangalengan ini adalah salah satu kampung yang menghasilkan buah kopi berjenis arabika Para petani di kampung Citiis sebagian besar menanam kopi ,dikarenakan harga dari buah kopi atau disebut gelondongan ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sayuran dan teh. Permasalahan umum yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah manajemen pemasaran, manajemen produksi dan manajemen keuangan. Permasalahan prioritas mitra adalah Aspek Produksi dimana Mesin Penggilingan (pulper) yang mengalami kerusakan sehingga tidak dapat menggiling kopi untuk memisahkan biji dan kulitnya dan mitra tidak dapat memproduksi lebih banyak gabah kopi. Serta aspek Permodalan,saat ini mitra tidak mendapatkan bantuan modal dari perbankan atau lembaga non keuangan manapun karena keterbatasan pengetahuan tentang pencatatan atau pembukuan sebagai salah satu syarat peminjaman modal. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan memperbaiki mesin penggilingan (pulper) kopi yang rusak agar dapat berfungsi kembali, serta memberikan pelatihan membuat laporan keuangan sederhana agar mitra dapat melakukan peminjaman kepada perbankan atau Lembaga non keuangan lainnya untuk menambah modal dalam pengembangan usahanya. Kata kunci: Gabah, Kopi, Pemberdayaa

    Competitiveness Strategy of Traditional Market: Case Study in Panorama Lembang, West Bandung, Indonesia

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    This research aims to describe the strategy that can be formulated as physical improvement and improving the function and attractiveness of the Panorama Lembang Bandung traditional market. The main consideration in this qualitative study is to highlight the capability of the traditional market to create something distinctive and unique but a level of comfort, security, and cleanliness. This research was conducted in West Bandung Regency. The location selection was purposively made because Bandung is one of the regions of West Java. The data used in this study are primary and secondary in qualitative technique. The results highlight the encouragement for central and regional governments to synergize and support the empowerment of the Panorama traditional market. The strategies are by enforcing and complying with the regulations that have been made. The suggestion that can be put forward is that the traditional market should be able to create and cultivate a clean, safe, orderly, and more attractive market atmosphere. With a focus on consumers, through efforts to understand consumer needs, wants, and expectations, the best service to consumers is the key to winning an increasingly fierce competition. Keywords Competitiveness strategy, Traditional market, Marketing management, Small and medium enterprise

    Entrepreneurial Spirit of Domestic Business Actor Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Bandung City

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    In the process of its development, MSMEs face various obstacles both in terms of human resources, finance, and markets. However, although MSMEs have many obstacles in developing them, the spirit of business actors is one of the keys to success in trying to make MSMEs continue to advance and be able to compete with other similar businesses. The method used in this research is qualitative. This method is based on a holistic and complete appreciation of human behavior. In this regard, entrepreneurship is a behavioral symptom. All activities that take place are researched as they are (natural setting) and explored through a deep appreciation method (verstehen) and look for what values are inherent in the entrepreneurial spirit armed with the experience and knowledge possessed. The targeted outputs are international journals indexed by Scopus, Sinta, International Proceedings and Monograph Books from research results. TKT (Technology Readiness Level) is already in stage 3, namely the proof-of-concept of functions and characteristics already analytically and experimentally, namely the Research Design and Methodology has been prepared, the design methodology used to answer research questions has also been prepared, the design determination sampling, and data collection needs as well as data collection techniques have been prepared, the adequacy and completeness of the data has been determined. The technical evaluation and prediction of results have been carried out, scenarios and alternatives for completeness of data have been prepared and R&D designs have been made. Keywords: Entrepreneurial Spirit; SMEs actors; Digital Marketin

    The effect of internal elements of strategic management of organizational structure, management role and employee behavior on corporate mission

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    This study seeks to analyze the important role of strategic management arrangements in achieving organizational goals. Although the elaboration of basic strategic management in the internal context of an organization is a crucial factor in the formation and operation of an organization anywhere, investigations into its effects on organizational mission have not been widely investigated. The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the influence of internal driving factors in the form of employee behavior, organizational structure and the role of management in achieving organizational mission. This study was conducted in the banking industry in Bandung, Indonesia, using a quantitative approach and analyzed using multiple regression techniques with a sample size of 1,859 respondents. The test results show that internal factors play an influential role in achieving the company's mission. This study confirms the theoretical importance of laying the foundation of strategic management as a basis for internal coordination and creating a supportive working climate in the workplace. Keywords: strategic management, employee behavior, management role, organizational structure, corporate mission

