6 research outputs found

    Movement and gesture recognition using deep learning and wearable-sensor technology

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    Pattern recognition of time-series signals for movement and gesture analysis plays an important role in many fields as diverse as healthcare, astronomy, industry and entertainment. As a new technique in recent years, Deep Learning (DL) has made tremendous progress in computer vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP), but largely unexplored on its performance for movement and gesture recognition from noisy multi-channel sensor signals. To tackle this problem, this study was undertaken to classify diverse movements and gestures using four developed DL models: a 1-D Convolutional neural network (1-D CNN), a Recurrent neural network model with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), a basic hybrid model containing one convolutional layer and one recurrent layer (C-RNN), and an advanced hybrid model containing three convolutional layers and three recurrent layers (3+3 C-RNN). The models will be applied on three different databases (DB) where the performances of models were compared. DB1 is the HCL dataset which includes 6 human daily activities of 30 subjects based on accelerometer and gyroscope signals. DB2 and DB3 are both based on the surface electromyography (sEMG) signal for 17 diverse movements. The evaluation and discussion for the improvements and limitations of the models were made according to the result

    Closed-Loop Unsupervised Representation Disentanglement with β\beta-VAE Distillation and Diffusion Probabilistic Feedback

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    Representation disentanglement may help AI fundamentally understand the real world and thus benefit both discrimination and generation tasks. It currently has at least three unresolved core issues: (i) heavy reliance on label annotation and synthetic data -- causing poor generalization on natural scenarios; (ii) heuristic/hand-craft disentangling constraints make it hard to adaptively achieve an optimal training trade-off; (iii) lacking reasonable evaluation metric, especially for the real label-free data. To address these challenges, we propose a \textbf{C}losed-\textbf{L}oop unsupervised representation \textbf{Dis}entanglement approach dubbed \textbf{CL-Dis}. Specifically, we use diffusion-based autoencoder (Diff-AE) as a backbone while resorting to β\beta-VAE as a co-pilot to extract semantically disentangled representations. The strong generation ability of diffusion model and the good disentanglement ability of VAE model are complementary. To strengthen disentangling, VAE-latent distillation and diffusion-wise feedback are interconnected in a closed-loop system for a further mutual promotion. Then, a self-supervised \textbf{Navigation} strategy is introduced to identify interpretable semantic directions in the disentangled latent space. Finally, a new metric based on content tracking is designed to evaluate the disentanglement effect. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of CL-Dis on applications like real image manipulation and visual analysis

    Surface EMG based hand gesture recognition using hybrid deep learning networks

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    Upper limb amputation can significantly affect a person's capabilities with a dramatic impact on their quality of life. It is difficult for upper limb amputees to perform basic gestures such as holding, buttoning and feed themselves. The motivation of this research is to explore the possibility of providing upper limb amputees with the capability of precisely making hand gestures, and thus improve their life quality. For this purpose, a transferable, sustainable, physiologically related, intuitive and surface electromyogram (sEMG) based non-invasive control system is thus highly desirable for improving the usability of upper limb prosthesis by applying Deep Learning (DL) technology.The efforts of this research were considered in six strands:Firstly, a review of the related research in upper limb gesture recognition for prosthesis control, including the research background, prosthetic devices, advanced approaches, and existing challenges was considered.Secondly, an investigation of a specific one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1-D CNN) was conducted, for gesture recognition on two sub-datasets from the Ninapro sEMG database. As an initial experiment, the model achieved the gesture recognition accuracy of 51.89% at the Ninapro database 2 (NinaproDB2) and 45.77% at the Ninapro database 3 (NinaproDB3) respectively, with the input of raw sEMG signals.Thirdly, three data pre-processing approaches were employed on the raw sEMG signals for optimizing the quality of input signals. The methods include the general normalisation, window-based statistical feature extraction and recurrence plots (RP) transform. The optimized inputs were used and evaluated in subsequent experiments. Then, based on the experience and knowledge from the upper stage, four advanced DL models were developed including an improved 1-D CNN, a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model, a basic hybrid model with one convolutional layer and one recurrent layer (1+1 C-RNN), and an advanced hybrid model with three convolutional layers and three recurrent layers (3+3 C-RNN). The models were evaluated on three different databases: a human activity recognition (HAR) dataset, the NinaproDB2 and the Ninapro database 5 (NinaproDB5), in which the 3+3 C-RNN achieved the best performance at 85.29%, 57.12%, and 75.92%, respectively. By replacing the raw sEMG input with pre-processed signals, the performance of models was increased, especially with generated statistical features. As a result, the 3+3 C-RNN reached the increased accuracy of 63.74% and 83.61% on the NinaproDB2 and NinaproDB5. In addition, the different sliding window sizes and filter sizes were tested on the hybrid 3+3 C-RNN for hyperparameter tuning.As the fourth stage in the research, a novel attention-based bidirectional convolutional gated recurrent unit (Bi-ConvGRU) network was developed, to recognise the hand gestures using multi-channel sEMG signals. In this part of work, a novel application of a bidirectional sequential GRU (Bi-GRU) that focused on multi-channel muscle activation correlation among the signals from both the prior time steps and the posterior time steps was developed inspired by the biomechanics of muscle group activation behaviours. In addition, the Bi-ConvGRU model enhanced the signal intra-channel features extracted by improved 1-D convolutional layers, which were inserted before the bidirectional GRU layers. Furthermore, an attention mechanism was employed following each Bi-GRU layer. The attention layer learns different intra-attention weights, enabling the model to focus on vital parts and corresponding dependencies among the signals. This approach helps to increase robustness to feature noise and consequently improves the recognition accuracy. The Bi-ConvGRU was evaluated on the benchmark NinaproDB5 dataset, containing 18 hand postures from 10 healthy subjects. The average accuracy on statistical feature input obtained achieved 88.7%, which outperforms the state-of-the-art and my previous models.The fifth research stage explored the transferable approaches in the field. A transfer learning (TL) strategy was introduced to demonstrate that the baseline model pre-trained with 20 non-amputees can be refined using 2 amputees' data to build the classification model for amputees. This additional TL experiment was conducted on the Ninapro database 7 (NinaproDB7). Using only limited amputee data, the model converged much quicker than the non-transferred model and ultimately achieved an accuracy of 76.2%.Finally, to alleviate the lack of the amputee’s sEMG data during the TL experiment, several data augmentation approaches had been employed to extend the existing dataset. As a novel approach in this field, a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) was developed to create new sEMG signals. The generated clones and original data were evaluated and compared on the NinarpoDB5 in different combinations. The comparative results indicated that the data augmentation approaches can be valuable when the raw data is limited.The future work will focus on the combination between DCGAN and TL models. As described before, some sEMG data have been created based on the NinarpoDB5 and evaluated on the Bi-ConvGRU model. However, the generated sEMG clones have not been employed on the TL models. We would like to train a DL model as the pre-trained model with sufficient data (original sEMG data plus generated clones). And then transfer the features on unseen subjects.</div

