4 research outputs found

    The way women are portrayed in the Egyptian TV series Il-Kabīr Awī

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    Il-Kabīr Awī is a Ramaḍān TV series that was very popular in Egypt from 2010–2015 and continues to be shown on different TV channels. On his deathbed, the ʿumda, mayor of a village in Upper Egypt informs his son that he has lived a lie his entire life – his son’s mother is an American, and gave birth to twins. The father summons his American descendant, second of the twins, to come to Il-Mazārīṭa and receive his inheritance. This series provides excellent research material for an analysis of cultural differences and stereotypical perspectives. The main crux of the series is the adventures of the ʿumda’s sons. For this article, the research area concerns the portrayal of women. The research paper allows us to get to know how women are shown, and if the image the TV show presents of women is in any way compatible with reality. The author considers whether the way in which the female gender is represented simply presents a stereotypical viewpoint or it could send any messages to the public

    Bliski Wschód wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności

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    Tom podzielony został na trzy bloki tematyczne, obejmujące kolejno zagadnienia polityczne (3 rozdziały), gospodarcze (3 rozdziały) i społeczno-kulturowe (2 rozdziały). Opracowanie otwiera artykuł E. Hryhorowicza, który omawia politykę zagraniczną Jordanii – na tle innych państw regionu. M. Mruk przygląda się aspiracjom niepodległościowym Kurdów w Islamskiej Republice Iranu, na które wpływa przede wszystkim rozwój wydarzeń w irackim Kurdystanie. Dyplomacji meczetowej Turcji, tj. wykorzystywaniu religii do celów polityki zagranicznej, poświęcony jest rozdział autorstwa A. Spancerskiej. Kolejne trzy rozdziały dotyczą różnych kwestii gospodarczych. Rozdział A.A. Rabczun jest najogólniejszy, gdyż odnosi się do pomocy rozwojowej w świecie arabsko-muzułmańskim. A. Rogoda dokonuje porównania między relacjami państwo-biznes w przed- (1962–1978) i porewolucyjnym Iranie (1979–2005). M. Zaremba pokazuje, jakie szanse i zagrożenia niesie dla Bliskiego Wschodu zaproponowana przez Xi Jinpinga w 2013 roku chińska inicjatywa Pasa i Drogi (Belt and Road Initiative, BRI). N. Zajączkowska próbuje zweryfikować najczęstsze stereotypy i uprzedzenia, których ofiarą padają indyjscy muzułmanie. Ostatni tekst, zamykający zarówno część społeczno-kulturową, jak i cały tom, poświęcony został egipskim serialom ramadanowym autorstwa E. Wolny-Abouelwafa

    The Egyptian Ramadan TV Series and National Fight with Drug Addiction

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    In 2019, half a million people all over the world died as a result of drug abuse. This topic is a very sensitive issue in a number of countries, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, where the government informs its citizens every few months about steps to take to combat this problem. Creating a TV series to be aired during Ramaḍān, the most important part of year from the Islamic point of view and also because of the media industry, is one of the tools to create awareness of the danger of drug addiction. In the article, the results of the research conducted on a very popular Ramaḍān TV series from 2015 entitled Taḥt as-Sayṭara are presented. The research focused on the presentation of this problem, in particular whether or not the problem was presented in a realistic way, thus aiding in the fight with drug addiction. This series was special, as it was the first and the only which was devoted so directly to the problem of drug addiction; the sickness covered about 89‒90% of the plot

    Challenges facing the country and the policy of Egyptian authorities – examples of activities on the political and educational level

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    Islam is the main religion of the Egyptian state and the basics of Sharia law are the main source of its legislation. According to the constitution, religion is one of the most important subjects in pre-university education. The role of religion is not only legislative. While talking about society, it should be mentioned that religion also plays an important role among Egyptians. Teaching religion is therefore a sensitive issue and should be significant for the government. The way they teach it and the topics they consider crucial for children to learn may later have a great impact not only on the spiritual life of believers, but also their vision of the country, the world, their way of thinking and their relationships with others – fellow citizens and tourists visiting their country. The author of the article presents the relation of ‘authorities-teaching Islam’ in governmental primary schools on the basis of examples of the content of Egyptian textbooks concerning Islam – called Islamic Upbringing – which are connected with selected topics considered important for the country. The range of the research stretches from 2013 to 2016. Topics approached in the article concern the fight against terrorism and extremist ideas, the meaning of ‘Egyptian’ and the co-existence of all citizens of Egypt – Muslims and Christians – and patriotic education. The presented content of the textbooks for Islamic Upbringing takes into account the activities of President ʿAbd al-Fattāh as-Sīsī and the government to identify whether the textbooks are compatible with public life and the current situation in the country