15 research outputs found

    Features of rubber crosslinking in the presence of composite vulcanization activators

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    The features of curing polydienes by vulcanizing system based on composite curing activators was studied. Based on analysis of the investigating results of cure and elastic-strength properties rubbers was found that the modification of zinc oxide as a basis of the formation of actual curing agents increases of the active sites of vulcanization and as a consequence, increases the rate of vulcanization and improving physical and mechanical properties of rubbers

    Кинетика окисления полиизопрена в присутствии активных добавок

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    Analysis of changes in the structure and properties of polyisoprene films was carried out. The samples contained chemically active additives (antioxidants, antiscorchings) and were subsequenly warmed up.Проведен анализ изменения структуры и свойств пленок полиизопрена, содержащих химически активные добавки (противостарители, антискорчинги) с последующим прогревом образцов

    Influence of cure activator on the structure and properties of rubbers

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    The influence of vulcanization activator type on the properties of the compositions and elastic-strength characteristics of rubber was studied. Found that the modification of zinc oxide as the basis of actual formation curing vulcanization agents leads to an increase of vulcanization active centers, providing an increase in the velocity of rubber vulcanization and improvement of physical and mechanical rubber’s properties

    Kinetics of polyisoprene oxidation in the presence of active chemical additives

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    Analysis of changes in the structure and properties of polyisoprene films was carried out. The samples contained chemically active additives (antioxidants, antiscorchings) and were subsequenly warmed up

    The effect of paint material composition on the properties of coatings

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    The influence of the dose and the nature of the fillers and plasticizers on technological and technical properties of coatings based on acrylic polymers was considered. Improvement in the properties of acrylic paints when used as a plasticizer dibutylphthalate was found

    Features of rubber crosslinking in the presence of composite vulcanization activators

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    The features of curing polydienes by vulcanizing system based on composite curing activators was studied. Based on analysis of the investigating results of cure and elastic-strength properties rubbers was found that the modification of zinc oxide as a basis of the formation of actual curing agents increases of the active sites of vulcanization and as a consequence, increases the rate of vulcanization and improving physical and mechanical properties of rubbers


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    Chemical reactions in polymers are considering as thermo-fluctuation process. Studying of influence of defects of structure macromolecul on molecular weight and molekuljarno-mass distribution polydienes at thermooxidation elastomers


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    Thermooxidation of films of the rebesieged and "commodity" polydienes containing aminny (Diafen by FP in SKI-3 rubber) and phenolic (Agidol - 2 in SKDT) is studied. Their preferable influence on processes of an oksidestruktsiya of the studied polydienes is shown

    Features of ageing polyisoprene at presence a radical-stabilising of additives and their combinations

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    Changes molekuljarno-structural and rheologica characteristics of the cleared (rebesieged) rubber SKI-3 filled antiagers of the aminny of type are considered

    A model for producing polymer stabilizers of composites with a given macromolecule composition

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    An attempt has been made to obtain a working technological formula that regulates the addition of comonomer over time, which ensures the synthesis of a copolymer macromolecule with a constant composition and, accordingly, with predicted properties of both the copolymer and its modified porous composite materials. Mathematical modeling is based on the theory of the kinetics of copolymerization, which takes into account the reactivity of monomers by means of copolymerization constants of reacting comonomers. The starting base was the kinetics of the copolymerization of two comonomers, significantly differing in their reactivity, which required a sequential, stepwise supply of a less reactive monomer to the reaction medium with a more active monomer. This technological technique contributes to maintaining the constancy of the initial ratio of comonomers and, accordingly, the synthesis of a copolymer with a constant composition, structure and properties. The dependence of the sequence of supply of comonomer to the reaction medium required the introduction of a generalized effective binary copolymerization rate coefficient. To find the generalized coefficient of the copolymerization rate, the operation of logarithm was performed and the current expression of the dependence of the concentration change of the more active monomer in time in a linear form was translated. This mathematical technique made it possible to use software to process reference information to obtain the necessary coefficients for the working formula. As a result of mathematical modeling using the basic principles of binary copolymerization, the law of effective masses, and the least squares method, a working formula is obtained that allows one to regulate the given introduction of a less active monomer into the reaction medium in time. The model is analyzed using background information, the basic concepts of binary copolymerization and can be used in technological calculations when producing copolymers with specified characteristics in composition and structure