33 research outputs found

    Serum leptin levels and their association with several factors related to arteriosclerosis among medical students in Japan

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    The association between serum leptin levels and several factors related to arteriosclerosis were studied in subjects who were Japanese medical students taking no medications. The group was comprised of 75 males and 35 females. The age distribution in males was 21.4 to 29.8 years (median age, 24.0 years) and in females was 21.3 to 29.9 years (median age, 22.9 years). Statistical analyses were performed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test and Spearman correlation. Median levels of serum leptin were 3.3 ng/ml in males and 7.6 ng/ml in females. The largest correlation observed was widi percent body fat irrespective of sex [males; r=0.775, p<0.001, females; r=0.553, p<0.001]. However, body mass index (BMI) was similarly well correlated with serum leptin [r=0.631, p<0.001] in males but not in females [r=0.305, p=0.075]. A negative correlation was observed between high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and leptin in both sexes [males; r=-0.298, p<0.01, females; r=-0.363, p<0.05] .respectively. Percent body fat, BMI, diastolic blood pressure, apolipoprotein B, and HDL-C were the most significant factors in males. Percentage of body fat and HDL-C were the most important factors in females