    The Role of Entrepreneur Characteristics and Entrepreneur Motivation has a significant effect on SMEs' Business Performance During Digital Era

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Entrepreneur Characteristics and Business Performance variables, the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation variables and MSME business performance. In this study using quantitative methods. This is because the research data is in the form of numbers and analysis uses statistics, in collecting data using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative, with the aim of testing the established hypothesis, is experimental/survey, if the problem is clear. This type of research uses associative research. serves to explain, predict and control a symptom. This method is used to answer the formulation of the problem, namely knowing the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics and motivation on SMEs business performance. In this study, researchers used a questionnaire data collection technique (questionnaire). Questionnaire is a data collection technique which is done by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer. The statement questionnaire in this study was measured using a Likert 5 scale. The data analysis of this study used the smartPLS 4.0 software (Purwanto et al., 2020) and the data was obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires with social media to 300 respondents who were selected using a simple random sampling method. Based on the results of data processing and analysis that has been done, the conclusions of this study are: 1. Entrepreneurial Characteristics Affect Business Performance. In this case the characteristics of entrepreneurs are very good. Entrepreneurial characteristics can be seen from the spirit of work and hard work to realize desires. 2. Entrepreneur motivation influences business performance. In this case the motivation of entrepreneurs is very high. Entrepreneur motivation can be seen from being an entrepreneur because he has a desire to be rich. The business performance variable is also very high. This is evident from my business has the ability to compete. Keywords: Entrepreneur Characteristics of Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Motivation Business Performance SME


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    The economic development and digital marketing provide opportunities as well as challenges for SMEs in Indonesia. This especially provides an opportunity for SMEs to promote at a low cost while penetrating the market by cutting the product distribution channel to the final consumers. The presence of ICTs needs to be coupled with the ability of human resources (HR), in this case SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The digital marketing competence of these SMEs is important in developing small and medium businesses that enable potential customers to obtain information about products as well as transact through the internet. The research method was carried out by means of a survey with data collection techniques through questionnaires, interviews, and secondary data sources. The questionnaire was distributed to SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency with a sampling technique, and interviews were conducted with informants which were conducted selectively. The results of the study showed that the knowledge, attitude skills of SMEs are competencies that need to be improved. Digital marketing competence of SMEs in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency requires strengthening to encourage increased knowledge, attention to new knowledge through technology and media, making innovation and creativity in running their business through digital marketing skills, so that SMEs can optimally carry out their business by utilizing digital marketing. Digital marketing competence of SMEs in West Bandung Regency, especially in Lembang District does not yet have the level of ability needed to improve business performance, because the ability of adaptation and the ability to take advantage of opportunities, especially in technological development needs to be provided facilitation and retrieval from related parties, such as the government, universities, and other related organizations. Keywords: Competence, Digital Marketing, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diadakan di Bimbingan Belajar Rumah Bintang karena mitra socialpreneur berlandaskan ke-Islaman-an dalam melaksanakan bisnisnya. Mitra memberikan kemudahan bagi orangtua siswa-siswi yang kurang mampu terutama bagi tahfiz Al-Qur’an. Kegiatan pembelajaran oleh mitra memberikan penguatan spiritual ke-Islam-an seperti doa-doa harian, suratsurat Al-Qur’an dan kegiatan keagamaan. Syiar Islam yang dilaksanakan oleh Mitra sesuai dengan visi dan misi dari institusi pengabdi yaitu nilai-nilai Islam dan Sunda. Permasalahan mitra adalah fasilitas pembelajaran yang kurang layak menyebabkan peserta belajar tidak nyaman ketika belajar. Selama pandemic COVID 19, kendala pembelajaran secara daring tidak bisa dilaksanakan karena mitra belum mengandalkan kuota pulsa untuk pembelajaran dan media pembelajaran daring hanya memanfaatkan media sosial Whatsapp. Adapun metode yang dilaksanakan akan melalui beberapa metode diantaranya: Pelatihan ( Ceramah, Diskusi, Demontrasi, Praktek langsung dan Observasi). Bimbingan Teknis (Bimteks) dan Pendampingan usaha serta fasilitasi. Solusi yang diberikan pengabdi kepada mitra memberikan pelatihan administrasi karena mitra tidak memiliki tenaga administrasi, membantu memfasilitasi belajar, alat promosi bagi mitra. Selama pengabdian mitra berpartisipasi dalam bentuk tempat pelatihan bagi mitra untuk membuat administrasi sederhana Kata kunci: Socipreneur, Bimbingan Belajar, Pelatiha