1,089 research outputs found

    Anomalous Josephson effect in d-wave superconductor junctions on TI surface

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    We study Josephson effect of dd-wave superconductor (DS)/ferromagnet insulator(FI)/DS junctions on a surface of topological insulator (TI). We calculate Josephson current I(φ)I\left(\varphi \right) for various orientations of the junctions where φ\varphi is the macroscopic phase difference between two DSs. In certain configurations, we find anomalous current-phase relation I(φ)=I(φ+π)I(\varphi)=-I\left( -\varphi +\pi \right) with 2π2\pi periodicity. In the case where the first order Josephson coupling is absent without magnetization in FI, I(φ)I(\varphi) can be proportional to cosφ\cos \varphi. The magnitude of the obtained Josephson current is enhanced due to the zero energy states on the edge of DS on TI. Even if we introduce an ss-wave component of pair potential in DS, we can still expect the anomalous current-phase relation in asymmetric DS junctions with I(φ=0)0I\left( \varphi =0\right) \neq 0. This can be used to probe the induced dd-wave component of pair potential on TI surface in high-TcT_{c} cuperate/TI hybrid structures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic theory of tunneling spectroscopy in Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    We study the surface Andreev bound state (ABS) of superconducting Sr2_2RuO4_4, which is a candidate material for the realization of the chiral pp-wave superconducting state. In order to clarify the role of chiral edge modes as ABSs, the surface density of states and the tunneling conductance is calculated in the normal metal/Sr2_2RuO4_4 junction within the framework of recursive Green's function method, while taking into account the orbital degrees of freedom (including Spin-Orbit interactions) with realistic material parameters. In Sr2_2RuO4_4, there are two bands α\alpha and β\beta originating from quasi-one-dimensional orbitals dyzd_{yz} and dzxd_{zx} and a two-dimensional band γ\gamma originating from dxyd_{xy} orbital. We discuss about the contributions of various electronic bands to LDOS and the influence of atomic spin-orbit interaction (SOI). In the light of our calculations, quasi-one-dimensional model with dominant pair potentials in α\alpha and β\beta bands is consistent with conductance measurements in Au/Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} junctions.Comment: to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 10 pages, 12 figure

    Josephson effect in a multi-orbital model for Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}

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    We study Josephson current between s-wave/spin-triplet superconductor junctions by taking into account details of band structures in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} such as three conduction bands, spin-orbit interaction in the bulk and that at the interface. We assume five superconducting order parameters in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}: a chiral p-wave symmetry and four helical p-wave symmetries. We calculate current-phase relationship I(φ)I(\varphi) in these junctions, where φ\varphi is the macroscopic phase difference between two superconductors. The results for a chiral p-wave pairing symmetry show that cos(φ)\cos(\varphi) term appears in the current-phase relation due to time-reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking. On the other hand, cos(φ)\cos(\varphi) term is absent in the helical pairing states which preserve the TRS. We also study the dependence of maximum Josephson current IcI_c on an external magnetic flux Φ\Phi in a corner junction. The calculated results of Ic(Φ)I_c(\Phi) show a relation Ic(Φ)Ic(Φ)I_{c}(\Phi) \neq I_{c}(-\Phi) in a chiral state and Ic(Φ)=Ic(Φ)I_{c}(\Phi)=I_{c}(-\Phi) in a helical state. We calculate Ic(Φ)I_c(\Phi) in a corner and a symmetric SQUIDs geometry. In a symmetric SQUID geometry, the relation Ic(Φ)=Ic(Φ)I_{c}(\Phi)=I_{c}(-\Phi) is satisfied for all the pairing states and it is impossible to distinguish chiral state from helical one. On the other hand, results for a corner SQUID always show Ic(Φ)Ic(Φ)I_{c}(\Phi) \neq I_{c}(-\Phi) and Ic(Φ)=Ic(Φ)I_{c}(\Phi)=I_{c}(-\Phi) for a chiral and a helical states, respectively. Experimental tests of these relations in a corner junctions and SQUIDs may serve as a tool for unambiguous determination of the pairing symmetry in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}

    How Has Intervention Fidelity Been Assessed in Smoking Cessation Interventions? A Systematic Review

