231 research outputs found

    Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Distinguisher on Feistel Schemes

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    Improved meet-in-the-middle cryptanalysis with efficient tabulation technique has been shown to be a very powerful form of cryptanalysis against SPN block ciphers. However, few literatures show the effectiveness of this cryptanalysis against Balanced-Feistel-Networks (BFN) and Generalized-Feistel-Networks (GFN) ciphers due to the stagger of affected trail and special truncated differential trail. In this paper, we describe a versatile and powerful algorithm for searching the best improved meet-in-the-middle distinguisher with efficient tabulation technique on word-oriented BFN and GFN block ciphers, which is based on recursion and greedy algorithm. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we show key recovery attacks on 14/16-round CLEFIA-192/256 which are the best attacks. We also propose key recovery attacks on 13/15-round Camellia-192/256 (without FL/FL1FL/FL^{-1})

    Delayed Warming Hiatus over the Tibetan Plateau

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    A reduction in the warming rate for the global surface temperature since the late 1990s has attracted much attention and caused a great deal of controversy. During the same time period, however, most previous studies have reported enhanced warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). In this study we further examined the temperature trend of the TP and surrounding areas based on the homogenized temperature records for the period 1980–2014, we found that for the TP regions lower than 4000 m the warming rate has started to slow down since the late 1990s, a similar pattern consistent with the whole China and the global temperature trend. However, for the TP regions higher than 4000 m, this reduction in warming rate did not occur until the mid‐2000s. This delayed warming hiatus could be related to changes in regional radiative, energy, and land surface processes in recent years

    Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Reduced-Round Kalyna-128/256 and Kalyna-256/512

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    Kalyna is an SPN-based block cipher that was selected during Ukrainian National Public Cryptographic Competition (2007-2010) and its slight modification was approved as the new encryption standard of Ukraine. In this paper, we focus on the key-recovery attacks on reduced-round Kalyna-128/256 and Kalyna-256/512 with meet-in-the-middle method. The differential enumeration technique and key-dependent sieve technique which are popular to analyze AES are used to attack them. Using the key-dependent sieve technique to improve the complexity is not an easy task, we should build some tables to achieve this. Since the encryption procedure of Kalyna employs a pre- and post-whitening operations using addition modulo 2642^{64} applied on the state columns independently, we carefully study the propagation of this operation and propose an addition plaintext structure to solve this. For Kalyna-128/256, we propose a 6-round distinguisher, and achieve a 9-round (out of total 14-round) attack. For Kalyna-256/512, we propose a 7-round distinguisher, then achieve an 11-round (out of total 18-round) attack. As far as we know, these are currently the best results on Kalyna-128/256 and Kalyna-256/512

    Cryptanalysis of the Hash Function LUX-256

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    LUX is a new hash function submitted to NIST\u27s SHA-3 competition. In this paper, we found some non-random properties of LUX due to the weakness of origin shift vector. We also give reduced blank round collision attack, free-start collision attack and free-start preimage attack on LUX-256. The two collision attacks are trivial. The free-start preimage attack has complexity of about 2^80 and requires negligible memory

    Differential Cryptanalysis of SMS4 Block Cipher

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    SMS4 is a 128-bit block cipher used in the WAPI standard for wireless networks in China. In this paper, we analyze the security of SMS4 block cipher against differential cryptanalysis. Firstly, we prove three theorems and one corollary that reflect relationships of 5- and 6-round SMS4. Nextly, by these relationships, we clarify the minimum number of differentially active S-boxes in 6-, 7- and 12-round SMS4 respectively. Finally, based on the above results, we present a family of about 2142^{14} differential characteristics for 19-round SMS4, which leads to an attack on 23-round SMS4 with 21152^{115} chosen plaintexts and 2124.32^{124.3} encryptions. Our attack is the best known attack on SMS4 so far

    Security on Generalized Feistel Scheme with SP Round Function

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    This paper studies the security against differential/linear cryptanalysis and the pseudorandomness for a class of generalized Feistel scheme with SP round function called GFSPGFSP. We consider the minimum number of active s-boxes in some consecutive rounds of GFSPGFSP,i.e., in four, eight and sixteen consecutive rounds, which provide the upper bound of the maximum differential/linear probabilities of 16-round GFSPGFSP scheme, in order to evaluate the strength against differential/linear cryptanalysis. Furthermore, We investigate the pseudorandomness of GFSPGFSP, point out 7-round GFSPGFSP is not pseudorandom for non-adaptive adversary, by using some distinguishers, and prove that 8-round GFSPGFSP is pseudorandom for any adversaries

    Near-Collisions on the Reduced-Round Compression Functions of Skein and BLAKE

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    The SHA-3 competition organized by NIST aims to find a new hash standard as a replacement of SHA-2. Till now, 14 submissions have been selected as the second round candidates, including Skein and BLAKE, both of which have components based on modular addition, rotation and bitwise XOR (ARX). In this paper, we propose improved near-collision attacks on the reduced-round compression functions of Skein and a variant of BLAKE. The attacks are based on linear differentials of the modular additions. The computational complexity of near-collision attacks on a 4-round compression function of BLAKE-32, 4-round and 5-round compression functions of BLAKE-64 are 2^{21}, 2^{16} and 2^{216} respectively, and the attacks on a 24-round compression functions of Skein-256, Skein-512 and Skein-1024 have a complexity of 2^{60}, 2^{230} and 2^{395} respectively

    Cryptanalysis of the MEM Mode of Operation

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    The MEM mode is a nonce-based enciphering mode of operation proposed by Chakraborty and Sarkar, which was claimed to be secure against symmetric nonce respecting adversaries. We show that this is not correct by using two very simple attcks. One attack need one decryption and one decryption queries, and the other only need one encryption query