    Biosignal-based transferable attention Bi-ConvGRU deep network for hand-gesture recognition towards online upper-limb prosthesis control

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    Upper-limb amputation can significantly affect a person’s capabilities with a dramatic impact on their quality of life. As a biological signal, surface electromyogram (sEMG) provides a non-invasive means to measure underlying muscle activation patterns, corresponding to specific hand gestures. This project aims to develop a real-time deep learning based recognition model to automatically and reliably recognise these complex signals of a wide range of daily hand gestures from amputees and non-amputees. This paper proposes an attention bidirectional Convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-ConvGRU) deep neural network for hand-gesture recognition. By training on sEMG data from both amputees and non-amputees, the model can learn to recognise a group of fine-grained hand movements. This is a significantly more challenging and underexplored area, compared to existing studies on coarse-control in lower limbs. One dimensional CNNs are initially used to extract intra-channel features. The novel use of a bidirectional sequential GRU (Bi-GRU) deep neural network allows the exploration of correlation of muscle activation among multichannel sEMG signals from both prior and posterior time sequences. Importantly, the attention mechanism is employed following Bi-GRU layers. This enables the model to learn vital parts and feature weights, increasing robustness to biodata noise and irregularity. Finally, we introduce the first  of its kind transfer learning, demonstrating that a baseline model pre-trained with non-amputee data can be effectively refined with amputee data to build a personalised model for amputees. The attention Bi-ConvGRU was evaluated on the benchmark database Ninapro, and achieved an average accuracy of 88.7%, outperforming the state-of-the-art on 18 gesture recognition by 6.7%. To our knowledge, the developed end-to-end deep learning model is the first of its kind that enables reliable predictive decision making in short time windows (160ms). This reduced latency limits physiological awareness, enabling the potential for real-time, online and thus more intuitive bio-control of prosthetic devices for amputees.</p

    Gesture recognition from bio-signals using hybrid deep neural networks

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    Surface electromyogram (sEMG) provides a promising means to develop a non-invasive prosthesis control system. In the context of transradial amputees, it allows a limited but functionally useful return of hand function that can significantly improve patients’ quality of life. In order to predict users’ motion intention, the ability to process multichannel sEMG signals generated by muscle is required. We propose an attention-based Bidirectional Convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-CGRU) deep neural network to analyse sEMG signals. The two key novel aspects of our work include: firstly, novel use of a bi-directional sequential GRU to focus on the inter-channel relationship between both the prior time steps and the posterior signals. This enhances the intra-channel features extracted by an initial one-dimensional CNN. Secondly, an attention component is employed at each GRU layer. This mechanism learns different intra-attention weights, enabling focus on vital parts and corresponding dependencies of the signal. This increases robustness to feature noise to further improve accuracy. The attention-based Bi-CGRU is evaluated on the Ninapro benchmark dataset of sEMG hand gestures. The electromyogram signals of 17 hand gestures from 10 subjects from the database are tested. The average accuracy achieved 88.73%, outperforming the state-of-the-art approaches on the same database. This demonstrates that the proposed attention based Bi-CGRU model provides a promising bio-control solution for robotic prostheses

    NaviNeRF: NeRF-based 3D Representation Disentanglement by Latent Semantic Navigation

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    3D representation disentanglement aims to identify, decompose, and manipulate the underlying explanatory factors of 3D data, which helps AI fundamentally understand our 3D world. This task is currently under-explored and poses great challenges: (i) the 3D representations are complex and in general contains much more information than 2D image; (ii) many 3D representations are not well suited for gradient-based optimization, let alone disentanglement. To address these challenges, we use NeRF as a differentiable 3D representation, and introduce a self-supervised Navigation to identify interpretable semantic directions in the latent space. To our best knowledge, this novel method, dubbed NaviNeRF, is the first work to achieve fine-grained 3D disentanglement without any priors or supervisions. Specifically, NaviNeRF is built upon the generative NeRF pipeline, and equipped with an Outer Navigation Branch and an Inner Refinement Branch. They are complementary -- the outer navigation is to identify global-view semantic directions, and the inner refinement dedicates to fine-grained attributes. A synergistic loss is further devised to coordinate two branches. Extensive experiments demonstrate that NaviNeRF has a superior fine-grained 3D disentanglement ability than the previous 3D-aware models. Its performance is also comparable to editing-oriented models relying on semantic or geometry priors