4 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Combining adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes for women exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy, using a latent trait model

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    Operational Definition 625 for Component Outcomes. Table S2. Demographic Characteristics and Missing Data of Study Participants. Table S3. Observed Frequency (OBFREQ), Expected Frequency (EXFREQ), Observed Percents (OB%), Expected Percents (EX%), Estimates of Posterior Mean of the Latent Variable S ̂ 632 and the APO by Combinations of Four Observed Outcomes. (DOCX 23 kb

    Multivariate analysis between patient characteristics, circulating cell characteristics, and coronary flow reserve.

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    *<p>For numerical purposes, age was divided by 10 and HR×SBP was divided by 1000 when used to fit the regression model.</p><p>HR =  heart rate; SBP =  systolic blood pressure; BMDAC =  bone-marrow derived angiogenic cells; NO =  nitric oxide.</p

    Pertinent characteristics of the study populations.

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    <p>SD  =  standard deviation; BMI =  body mass index; HR =  heart rate; SBP =  systolic blood pressure; DBP =  diastolic blood pressure; DASI =  Duke Activity Status Index; CFR =  coronary flow reserve; APV =  average peak velocity.</p

    Bone-marrow derived angiogenic cell (BMDAC) colonies and intracellular nitric oxide (NO) are reduced in the WISE cohort compared to healthy reference group.

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    <p>(<b>A</b> and <b>B</b>) Number of circulating endothelial cells and migration ability of CD34+ cells to SDF-1 in the WISE cohort and healthy reference group. (<b>C</b>) Intracellular NO measurement in BMDACs in the WISE cohort and healthy reference group. (<b>D</b>) BMDAC colonies in the WISE cohort and healthy reference group. Horizontal bars indicate the median; upper and lower edges of box are 75th and 25th percentiles. *P<0.05.</p