2,538 research outputs found

    Human-machine Negotiation System Based on Psychological Factors

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    In order to solve the problem of negotiator\u27s psychological representation in the negotiation system, a negotiation system based on psychological factors was designed. Firstly, a description model based on human psychological factors is established. According to the actual negotiation situation, the influence of the negotiator\u27s psychological factors is added to the model, which makes the outcome of the negotiation model more realistic. Then, the negotiating process of the model is analyzed. The system can conduct a new round of negotiation according to the dynamically determined negotiation strategy and the psychological factors of the other parties in the negotiation process to help the user make the optimal decision and automatically select the appropriate strategy. Finally, the design implements a tourism-oriented e-commerce negotiation system. The system combines the actual needs of the Guilin tourism market and applies the negotiation model designed in the text to the system. Through experiments, the results show that the user satisfaction of using the system is high

    Frankenstein’s Revenge: Hegemony of Post-Human Spectacles in Golden Fleece

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    The rapid development of image media today has been reinforcing what Guy Debord argued as society of spectacle. Ubiquitous visual advertising marks that spectacle has invaded diverse aspects of today’s life. The alienated labor relations proposed by Marx are once again simulated into a pseudo-desire structure guided by consumption symbols. Robert J. Sawyer’s Golden Fleece is even set in a post-human world where a society of spectacle has achieved its full maturity. Seeing from Guy Debord’s theory of spectacle society, this paper analyzes how spectacle seizes hegemony over human in future post-human world by means of coercive monologues and history-denying. Moreover, this paper further liberates science fiction from the anthropocentric perspective and discusses the identity of artificial intelligence in post-human era

    Effect of micron architectural modifications on the fracture of implant-cement interfaces.

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    The majority of cemented hip replacements fail due to implant loosening. One design feature that may affect loosening rates is the fracture performance of implant-cement interface. The goal of the study is to develop an effective solution for cemented fixation. It is hypothesis that adding the micron or nano-size bioactive particles or monomer into the cement mantle or coating the micron fibers onto the implant surface can increase the mechanical interlock of the implant-cement interface and eventually solve the implant loosening problem. For cement mantle, bioactive particles (MgO, hydroxyapatite (HAp), chitin (CT), chitosan (CS), Barium sulfate (BaSO4) and Silica (SiO2)) were mixed with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) beads and Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was added into MMA monomer to prepare various bone cement specimens for improving the conventional PMMA cement mechanical thermal and biological properties. This study found that with GMA, PMMA bone cement without any particle additives has the greatest flexural strength and fracture toughness. Without GMA, SiO2 can significantly increase the fracture toughness and flexural strength of PMMA bone cement. This study has also found that the fracture toughness of bone-PMMA with micro MgO particles and nano MgO particles interfaces were significantly higher comparing to the result of the bone-PMMA interface. For Titanium (Ti) implant, in vitro static test has been performed on implant-cement interface with fiber coated to evaluate the effect of fiber architecture on the fracture strength of Ti-cement interfaces. It has been manifested that either heating up Titanium before coating PCL-acetone fiber or directly coating PCL-PMMA-acetone fiber on the Titanium surface can greatly gain larger fracture strength than cement-Ti without fiber. Additionally, static/fatigue test gripper for the fracture test of implant-cement interface have been designed and analyzed by experiment and ANSYS. It has been manifested that due to the elastic property of the plastic, plastic cement holder can only be used for static test not for fatigue test. Multiple fatigue test gripper have been designed and tried in experiment, which can be used for future fatigue experiments of any bi-material samples

    The Lagrangian Stability for a Class of Second-Order Quasi-Periodic Reversible Systems

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    We study the following two-order differential equation, (Φp(x'))'+f(x,t)Φp(x')+g(x,t)=0, where Φp(s)=|s|(p-2)s, p>0. f(x,t) and g(x,t) are real analytic functions in x and t, 2aπp- periodic in x, and quasi-periodic in t with frequencies (ω1,…,ωm). Under some odd-even property of f(x,t) and g(x,t), we obtain the existence of invariant curves for the above equations by a variant of small twist theorem. Then all solutions for the above equations are bounded in the sense of supt∈R|x′(t)|<+∞

    Timeliness of Materials on Reading Recommendation System

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    An improved fuzzy logic recommendation method named TFLRS is presented in this paper. The timeliness of reading materials is focused. The upload time of reading materials is attached as an important input parameter, and the numeric weights of input factors are further revised. The experiment result demonstrates that the recommendation ranking order of the latest and the out-of-date reading materials has obviously improved in comparison to the previous FLRS method. It solves the problem that the new reading materials cannot be timely discovered but the out-of-date reading materials always in the front of the recommendation ranking. The timeliness of reading materials effectively guarantees the user preferred newer materials are always at the higher level than the older materials in the recommendation ranking result and the accuracy of reading recommendation system has significantly improved

    The Comparison of American and Chinese Family Education: Taking Modern Family as an Example

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    This paper compares some important family education phenomena in the TV serial--Modern Family which are obviously different in China. Then, this paper gives explanation from three main perspectives of beliefs, historical as well as welfare origin. And some implications are provided so as to help Chinese parents cast off obsolete thoughts and support all-round development of Chinese children