338 research outputs found

    Organization and transcriptional regulation of the ethanolamine utilization operon in Clostridium perfringens

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    Molecular simulations on the chirality preference of single-walled carbon nanotubes upon ductile behavior under tensile stress at high temperature

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on the ductile behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) under tensile stress by moving both ends at constant velocity at high temperature. The (10,10) armchair-SWNT resulted in plastic elongation through the sequential Stone-Wales (S-W) transformation, and the chirality changed keeping the two indices equal by alternately taking two dislocation directions with Burgers vectors b→=(1,0) and (0,1) instead of choosing only one of them toward zigzag-chirality with one index equal to zero. The comparison in the activation and formation energies for the two directions revealed that the torsional strain induced by the preceding S-W sequence was the main cause of this alternating choice.Hirotoshi Deguchi, Yasutaka Yamaguchi, Kaori Hirahara, Yoshikazu Nakayama. Molecular simulations on the chirality preference of single-walled carbon nanotubes upon ductile behavior under tensile stress at high temperature. Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 503, Issues 4–6, 2011, Pages 272-276, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2011.01.023

    Activation of Satellite Glial Cells in Rat Trigeminal Ganglion after Upper Molar Extraction

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    The neurons in the trigeminal ganglion (TG) are surrounded by satellite glial cells (SGCs), which passively support the function of the neurons, but little is known about the interactions between SGCs and TG neurons after peripheral nerve injury. To examine the effect of nerve injury on SGCs, we investigated the activation of SGCs after neuronal damage due to the extraction of the upper molars in rats. Three, 7, and 10 days after extraction, animals were fixed and the TG was removed. Cryosections of the ganglia were immunostained with antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker of activated SGCs, and ATF3, a marker of damaged neurons. After tooth extraction, the number of ATF3-immunoreactive (IR) neurons enclosed by GFAP-IR SGCs had increased in a time-dependent manner in the maxillary nerve region of the TG. Although ATF3-IR neurons were not detected in the mandibular nerve region, the number of GFAP-IR SGCs increased in both the maxillary and mandibular nerve regions. Our results suggest that peripheral nerve injury affects the activation of TG neurons and the SGCs around the injured neurons. Moreover, our data suggest the existence of a neuronal interaction between maxillary and mandibular neurons via SGC activation

    Detection of miRNA in Cell Cultures by Using Microchip Electrophoresis with a Fluorescence-Labeled Riboprobe

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    The analysis of a microRNA (miRNA), miR-222 isolated from the PC12 cell line, was performed by use of the ribonuclease (RNase) protection assay, cyanine 5 (Cy5)-labeled miR-222 riboprobe, and a Hitachi SV1210 microchip electrophoresis system, which can be used to evaluate the integrity of total RNA. The fluorescence intensity corresponding to the protected RNA fragment increased in a dose-dependent manner with respect to the complementary-strand RNA. More highly sensitive detection of miRNA by microchip electrophoresis than by conventional method using fluorescence-labeled riboprobe could be obtained in 180 s. An obvious increase in miR-222 expression induced by nerve growth factor in PC12 cells could be observed. These results clearly indicate the potential of microchip electrophoresis for the analysis of miRNA using RNase protection assay with a fluorescence-labeled riboprobe

    PMR and RS3PE Syndrome

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    Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome are common inflammatory rheumatic diseases in the elderly. In this study, we investigated the difference of the therapeutic responses between patients with PMR and RS3PE syndrome. Twenty-four patients with PMR and 12 patients with RS3PE syndrome were treated with initial dosages of 10-20 mg per day oral prednisolone, and the dosages were then tapered. Percentages of patients with negative c-reactive protein (CRP) after 8-week treatment were significantly more in RS3PE syndrome than in PMR. Percentages of patients with relapse during one-year treatment were less likely to be in RS3PE syndrome than in PMR. These differences observed between the two disorders were not associated with the level of initial CRP. There was no significant difference in percentages of patients with prednisolone-free remission after two-year treatment between PMR and RS3PE syndrome. These results indicate that the early response to the treatment is greater in RS3PE syndrome than in PMR

    Changes in biotin levels during production of natto, Japanese fermented soybean

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    The change of biotin level during production of natto (Japanese fermented soybean) was investigated in this study.  The total biotin level was measured by an agar plate bioassay using Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014.  The total biotin level decreased during water soaking, but increased after the fermentation of soybeans using Bacillus subtilis var. natto (B. natto) and reached a maximum level.  The increase of total biotin was not affected by Asp, Arg, and Ile which promoted the growth of L. plantarum in high concentrations.  The peak level of biotin in the fermented soybeans was significantly higher than that of dry soybeans.  The fermented soybeans at the biotin peak level were adequate for food.  In addition, we detected 9 and 4 biotinylated polypeptides in the soybeans and B. natto used in this study, respectively.  We speculated that the increase of biotin level may depend on the increase of the 4 biotinylated polypeptides and free biotin in B. natto

    Correlation between the Appearance of Neuropeptides in the Rat Trigeminal Ganglion and Reinnervation of the Healing Root Socket after Tooth Extraction

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    The neuropeptide substance P (SP) modulates bone metabolism. This study examined the temporal appearance of the neuropeptides SP and brain-derived nerve growth factor (BDNF) and their receptors (neurokinin-1 receptor (NK(1)-R) and Trk B, respectively) in the rat trigeminal ganglion to investigate the role of neuropeptides in healing after tooth extraction. Rats were anesthetized and their upper right first molars were extracted; the rats were sacrificed 3 hours and 1–21 days after extraction. Their trigeminal ganglion and maxilla were removed, and cryosections were prepared and immunostained using specific antibodies against SP, BDNF, NK(1)-R, and Trk B. In the tooth sockets after extraction, new bone and a few SP-­immunoreactive nerve fibers were first seen at day 7, and bone completely filled the sockets at day 21. In the trigeminal ganglion, the proportions of NK(1)-R-, BDNF-, and Trk B-immuno­reactive neurons changed similarly, i.e., they initially decreased, increased rapidly to ­maximum levels by day 3, and then decreased gradually to control levels until 21 days. These findings suggest that the appearance of neuropeptides in the trigeminal ganglion, the reinnervation of SP-immunoreactive nerve fibers, and bone repair in the tooth socket during healing after extraction were correlated

    Rational Choice Hypothesis as X-point of Utility Function and Norm Function

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    Towards the realization of a sustainable, fair and inclusive society, we proposed a novel decision-making model that incorporates social norms in a rational choice model from the standpoints of deontology and utilitarianism. We proposed a hypothesis that interprets choice of action as the X-point for individual utility function that increases with actions and social norm function that decreases with actions. This hypothesis is based on humans psychologically balancing the value of utility and norms in selecting actions. Using the hypothesis and approximation, we were able to isolate and infer utility function and norm function from real-world measurement data of actions on environmental conditions and elucidate the interaction between the both functions that led from current status to target actions. As examples of collective data that aggregate decision-making of individuals, we looked at the changes in power usage before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the correlation between national GDP and CO2 emission in different countries. The first example showed that the perceived benefits of power (i.e., utility of power usage) was stronger than the power usage restrictions imposed by norms after the earthquake, contrary to our expectation. The second example showed that a reduction of CO2 emission in each country was not related to utility derived from GDP but to norms related to CO2 emission. Going forward, we will apply this new X-point model to actual social practices involving normative problems, and design the approaches for the diagnosis, prognosis and intervention of social systems by IT systems.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Published online at http://redfame.com/journal/index.php/aef/article/view/4890 . Related to arXiv:2002.0903