217 research outputs found

    On spectral properties of translationally invariant magnetic Schr\"odinger operators

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    We consider a class of translationally invariant magnetic fields such that the corresponding potential has a constant direction. Our goal is to study basic spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator H{\bf H} with such a potential. In particular, we show that the spectrum of H{\bf H} is absolutely continuous and we find its location. Then we study the long-time behaviour of solutions exp(iHt)f\exp(-i {\bf H} t)f of the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation. It turnes out that a quantum particle remains localized in the plane orthogonal to the direction of the potential. Its propagation in this direction is determined by group velocities. It is to a some extent similar to a evolution of a one-dimensional free particle but "exits" to ++\infty and -\infty might be essentially different

    Scattering by magnetic fields

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    Consider the scattering amplitude s(ω,ω;λ)s(\omega,\omega^\prime;\lambda), ω,ωSd1\omega,\omega^\prime\in{\Bbb S}^{d-1}, λ>0\lambda > 0, corresponding to an arbitrary short-range magnetic field B(x)B(x), xRdx\in{\Bbb R}^d. This is a smooth function of ω\omega and ω\omega^\prime away from the diagonal ω=ω\omega=\omega^\prime but it may be singular on the diagonal. If d=2d=2, then the singular part of the scattering amplitude (for example, in the transversal gauge) is a linear combination of the Dirac function and of a singular denominator. Such structure is typical for long-range scattering. We refer to this phenomenon as to the long-range Aharonov-Bohm effect. On the contrary, for d=3d=3 scattering is essentially of short-range nature although, for example, the magnetic potential A(tr)(x)A^{(tr)}(x) such that curlA(tr)(x)=B(x){\rm curl} A^{(tr)}(x)=B(x) and =0=0 decays at infinity as x1|x|^{-1} only. To be more precise, we show that, up to the diagonal Dirac function (times an explicit function of ω\omega), the scattering amplitude has only a weak singularity in the forward direction ω=ω\omega = \omega^\prime. Our approach relies on a construction in the dimension d=3d=3 of a short-range magnetic potential A(x)A (x) corresponding to a given short-range magnetic field B(x)B(x)

    The semiclassical limit of eigenfunctions of the Schr\"odinger equation and the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition, revisited

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    Consider the semiclassical limit, as the Planck constant \hbar\ri 0, of bound states of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional potential well. We justify the semiclassical asymptotics of eigenfunctions and recover the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition

    Spectral and scattering theory for perturbations of the Carleman operator

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    We study spectral properties of the Carleman operator (the Hankel operator with kernel h0(t)=t1h_{0}(t)=t^{-1}) and, in particular, find an explicit formula for its resolvent. Then we consider perturbations of the Carleman operator H0H_{0} by Hankel operators VV with kernels v(t)v(t) decaying sufficiently rapidly as tt\to\infty and not too singular at t=0. Our goal is to develop scattering theory for the pair H0H_{0}, H=H0+VH=H_{0} +V and to construct an expansion in eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum of the Hankel operator HH. We also prove that under general assumptions the singular continuous spectrum of the operator HH is empty and that its eigenvalues may accumulate only to the edge points 0 and π\pi in the spectrum of H0H_{0}. We find simple conditions for the finiteness of the total number of eigenvalues of the operator HH lying above the (continuous) spectrum of the Carleman operator H0H_{0} and obtain an explicit estimate of this number. The theory constructed is somewhat analogous to the theory of one-dimensional differential operators.Comment: dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Savel'evich Buslaev there are some minor and editorial changes compared to 1210.5709 of 21 oc

    On semibounded Toeplitz operators

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    We show that a semibounded Toeplitz quadratic form is closable in the space 2(Z+)\ell^2({\Bbb Z}_{+}) if and only if its matrix elemens are Fourier coefficients of an absolutely continuous measure. We also describe the domain of the corresponding closed form. This allows us to define semibounded Toeplitz operators under minimal assumptions on their matrix elements.Comment: This is a slightly revised version of the article, arXiv:1603.06229v1, with the same tittle. Some misprints has been removed and some arguments has been made more clear. The results are unchaged. To appear in J. Operator theor