22 research outputs found

    Intraocular pressure changes in healthy pregnant women and women with preeclampsia

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    Amaç: Sağlıklı ve preeklampsili gebelerde göziçi basıncı (GİB) farklılıklarının incelenmesi ve bunun yanısıra, hipertansiyonun GİB üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi Gereç ve Yöntem: Antenatal izlemleri yapılan benzer yaşta ve 3. gebelik trimesterindeki 18 preeklampsili gebe ve 20 sağlıklı gebe ile yaş uyumlu gebe olmayan 20 fertil kadın çalışma kapsamına alındı. Tüm olgularda tam oftalmolojik muayene ve applanasyon tonometri ile GİB ölçümü uygulandı. Bulgular: Preeklampsili gebelerin ortalama GİB değeri (16.71.9 mm-Hg) ile gebe olmayan kadınların ortalama GİB değerleri (16.21.2 mm-Hg) arasında anlamlı farklılık gözlenmezken; normal gebelerde GİB (14.31.5 mm-Hg) preeklampsili gebelere (P0.001) ve gebe olmayan kadınlara (P0.01) kıyasla anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu Sonuç: Preeklampsili gebelerde GİB, sağlıklı gebelerden farklı bir süreç izlemektedir. Preeklamsili gebelerde GİB'de azalma olmaması, sistemik hipertansiyonun bir sonucu olabilir.Purpose: To investigate the changes of the intraocular pressure (IOP) in healthy pregnant women and women with preeclampsia and to evaluate the effects of hypertension on IOP. Methods: We studied IOP in 20 healthy 3rd trimester pregnant women,18 preeclamptic women and 20 non-pregnant fertile women. All participants were underwent complete ophthalmological examination and IOP measurement with applanation tonometry. Results: Between the non-pregnant women and preeclamptic women, there was no statistical significant difference in IOP (P>0.05). IOP in healthy pregnant women was lower than that of preeclamptic women and non-pregnant women (P<0.05) Conclusions: The fact that IOP in preeclamptic women was higher than that of 3rd trimester normotensive pregnant women, may result from hypertension

    Nd:Yag laser therapy of congenital persistent pupillary membrane

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    Persistan pupiller membran (PPM) pupiller aralığı örterek görme problemlerine yol açabilen gelişimsel bir ön segment anomalisidir. PPM tedavisinde midriazis ve kapama tedavisini içeren konservatif yaklaşımın yanında cerrahi ve Nd:YAG lazer tedavileri uygulanmaktadır. Bu yazıda 25 yaşında bir hastada Nd:YAG lazer ile tedavi edilen bilateral PPM olgusu sunulmaktadırPersistent pupillary membrane (PPM) is a developmental anterior segment anomaly that could lead to visual problems by obscuring the pupillary distance. Beside the conservative approach including mydriasis and occlusion therapy, surgical and Nd:YAG laser options are used in the treatment of PPM. In this paper, a case of bilateral PPM treated with Nd:YAG laser in a 25 years old patient is presented

    Cicatricial ectropion and corneal melting due to herpez zoster

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    Herpes zoster oftalmikus, göz yapılarının tümünü etkileyebilen ciddi ve sık rastlanan hir enjeksiyondur. Kornea tutulumu, sıklıkla virüsün direkt invazyonunun rol açlığı keratitler şeklinde izlenmekle birlikle, kapak patolojilerine ikincil olarak da gelişebilir. Bu yazıda 75 yaşında herpes zostere bağlı kapak tutulumu olan bir hastada geç dönemde gelişen skatrisyel üst kapak ektropiyonu ve buna bağlı kornea erimesi sunulmaktadır.Herpes zoster ophlhalmieus is a serious and common infection, which could affect all the ocular structures. Corneal involvement generally presents as keratitis caused by direct invasion of the virus as well as secondary to eyelid pathologies. In this case, we present a 75 years old patient with eyelid involvement due to herpes zoster and progression lo cicatricial upper lid ectropion and secondary corneal melting

