52 research outputs found

    Paraurethral Leiomyoma

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    Paraurethral leiomyomas are rare benign genitourinary tumors arising from the smooth muscle of urethra. These are more common in women in fourth decade. Patients’ symptoms are generally dysuria, urinary tract infection, dyspareunia, palpable mass at vagina, and urinary retention. In symptomatic cases, surgical excision is usually sufficient for treatment. In this case, we reported who admitted in our clinic because of dysuria, dyspareunia and a palpable mass at the anterior surface of the vagina. This mass was removed surgically and, pathologic evaluation of the mass reported epithelioid leiomyoma

    Paraurethral Leiomyoma

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    Üretral leiyomyomlar nadir görülen üretranın düz kaslarından kaynaklanan benign genitoüriner tümörlerdir. Genellikle kadınlarda ve sıklıkla 40’lı yaşlarda tanı konur. Hastalar sıklıkla dizüri, üriner sistem enfeksiyonu, vajende ele gelen kitle, cinsel ilişki sırasında ağrı ve üriner retansiyon şikayetleri ile başvururlar. Semptomatik olgularda tedavi için cerrahi eksizyon genellikle yeterli olmaktadır. Bu vakada dizüri, cinsel ilişki sırasında ağrı ve vajen ön duvarında ele gelen kitle şikayeti ile polikliniğimize başvuran bir paraüretral leiyomyom olgusu sunulacaktır. Cerrahi ile çıkarılan bu kitlenin patolojik değerlendirilmesi epiteloid leiyomyom olarak saptanmıştır.Paraurethral leiomyomas are rare benign genitourinary tumors arising from the smooth muscle of urethra. These are more common in women in fourth decade. Patients’ symptoms are generally dysuria, urinary tract infection, dyspareunia, palpable mass at vagina, and urinary retention. In symptomatic cases, surgical excision is usually sufficient for treatment. In this case, we reported who admitted in our clinic because of dysuria, dyspareunia and a palpable mass at the anterior surface of the vagina. This mass was removed surgically and, pathologic evaluation of the mass reported epithelioid leiomyoma

    Comparison of the Different Type and the Different Routes of Administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin During Trigger of Ovulation in ICSI Cycles and the Relation with Body Mass Index

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    OBJECTIVE: To confirm that HcG levels in follicular fluid and serum after intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous(SC) administration of purified (p)HcG and SC administration of recombinant(r)HcG and their associations with body mass index (BMI) and oocytes maturation in ICSI cyle. STUDY DESIGN: We used pHcG or rHcG for triggering ovulation of all patients . Group1(n:56) received IMpHcG and Group2(n:57) received SCpHcG and Group3( n:47) received rHcG . Serum and follicular fluid HcG levels were measured on the day of oocytes retrieved as primary outcome. RESULT: There was a significant difference on serum and follicular fluid HcG levels among three groups. No correlation was found between BMI and oocytes maturation for Group1 and Group2. But there was a significantly negative correlation between BMI and oocytes maturation in Group3. CONCLUSION: When comparing the different administration routes of HcG , the S.C. route of HcG seems to be safer and useful for obese patients

    Time dependent influence of etonogestrel on the caspase-3 imunereactivity and apoptotic indexes of rat uterus and ovaries

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    Apoptosis is necessary for the balance between cell proliferation and loss. Thirty-six Wistar-Albino rats were subjected to investigate apoptotic effect of widely used implantable progestins on ovarian and uterine tissues. Rats were divided into 6 groups. In the first five groups, we applied etonogestrel (IMP) subcutaneous implants (n = 30). The rats in groups were sacrificed sequentially every 10 days after application. The rats in the last group (n = 6) were accepted as controls. Apoptotic index (AI) values and Caspase-3 immunereactivities of ovaries and uterus were recorded. In IMP groups, AI and Hscore values in stroma and glandular epithelium of uterus, granulosa and teca-lutein cells of the ovary increased with the longer progesterone exposure. Increase in AI and Hscore values were more prominent after 30 days of exposure for teca-lutein cells of ovary. Progestins increased apoptosis in ovaries and uterus by the longer exposure. Apoptosis increased in ovaries by chronic progesterone exposure. The apoptotic effect of progestin on endometrium is clear but long-term systemic application may lead to alterations in ovarian physiology. We evaluated time dependent apoptotic effect of etonogestrel on reproductive physiology and discussed progestins effect from another point of view in this study