39 research outputs found

    Surface Impedance of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials

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    Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology is widely adopted in particle accelerators. There remain many open questions, however, in developing a systematic understanding of the fundamental behavior of SRF materials, including niobium treated in different ways and various other bulk/thin film materials that are fabricated with different methods under assorted conditions. A facility that can measure the SRF properties of small samples in a range of 2∌40 K temperature is needed in order to fully answer these questions. The Jefferson Lab surface impedance characterization (SIC) system has been designed to attempt to meet this requirement. It consists of a sapphire-loaded cylindrical Nb TE011 cavity at 7.4 GHz with a 50 mm diameter flat sample placed on a non-contacting end plate and uses a calorimetric technique to measure the radio frequency (RF) induced heat on the sample. Driving the resonance to a known field on this surface enables one to derive the surface resistance of a relatively small localized area. TE011 mode identification has been done at room temperature and 4 K, and has been compared with Microwave StudioRTM and SuperFish simulation results. RF loss mechanisms in the SIC system are under investigation. A VCO phase lock loop system has been used in both CW and pulsed mode. Two calorimeters, with stainless steel and Cu as the thermal path material for high precision and high power versions, respectively, have been designed and commissioned for the SIC system to provide low temperature control and measurement. A power compensation method has been developed to measure the RF induced power on the sample. Simulation and experimental results show that with these two calorimeters, the whole thermal range of interest for SRF materials has been covered, The power measurement error in the interested power range is within 1.2% and 2.7% for the high precision and high power versions, respectively. Temperature distributions on the sample surface for both versions have been simulated and the accuracy of sample temperature measurements have been analysed. Both versions have the ability to accept bulk superconductors and thin film superconducting samples with a variety of substrate materials such as Al, A12O3, Cu, MgO, Nb and Si. Tests with polycrystalline and large grain bulk Nb samples have been done at impedance, least-squares fittings have been done using SuperFit2.0, a code developed by G. Ciovati and the author.;Microstructure analyses and SRF measurements of large scale epitaxial MgB2 films have been reported. MgB2 films on 5 cm dia. sapphire disks were fabricated by a Hybrid Physical Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) technique. The electron-beam backscattering diffraction (EBSD) results suggest that the film is a single crystal complying with a MgB2(0001)//A1 2O3(0001) epitaxial relationship. The SRF properties of different film thicknesses (200 nm and 350 nm) were evaluated using SIC system under different temperatures and applied fields at 7.4 GHz. A surface resistance of 9+/-2 muO has been observed at 2.2 K.;Based on BCS theory with moving Cooper pairs, the electron states distribution at 0K and the probability of electron occupation with finite temperature have been derived and applied to anomalous skin effect theory to obtain the surface impedance of a superconductor with moving Cooper pairs. We present the numerical results for Nb

    Design, prototyping and testing of a compact superconducting double quarter wave crab cavity

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    A novel design of superconducting Crab Cavity was proposed and designed at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The new cavity shape is a Double Quarter Wave or DQWCC. After fabrication and surface treatments, the niobium proof-of-principle cavity was cryogenically tested in a vertical cryostat. The cavity is extremely compact yet has a low frequency of 400 MHz, an essential property for service for the Large Hadron Collider luminosity upgrade. The electromagnetic properties of the cavity are also well matched for this demanding task. The demonstrated deflecting voltage of 4.6 MV is well above the requirement for a crab cavity in the future High Luminosity LHC of 3.34 MV. In this paper we present the design, prototyping and test results of the DQWCC.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beam

    HOM Damper Design for BNL EIC 197MHZ Crab Cavity

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    The interaction region (IR) crab cavity system is a special RF system to compensate the loss of luminosity due to a 25 mrad crossing angle at the interaction point (IP) for Brookhaven National Lab electron ion collider (BNL EIC). There will be six crab cavities, with four 197 MHz crab cavities and two 394 MHz crab cavities, installed on each side of the IP in the proton/ion ring, and one 394 MHz crab cavity on each side of the IP in the electron ring. Both rings share identical 394 MHz crab cavity design to minimize the cost and risk in designing a new RF system, and it will be scaled from 197 MHz crab cavity. In this paper, the higher order mode (HOM) damper design for 197 MHz crab cavity is introduced

    Higher order mode damper for low energy RHIC electron cooler SRF booster cavity

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    To improve RHIC luminosity for heavy ion beam energies below 10 GeV/nucleon, the Low Energy RHIC electron Cooler (LEReC) is currently under commissioning at BNL. The Linac of LEReC is designed to deliver a 1.6 MeV to 2.6 MeV electron beam, with rms dp/p less than 5e-4. A 704 MHz superconducting radio frequency (SRF) booster cavity in this Linac provides up to 2.2 MeV accelerating voltage. With such a low energy and very demanding energy spread requirement, control of Higher Order Modes (HOMs) in the cavities becomes critical and needs to be carefully evaluated to ensure minimum impact on the beam. In this paper, we report the multiphysics design of the HOM damper for this cavity to meet the energy spread requirement, as well as experimental results of the cavity with and without the HOM damper.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    EIC 197 MHz Crab Cavity RF Optimization

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    Crab cavities, operating at 197 MHz and 394 MHz respectively, will be used to compensate the loss of luminosity due to a 25 mrad crossing angle at the interaction point in the Electron Ion Collider (EIC). Both crab cavities are of the RF Dipole (RFD) shape. To meet the machine design requirements, there are a few important cavity design considerations that need to be addressed. First, to achieve stable cavity operation at the design voltages, cavity geometry details must be optimized to suppress potential multipacting. Incorporating strong HOM damping in the cavity design is required for the beam stability and quality. Furthermore, due to the finite pole width, the multipole fields, especially the sextupole and the decapole terms, need to be minimized to maintain an acceptable beam dynamic aperture. This paper will present the RF optimization details of the 197 MHz cavity