    Two rare forms of slit lacrimal canaliculus; self-inflicted and congenital

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    Lakrimal punktal veya kanaliküler yarık genellikle bikanaliküler silikon entübasyonunun bir komplikasyonu olarak görülür ve bunun dışında nadir karşılaşılır. Bu yazıda kendine zarar verme ve doğumsal gelişim anomalisine bağlı yarık kanalikülleri olan iki olgu sunulmakta ve ilgili literatür tartışılmaktadır. Yirmi beş yaşında psikotik bozukluğu olan erkek hasta, kesici cisimlerle her iki gözünde üst kanaliküllerde yarıklanma ve alt kanalikül tıkanıklığı, semblefaron ve restriktif myopati oluşturmuştu. Diğer hasta, 70 yaşında bir kadındı ve tüm kanaliküllerinde punktumdan medial kantüse değin uzanan bir mukozal açıklık vardı. Yarık kanalikül, belirgin anatomik deformite oluşturmasına karşın, her iki hastada da lakrimal yakınmalara neden olmamıştıLacrimal punctal or canalicular slitting is usually seen as a complication of bicanalicular silicon intubation and, except that, is rarely encountered. Here we report two cases of slit canaliculus due to self-inflicted trauma and congenital developmental anomaly and discuss the relevant literature. Twenty-five-year-old male patient with psychotic disorder presented with bilateral upper canalicular slitting and lower punctal stenosis as well as symblepharon and restrictive ocular myopathy due to self-mutilation with sharp objects. The other patient was a 70-year-old female who had a mucosal opening from the punctum to the medial canthus in all four canaliculi. Although slit canaliculus constitute a significant anatomic deformity, it did not cause lacrimal complaints in both patients

    Comparison of Corneal Biomechanical Properties Between the Two Eyes in Unilateral Exfoliation Syndrome Cases

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    Pur po se: To compare the differences in corneal biomechanical parameters between the eyes of patients with unilateral exfoliation syndrome (ES), bilateral ES and normal subjects. Ma te ri al and Met hod: Thirty patients with unilateral ES (Group A), 32 bilateral ES patients (Group B) and 49 healthy subjects (Group C) were included in this cross-sectional, non-interventional study. Corneal hysteresis (CH), corneal resistance factor (CRF), corneal-compensated intraocular pressure (IOPcc) and Goldmann-correlated IOP (IOPg) were measured using Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA). Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured with an ultrasonic pachymeter. The differences in ORA parameters between the eyes of the study and control group participants were analyzed. Re sults: In unilateral ES patients, the mean CH values for eyes with and without exfoliation material were 8.6±2.1 mm Hg and 9.1±1.7 mm Hg, respectively (p=0.004). On the other hand, the differences in both mean CRF and CCT between the two eyes in unilateral ES cases were not statistically significant (p>0.05 for both comparisons). IOPcc was significantly higher in ES eyes than in non-ES eyes (19.3±2.9 mm Hg vs. 17.1±2.7 mm Hg) (p 0.05 for all comparisons). Dis cus si on: In unilateral ES subjects, CH was found to be significantly lower in the eyes with exfoliation. Further studies are needed to establish the relationships between exfoliation, ocular biomechanics and glaucoma. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 269-7

    The Short-Term Effect of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection on Intraocular Pressure

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    Objectives: To evaluate the short-term intraocular pressure (IOP) changes after intravitreal injection of 0.05 mL (1.25 mg) bevacizumab. Materials and Methods: The study included 57 eyes of 57 patients who had an intravitreal injection of 0.05 mL bevacizumab. The IOPs (measured by TonoPen) before the injection and one minute, 30 minutes, and one hour after the injection were recorded. The changes in IOP in time were evaluated by using the SPSS 15.0 programme. Results: The mean age of the patients was 62.8±11 years. The patients who received an 0.05 mL bevacizumab injection had diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (36 eyes), retinal vein occlusion (10 eyes), exudative age-related macular degeneration (7 eyes), and chronic central serous retinopathy (4 eyes). Mean IOP was 17.91±3.7 mmHg before the injection. Mean IOP was 34.58±13.5 mmHg on first minute, 21.86±5.39 mmHg on 30 minutes, and 20.64±5.77 mm Hg one hour after the injection. The difference between the pre-injection IOPs and post-injection IOPs in different time periods was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: After intravitreal injection of 0.05 mL of bevacizumab, an acute and transient rise in IOP developed immediately. IOP normalizes without any medical or surgical treatment in short term. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: 361-4

    Endoscopic management of subperiosteal orbital abscess as sinusitis complication; a case report

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    Amaç: Akut sinüzit komplikasyonu olarak gelişen subperiostal orbita apselerinin tanı ve tedavisinin vurgulanması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: 9 yaşında erkek hasta üç gündür olan sol gözde ağrı ve şişlik şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Muayenede proptozis, kemozis, kapaklarda ödem ve göz hareketlerinde kısıtlılık saptanması üzerine orbital selülit tanısıyla yapılan manyetik rezonans görüntülemede sol paranazal sinüzite ek olarak subperiostal orbita apsesi tespit edildi. Sonuç: Tıbbi tedaviye cevap alınamaması üzerine endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi ile birlikte uygulanan apse drenajı ile hasta başarıyla tedavi edildi. Tartışma: Cerrahinin endike olduğu subperiostal orbita apselerinde endoskopik yaklaşım ilk seçenek olarak değerlendirilmelidir.Purpose: We aimed to emphasize the diagnosis and treatment of subperiosteal orbital abscess secondary to acute sinusitis. Method: A 9-year-old patient referred to our clinic complaining pain and swelling in his left eye for three days. There were proptosis, chemosis, eyelid edema and ocular motility restriction on examination, therefore magnetic resonance imaging was performed with the diagnosis of orbital cellulites and left paranasal sinusitis and subperiosteal orbital abscess were reported. Result: As the medical management failed the patient was successfully treated with endoscopic sinus surgery and abscess drainage. Conclusion: Endoscopic approach should be considered as the first choice when surgery is indicated in the subperiosteal orbital abscess cases

    Retrobulbar Neuritis as the Initial Sign of Interferon-Alpha-Associated Multiple Sclerosis in a Chronic Hepatitis B Patient: Case Report

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    WOS: 000293108900030Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) is a therapeutic agent which plays an important role in the management of viral and malignant disorders. However, it has several side effects on eye and visual pathway. A 43-year-old man was admitted with sudden loss of vision. He had been on IFN-alpha treatment for chronic hepatitis B which was stopped 9 months earlier. The diagnosis of retrobulbar optic neuritis was made. Six months later, he admitted to us with decreased vision in the same eye. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed white matter lesions. Further neurological investigations confirmed the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis should be considered in differential diagnosis of hepatitis B patients with a history of IFN-alpha treatment who present with visual symptoms

    Sistemik Lupus Eritematosuslu Bir Olguda Optik Sinir ve Kiyazma Tutulumu

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    Sistemik lupus eritematosus (SLE) kronik, otoimmün, nekrotizan bir vaskülittir. Retina damar tıkanıklıkları SLE'de en sık izlenen göz bulgularıdır. Sistemik lupus eritematosus tanısıalan hastalarda optik sinir ve kiyazmanın birlikte etkilenmesi oldukça nadirdir. Bu yazıda,böyle bir olguda klinik seyir ile intravenöz steroid ve siklofosfamid tedavilerine alınan cevapsunulmaktadır.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune necrotizing vasculitis. Retinal vascular occlusions are the most common ocular findings of SLE. Involvement of both optic nerve and optic chiasm is very rare in SLE patients. The clinical course of such a case is presented with the results of intravenous steroid and cyclophosphamide treatments