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    Introduction. Intervention fidelity concerns the degree to which interventions are implemented as intended. Fidelity frameworks propose fidelity is a multidimensional concept relevant at intervention designer, provider, and recipient levels; yet the extent to which it is assessed multidimensionally is unclear. Smoking cessation interventions are complex, including multiple components, often delivered over multiple sessions and/or at scale in clinical practice; this increases susceptibility variation in the fidelity with which they are delivered. This review examined the extent to which five dimensions from the Behaviour Change Consortium fidelity framework (design, training, delivery, receipt, and enactment) were assessed in fidelity assessments of smoking cessation interventions (randomised control trials (RCTs)). Methods. Five electronic databases were searched using terms "smoking cessation,""interventions,""fidelity,"and "randomised control trials."Eligible studies included RCTs of smoking cessation behavioural interventions, published post 2006 after publication of the framework, reporting assessment of fidelity. The data extraction form was structured around the framework, which specifies a number of items regarding assessment and reporting of each dimension. Data extraction included study characteristics, dimensions assessed, data collection, and analysis strategies. A score per dimension was calculated, indicating its presence. Results. 55 studies were reviewed. There was a wide variability in data collection approaches used to assess fidelity. Fidelity of delivery was the most commonly assessed and linked to the intervention outcomes (73% of the studies). Fidelity of enactment scored the highest according to the framework (average of 92.7%), and fidelity of training scored the lowest (average of 37.1%). Only a quarter of studies linked fidelity data to outcomes (27%). Conclusion. There is wide variability in methodological and analytical approaches that precludes comparison and synthesis. In order to realise the potential of fidelity investigations to increase scientific confidence in the interpretation of observed trial outcomes, studies should include analyses of the association between fidelity data and outcomes. Findings have highlighted recommendations for improving fidelity evaluations and reporting practices

    Formal Total Synthesis of the Algal Toxin (−)-Polycavernoside A

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    A concise and largely catalysis-based approach to the potent algal toxin polycavernoside A (1) is described that intercepts a late-stage intermediate of a previous total synthesis; from there on, this challenging target can be reached in a small number of steps. Key to success was a sequence of a molybdenum-catalyzed ring-closing alkyne metathesis (RCAM) reaction to forge the macrocyclic frame, followed by a gold-catalyzed and strictly regioselective transannular hydroalkoxylation of the resulting cycloalkyne that allows the intricate oxygenation pattern of the macrolactone ring of 1 to be properly set. The required cyclization precursor 5 was assembled by the arguably most advanced fragment coupling process based on an Evans–Tishchenko redox esterification known to date, which was optimized to the extent that the precious coupling partners could be used in an almost equimolar ratio (6/7 1:1.3). The preparation of these building blocks features, inter alia, the power of the Sc(OTf)3-catalyzed Leighton crotylation as well as the superb selectivities of alkene cross metathesis, asymmetric keto-ester hydrogenation, and the Jacobsen epoxidation/epoxide resolution technologies

    s-wave Superconductivity due to Suhl-Kondo Mechanism in Nax_xCoO2y_2\cdot yH2_2O: Effect of Coulomb Interaction and Trigonal Distortion

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    To study the electron-phonon mechanism of superconductivity in NaxCoO2, we perform semiquantitative analysis of the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) between relevant optical phonons (breathing and shear phonons) and t_{2g} electrons (a_{1g} and e_g' electrons) in the presence of trigonal distortion. We consider two kinds of contributions to the EPI; the EPI originating from the Coulomb potential of O ions and that originating from the d-p transfer integral between Co and O in CoO_6 octahedron. We find that the EPI for shear phonons, which induces the interorbital hopping of electrons, is large in NaxCoO_2 because of the trigonal distortion of CoO_2 layer. For this reason, Tc for s-wave pairing is prominently enlarged owing to interorbital hopping of Cooper pairs induced by shear phonons, even if the top of e_g' electron band is close to but below the Fermi level as suggested experimentally. This mechanism of superconductivity is referred to as the valence-band Suhl-Kondo (SK) mechanism. Since the SK mechanism is seldom damaged by the Coulomb repulsion, s-wave superconductivity is realized irrespective of large Coulomb interaction U~5 eV at Co sites. We also study the oxygen isotope effect on Tc, and find that it becomes very small due to strong Coulomb interaction. Finally, we discuss the possible mechanism of anisotropic s-wave superconducting state in NaxCoO2, resulting from the coexistence of strong EPI and the antiferromagnetic fluctuations.Comment: 17 page

    The Josephson current in Fe-based superconducting junctions: theory and experiment

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    We present theory of dc Josephson effect in contacts between Fe-based and spin-singlet ss-wave superconductors. The method is based on the calculation of temperature Green's function in the junction within the tight-binding model. We calculate the phase dependencies of the Josephson current for different orientations of the junction relative to the crystallographic axes of Fe-based superconductor. Further, we consider the dependence of the Josephson current on the thickness of an insulating layer and on temperature. Experimental data for PbIn/Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_{x}(FeAs)2_2 point-contact Josephson junctions are consistent with theoretical predictions for s±s_{\pm} symmetry of an order parameter in this material. The proposed method can be further applied to calculations of the dc Josephson current in contacts with other new unconventional multiorbital superconductors, such as Sr2RuO4Sr_2RuO_4 and superconducting topological insulator CuxBi2Se3Cu_xBi_2Se_3.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure