507 research outputs found

    Character Expression and Inheritance of a "Short Upper Leaves" Mutant in Barley

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    A mutant which devolops an extremely shortened flag leaf and shorter upper leaves was obtained from the progeny of 90 KR of gamma-ray irradiated Fuji Nijo, a malting barley variety. This mutant was controlled by a single partial dominant gene named Sul (short upper leaves). The character expression and the inheritance of the gene were investigated in this study. Sul shortened the flag leaf and upper several leaves and uppermost internode length, while it did not affect the length of spike, lower leaves and the second or lower internodes. A reciprocal translocation of the chromosomes was observed in this mutant line, and the Sull gene was linked with the V (two-rowed) gene on chromosome 2, and also linked with the breaking point of the reciprocal translocation. Small leaf area caused by the Sull gene might reduce the mutual shading and the transpiration of the leaf canopy at the later growth stages.二条オオムギ品種ふじ二条にガンマー線を3代にわたって合計90KR累代照射した後代から上位の数葉が短縮し、特に止葉は痕跡的に短くなる変異体を見出し、その形質表現と遺伝性を解析した。1)この変異体では基部の数枚の葉身の長さは原品種と変わらず、上位の数葉、特に止葉が強く短縮する。穂長および小穂段数は原品種と変わらない。2)この変異体は不完全優性の主働遺伝子Sul(short upper leaves上位葉短縮型)に支配される。3)Sul遺伝子は第2染色体に座乗するν/V(条性)遺伝子と連鎖し、また相互転座点と密接に連鎖している。4)この変異体は登熟期における葉面積が小さいので相互遮蔽が少なく、また収穫指数が高まって多肥密植栽培で多収となる可能性があり、また、蒸散量が少なく、半乾燥条件に適応することが期待される

    Diallel Analysis for the Percentage of Grains with Hull Rupture in F2 Populations of Two-rowed Barley

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    Half diallel F2 populations crossed among eight two-rowed barley varieties with warious percentages of hull ruptured grains were raised to analyze the inheritance of the trait. The percentage of grains with hull rupture varied from 0 to 87% among the parents. The diallel analysis revealed the following: the trait was predominantly controlled by the additive genes, and the dominance effect of some parents was also significant. However, the epistatic effect of the genes was not significant. The average dominance was 0.97. The heritability value was estimated as 0.57 and 0.91 in a narrow and a broad sense, respectivelly. The percentage of grains with hull rupture showed continuous and transgressive segregations in 28 F2 populations derived from half diallel crosses among eight parents. Heritability of the trait in a broad sense was 0.43~0.80(0.65 on average) in 28 F2 populations.二条オオムギにおける裂皮粒歩合の遺伝子を解析するために、裂皮粒歩合が大きく異なる8品種・系統の間で総当たりの交雑を行い、逆交雑を除く28組合せのF2集団とその親を供試して、裂皮粒歩合の遺伝子を調べた。片面ダイアレル分析の結果、裂皮粒歩合の遺伝子にはエピスタシスが認められず、単純な相加優性モデルが適合した。全体として裂皮粒歩合の低い方が部分優性と見られ、その平均優性度は0.97と推定された。裂皮粒歩合の遺伝率は狭義で0.58、広義で0.91と推定された。28組合せのF2集団の裂皮粒歩合はいずれの組合せにおいても連続的な分離を示し、また、超越分離が認められた。F2集団の平均値と両親品種の平均値の相関は高く、雑種集団における裂皮粒歩合は遺伝子の相加的な作用によって支配されていることが示唆された。28組合せのF2集団における裂皮粒歩合の表現型分散と遺伝分散の割合から推定した広義の遺伝率は0.43~0.80(平均0.65)であった

    A Review on the Synthesis and Bioactivity Aspects of Beauvericin, a Fusarium Mycotoxin

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    Beauvericin (BEA) is an emerging Fusarium mycotoxin that contaminates food and feeds globally. BEA biosynthesis is rapidly catalyzed by BEA synthetase through a nonribosomal, thiol-templated mechanism. This mycotoxin has cytotoxicity and is capable of increasing oxidative stress to induce cell apoptosis. Recently, large evidence further shows that this mycotoxin has a variety of biological activities and is being considered a potential candidate for medicinal and pesticide research. It is noteworthy that BEA is a potential anticancer agent since it can increase the intracellular Ca2+ levels and induce the cancer cell death through oxidative stress and apoptosis. BEA has exhibited effective antibacterial activities against both pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Importantly, BEA exhibits an effective capacity to inhibit the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 integrase. Moreover, BEA can simultaneously target drug resistance and morphogenesis which provides a promising strategy to combat life-threatening fungal infections. Thus, in this review, the synthesis and the biological activities of BEA, as well as, the underlying mechanisms, are fully analyzed. The risk assessment of BEA in food and feed are also discussed. We hope this review will help to further understand the biological activities of BEA and cast some new light on drug discovery

    USTNet:Unsupervised Shape-to-Shape Translation via Disentangled Representations

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    We propose USTNet, a novel deep learning approach designed for learning shape-to-shape translation from unpaired domains in an unsupervised manner. The core of our approach lies in disentangled representation learning that factors out the discriminative features of 3D shapes into content and style codes. Given input shapes from multiple domains, USTNet disentangles their representation into style codes that contain distinctive traits across domains and content codes that contain domaininvariant traits. By fusing the style and content codes of the target and source shapes, our method enables us to synthesize new shapes that resemble the target style and retain the content features of source shapes. Based on the shared style space, our method facilitates shape interpolation by manipulating the style attributes from different domains. Furthermore, by extending the basic building blocks of our network from two-class to multi-class classification, we adapt USTNet to tackle multi-domain shape-to-shape translation. Experimental results show that our approach can generate realistic and natural translated shapes and that our method leads to improved quantitative evaluation metric results compared to 3DSNet. Codes are available at https://Haoran226.github.io/USTNet

    Mutation of Fungicide Tolerance in Fusarium spp.

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    Strains of Fusarium, causal fungi of scab disease of cereal crops, were examined for the mutation of topsin tolerance. The mutation rate of topsin tolerant spores was 10-5~10-6 and was not affected by the irradiation of ultraviolet rays nor application of topsin to the culture medium. Highly tolerant strains were easily selected on the screening medium containing topsin. Finally topsin was not effective to the selected tolerant mutants. The topsin tolerance was parallel to "benrate" tolerance. The tolerance was transmitted through hyphae, conidium and ascospore. The growth rate of hyphae of the tolerant mutants was lower than that of the original strains, but the conidia formation and the virulence of the mutants were comparable to the original strains. Since the heavy application of fungicides may increase the fungicide-tolerant mutants, crop varieties resistant to scab disease must be developed.ムギ類赤かび病菌のトップジンに対する耐性菌の出現頻度は10-5~10-6程度で、培養日数、紫外線照射、トップジン添加処理などによって一定の変化は示されず、自然突然変異とみられた。赤かび病菌104菌株を供試して培地のトップジン濃度を順次に高めながら高度耐性菌株を選抜した結果、様々な濃度のトップジンに耐性を持つ菌株が作出され、その中にはトップジン40,000ppmを含む培地で菌糸が伸長し、トップジンに対する感受性を失ったとみられる菌株も見出された。トップジン耐性は菌糸、分生子ならびに子のう胞子を通じて伝達されることが確認された。耐性菌と原菌株の菌糸の伸長速度、分生子形成能力および病原力を比較したところ、菌糸の伸長速度はいずれの温度条件でも耐性菌の方が有意に遅くなったが、分生子形成能力及び病原力には有意な差が認められなかった。また、耐性菌にはトップジンによる防除効果が認められなかった。トップジン耐性菌38菌株を赤かび病菌に効果が高い5種類の殺菌剤(トップジン、べフラン、キノンドー、スポルタックおよびベンレート)と効果が低い2種類の殺菌剤(ダコニールおよびカラセン)で処理して交差耐性を調べた結果、トップジン耐性とベンレート耐性はほぼ完全一致(R=0.952)したが、他の差菌剤とは交差耐性を示さなかった

