541 research outputs found

    Yolk sac tumor in a patient with transverse testicular ectopia

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    Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare anomaly in which both testes descend through a single inguinal canal. We report a case of yolk sac tumor in the ectopic testis of a patient with TTE. A 24-year-old man presented to our hospital with a left inguinal-mass, right cryptorchidism and elevated alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). A left herniotomy 3 years earlier demonstrated both testes in the left scrotum, one above another positionally. Four months ago, a left scrotal mass appeared and radical orchiectomy of both testes revealed testicular yolk sac tumor of the ectopic testis. An enlarging left inguinal-mass appeared 2 months ago and he was referred to our hospital. Laboratory data showed an elevation of AFP (245.5 ng/ml) and a 46 XY karyotype. He underwent bilateral retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and simultaneous left inguinal mass dissection. Histopathologic examination revealed a diagnosis of recurrent yolk sac tumor in the left inguinal mass. The retroperitoneal lymph node was not enlarged and, on histopathology, was not involved. The patient has now been followed up for 8 months without evidence of biochemical or radiological recurrence

    Modifying the STM Tip for the ' Ultimate ' Imaging of the Si(111)-7×7 Surface and Metal-supported Molecules

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    We report on high-resolution STM measurements with modified probe tips. First, both the rest atoms and adatoms of a Si(111)-7×7 surface are observed simultaneously. The visibility of rest atoms is dependent upon the sample bias voltage (less than –0.7 V) and is enhanced by sharpening the tip, which is rationalized by first-principles calculations. Second, a tip with a perylene molecule adsorbed at its apex is used to discriminate the molecular states and the metal states of the underlying Ag(110) surface, which is attributable to a mismatch between the energy levels of the functionalized tip and the adsorbates on silver. Lastly, high-resolution images of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) and zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) molecules on Au(111) are obtained by using an O2-terminated tip, and the images reveal rich intramolecular features arising from molecular orbitals that are not observed when using clean metallic tips

    GRB 120729A: External Shock Origin for Both the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission and Afterglow

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    Gamma-ray burst (GRB) 120729A was detected by Swift/BAT and Fermi/GBM, and then rapidly observed by Swift/XRT, Swift/UVOT, and ground-based telescopes. It had a single long and smooth \gamma-ray emission pulse, which extends continuously to the X-rays. We report Lick/KAIT observations of the source, and make temporal and spectral joint fits of the multiwavelength light curves of GRB 120729A. It exhibits achromatic light-curve behavior, consistent with the predictions of the external shock model. The light curves are decomposed into four typical phases: onset bump (Phase I), normal decay (Phase II), shallow decay (Phase III), and post-jet break (Phase IV). The spectral energy distribution (SED) evolves from prompt \gamma-ray emission to the afterglow with photon index from Γγ=1.36 to Γ≈1.75. There is no obvious evolution of the SED during the afterglow. ...(Please see article full tet for complete abstract.