75,004 research outputs found

    Effects of ion irradiation on conductivity of CrSi_2 thin films

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    Electrical resistivity measurements are used to study damage in CrSi_2 thin films induced by Ne, Ar, or Xe ion irradiation over a fluence range of 10^(10)–10^(15) ions cm^(−2). Irradiation produces a factor of 5–12 increase in film conductivity at the higher fluences. The influence of defect generation and recombination is evident. We speculate that formation of a compound defect is a dominant factor enhancing film conductivity. A temperature dependence at low fluences is reported and tentatively identified

    Weakly SS-quasinormal minimal subgroups and the nilpotency of a finite group

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    A subgroup H is said to be an s-permutable subgroup of a finite group G provided that the equality HP =PH holds for every Sylow subgroup P of G. Moreover, H is called SS-quasinormal in G if there exists a supplement B of H to G such that H permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B. We show that H is weakly SS-quasinormal in G if there exists a normal subgroup T of G such that HT is s-permutable and H \ T is SS-quasinormal in G. We study the influence of some weakly SS-quasinormal minimal subgroups on the nilpotency of a finite group G. Numerous results known from the literature are unified and generalized.Підгрупа H називається s-переставною підгрупою скінченної групи G за умови, що HP=PH виконується для кожної силовської підгрупи P групи G; H називається SS-квазінормальною в G, якщо існує доповнення B підгрупи H до G таке, що H можна переставити з кожною силовською підгрупою B. Показано, що H є слабко SS-квазінормальною в G, якщо існує нормальна підгрупа T групи G така, що HT є s-переставною, а H T є SS-квазінормальною в G. Досліджено вплив деяких слабко SS-квазінормальних мінімальних підгруп на нільпотентність скінченної групи G. Велику кількість відомих з літератури результатів упорядковано та узагальнено

    Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Spin State Transition in (Pr0.7_{0.7}Sm0.3_{0.3})0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}CoO3{_3}

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    Oxygen isotope substitution is performed in the perovskite cobalt oxide (Pr0.7_{0.7}Sm0.3_{0.3})0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}CoO3{_3} which shows a sharp spin state transition from the intermediate spin (IS) state to the low spin (LS) state at a certain temperature. The transition temperature of the spin state up-shifts with the substitution of 16O^{16}O by 18^{18}O from the resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The up-shift value is 6.8 K and an oxygen isotope exponent (αS\alpha_S) is about -0.8. The large oxygen isotope effect indicates strong electron-phonon coupling in this material. The substitution of 16^{16}O by 18^{18}O leads to a decrease in the frequency of phonon and an increase in the effective mass of electron (mm^\ast), so that the bandwidth W is decreased and the energy difference between the different spin states is increased. This is the reason why the TsT_s is shifted to high temperature with oxygen isotopic exchange.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Correlation between the cohesive energy and the onset of radiation-enhanced diffusion in ion mixing

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    A correlation between the cohesive energy of elemental solids and the characteristic temperature Tc for the onset of radiation-enhanced diffusion during ion mixing is established. This correlation enables one to predict the onset of radiation-enhanced diffusion for systems which have not yet been investigated. A theoretical argument based on the current models of cascade mixing and radiation-enhanced diffusion is provided as a basis for understanding this observation

    Non-existence of New Quantum Ergosphere Effect of a Vaidya-type Black Hole

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    Hawking evaporation of Dirac particles and scalar fields in a Vaidya-type black hole is investigated by the method of generalized tortoise coordinate transformation. It is shown that Hawking radiation of Dirac particles does not exist for P1,Q2P_1, Q_2 components but for P2,Q1P_2, Q_1 components in any Vaidya-type black holes. Both the location and the temperature of the event horizon change with time. The thermal radiation spectrum of Dirac particles is the same as that of Klein-Gordon particles. We demonstrates that there is no new quantum ergosphere effect in the thermal radiation of Dirac particles in any spherically symmetry black holes.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, no figure, submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    WxN1–x alloys as diffusion barriers between Al and Si

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    Reactively sputtered tungsten nitride (WxN1–x) layers are investigated as diffusion barriers between Al overlayers and Si shallow n + -p junctions. Both amorphous W80 N20 and polycrystalline W60 N40 films were found to be very effective in preserving the integrity of the n + -p diodes for 30-min vacuum annealing up to 575 °C. Diode failure at higher temperatures is caused by localized penetration of Al into through the WxN1–x barriers. The effectiveness of the barrier decreases for polycrystalline W90 N10 and is worse for pure W