    Diallel Analysis of 1,000-grain Weight in Two-rowed Barley Varieties

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    The inheritance of 1,000-grain weight of two-rowed barley varieties was examined using a reciprocal F1 cross and a half F2 diallel cross among eight parents. The F1 generation was examined in five different ripening conditions i.e., (Ⅰ) control, (Ⅱ) leaf cut, in which all leaves were cut at the heading time, (Ⅲ) Spikelet thinned, in which a quarter of the spikelets were thinned at the heading time, (Ⅳ) dry, in which the plants were grown in a vinyl-film house without irrigation, and (Ⅴ) wet, in which the plants were mist-irrigated every two house in the daytime after the heading to the harvest. The experiment was repeated twice. The F2 populations were grown in the ordinary condition. The average 1,000-grain weight was largest in the dry plot followed by spikelet thinned, control, leaf cut, and wet plots. The 1,000-grain weight was predominantly controlled by the additive genes. The dominance effect was also significant. The large grain weight was controlled by the overdominant genes. Epistasis among the genes controlling the 1,000-grain weight was significant, but the maternal effect was absent. In the F1 diallel, heritability was 0.3~0.6 and 0.2~0.5 in a broad and a narrow sense, respectively. In the F2 diallel, it was 0.9 and 0.6 in a broad and a narrow sense, respectively. In each of the 28 F2 populations, the broad sense heritability was estimated as 0.3~0.8.二条オオムギ8品種間の正逆ダイアレルF1および片面ダイアレルF2を供試して1,000粒重の遺伝分析を行った。1,000粒重は主として相加的な量的遺伝子に支配され、超優性およびエピスタシスが存在し、大粒の方向が優性で、F1ダイアレルにおける広義の遺伝率は一般に0.5~0.6、狭義の遺伝率は0.3~0.5、母性効果はないことなどが明らかにされた。F2ダイアレルにおける遺伝率は広義0.9、狭義0.6、28のF2集団における広義の遺伝率は0.3~0.8であった

    PCCNet:A Few-Shot Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network

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    Few-shot colorization aims to learn a model to colorize images with little training data. Yet, existing models often fail to keep color consistency due to ignored patch correlations of the images. In this paper, we propose PCCNet, a novel Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network to learn color synthesis by measuring the similarities and variations of image patches in two different aspects: inter-image and intra-image. Specifically, for inter-image, we investigate a patch-wise contrastive learning mechanism with positive and negative samples constraint to distinguish color features between patches across images. For intra-image, we explore a new intra-image correlation loss function to measure the similarity distribution which reveals structural relations between patches within an image. Furthermore, we propose a novel color memory loss that improves the accuracy of the memory module to store and retrieve data. Experiments show that our method allows the correctly saturated color to spread naturally over objects and also achieves higher scores in quantitative comparisons with related methods

    PCCNet:A Few-Shot Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network

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    Few-shot colorization aims to learn a model to colorize images with little training data. Yet, existing models often fail to keep color consistency due to ignored patch correlations of the images. In this paper, we propose PCCNet, a novel Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network to learn color synthesis by measuring the similarities and variations of image patches in two different aspects: inter-image and intra-image. Specifically, for inter-image, we investigate a patch-wise contrastive learning mechanism with positive and negative samples constraint to distinguish color features between patches across images. For intra-image, we explore a new intra-image correlation loss function to measure the similarity distribution which reveals structural relations between patches within an image. Furthermore, we propose a novel color memory loss that improves the accuracy of the memory module to store and retrieve data. Experiments show that our method allows the correctly saturated color to spread naturally over objects and also achieves higher scores in quantitative comparisons with related methods

    PCCNet:A Few-Shot Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network

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    Few-shot colorization aims to learn a model to colorize images with little training data. Yet, existing models often fail to keep color consistency due to ignored patch correlations of the images. In this paper, we propose PCCNet, a novel Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network to learn color synthesis by measuring the similarities and variations of image patches in two different aspects: inter-image and intra-image. Specifically, for inter-image, we investigate a patch-wise contrastive learning mechanism with positive and negative samples constraint to distinguish color features between patches across images. For intra-image, we explore a new intra-image correlation loss function to measure the similarity distribution which reveals structural relations between patches within an image. Furthermore, we propose a novel color memory loss that improves the accuracy of the memory module to store and retrieve data. Experiments show that our method allows the correctly saturated color to spread naturally over objects and also achieves higher scores in quantitative comparisons with related methods

    The Game Changer: Regulatory Reform and Multiple Credit Ratings

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    This paper examines the change in the regulatory use of multiple credit ratings after the Dodd-Frank Act (Dodd-Frank). We find that post Dodd-Frank reform, firms are less likely to demand a third rating (typically from Fitch) for ratings near the high yield (HY) - investment grade (IG) boundary to support their new corporate bond issues. Third ratings also become less informative post Dodd-Frank, with a much weaker market impact on credit spreads for firms with S&P and Moody’s ratings on opposite sides of the HY-IG rating boundary. We provide new evidence on the effect of Dodd-Frank in curbing corporate borrowers’ strategic use of multiple credit ratings near this boundary