5 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Single Surface-Supported Free-Base Corroles

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    Corroles are versatile chemically active agents in solution. Expanding their applications toward surface-supported systems requires a fundamental knowledge of corroleā€“surface interactions. We employed the tip of a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope as local probe to investigate at the single-molecule level the electronic and geometric properties of surface-supported free-base corrole molecules. To provide a suitable reference for other corrole-based systems on surfaces, we chose the archetypal 5,10,15-trisĀ­(pentafluorophenyl)Ā­corrole [H<sub>3</sub>(TpFPC)] as model system, weakly adsorbed on two surfaces with different interaction strengths. We demonstrate the nondissociative adsorption of H<sub>3</sub>(TpFPC) on pristine Au(111) and on an intermediate organic layer that provides sufficient electronic decoupling to investigate geometric and frontier orbital electronic properties of almost undisturbed H<sub>3</sub>(TpFPC) molecules at the submolecular level. We identify a deviating adsorption behavior of H<sub>3</sub>(TpFPC) compared to structurally similar porphyrins, characterized by a chiral pair of moleculeā€“substrate configurations

    Photocatalytic Reduction of Artificial and Natural Nucleotide Co-factors with a Chlorophyll-Like Tin-Dihydroporphyrin Sensitizer

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    An efficient photocatalytic two-electron reduction and protonation of nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide (NAD<sup>+</sup>), as well as the synthetic nucleotide co-factor analogue <i>N</i>-benzyl-3-carbamoyl-pyridinium (BNAD<sup>+</sup>), powered by photons in the long-wavelength region of visible light (Ī»<sub>irr</sub> > 610 nm), is demonstrated for the first time. This functional artificial photosynthetic counterpart of the complete energy-trapping and solar-to-fuel conversion primary processes occurring in natural photosystem I (PS I) is achieved with a robust water-soluble tinĀ­(IV) complex of <i>meso</i>-tetrakisĀ­(<i>N</i>-methylpyridinium)-chlorin acting as the light-harvesting sensitizer (threshold wavelength of Ī»<sub>thr</sub> = 660 nm). In buffered aqueous solution, this chlorophyll-like compound photocatalytically recycles a rhodium hydride complex of the type [Cp*RhĀ­(bpy)Ā­H]<sup>+</sup>, which is able to mediate regioselective hydride transfer processes. Different one- and two-electron donors are tested for the reductive quenching of the irradiated tin complex to initiate the secondary dark reactions leading to nucleotide co-factor reduction. Very promising conversion efficiencies, quantum yields, and excellent photosensitizer stabilities are observed. As an example of a catalytic dark reaction utilizing the reduction equivalents of accumulated NADH, an enzymatic process for the selective transformation of aldehydes with alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) coupled to the primary photoreactions of the system is also demonstrated. A tentative reaction mechanism for the transfer of two electrons and one proton from the reductively quenched tin chlorin sensitizer to the rhodium co-catalyst, acting as a reversible hydride carrier, is proposed

    Quasi-epitaxial Metal-Halide Perovskite Ligand Shells on PbS Nanocrystals

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    Epitaxial growth techniques enable nearly defect free heterostructures with coherent interfaces, which are of utmost importance for high performance electronic devices. While high-vacuum technology-based growth techniques are state-of-the art, here we pursue a purely solution processed approach to obtain nanocrystals with eptaxially coherent and quasi-lattice matched inorganic ligand shells. Octahedral metal-halide clusters, respectively 0-dimensional perovskites, were employed as ligands to match the coordination geometry of the PbS cubic rock-salt lattice. Different clusters (CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup>)<sub>(6ā€“<i>x</i>)</sub>[M<sup>(<i>x</i>+)</sup>Hal<sub>6</sub>]<sup>(6ā€“<i>x</i>)ā€“</sup> (M<sup><i>x</i>+</sup> = PbĀ­(II), BiĀ­(III), MnĀ­(II), InĀ­(III), Hal = Cl, I) were attached to the nanocrystal surfaces <i>via</i> a scalable phase transfer procedure. The ligand attachment and coherence of the formed PbS/ligand core/shell interface was confirmed by combining the results from transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The lattice mismatch between ligand shell and nanocrystal core plays a key role in performance. In photoconducting devices the best performance (detectivity of 2 Ɨ 10<sup>11</sup> cm Hz <sup>1/2</sup>/W with > 110 kHz bandwidth) was obtained with (CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>BiI<sub>6</sub> ligands, providing the smallest relative lattice mismatch of <i>ca</i>. āˆ’1%. PbS nanocrystals with such ligands exhibited in millimeter sized bulk samples in the form of pressed pellets a relatively high carrier mobility for nanocrystal solids of āˆ¼1.3 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s), a carrier lifetime of āˆ¼70 Ī¼s, and a low residual carrier concentration of 2.6 Ɨ 10<sup>13</sup> cm<sup>ā€“3</sup>. Thus, by selection of ligands with appropriate geometry and bond lengths optimized quasi-epitaxial ligand shells were formed on nanocrystals, which are beneficial for applications in optoelectronics

    Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Semiconductor Micro- And Nanocrystals: From Colloidal Syntheses to (Opto-)Electronic Devices

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    Organic pigments such as indigos, quinacridones, and phthalocyanines are widely produced industrially as colorants for everyday products as various as cosmetics and printing inks. Herein we introduce a general procedure to transform commercially available insoluble microcrystalline pigment powders into colloidal solutions of variously sized and shaped semiconductor micro- and nanocrystals. The synthesis is based on the transformation of the pigments into soluble dyes by introducing transient protecting groups on the secondary amine moieties, followed by controlled deprotection in solution. Three deprotection methods are demonstrated: thermal cleavage, acid-catalyzed deprotection, and amine-induced deprotection. During these processes, ligands are introduced to afford colloidal stability and to provide dedicated surface functionality and for size and shape control. The resulting micro- and nanocrystals exhibit a wide range of optical absorption and photoluminescence over spectral regions from the visible to the near-infrared. Due to excellent colloidal solubility offered by the ligands, the achieved organic nanocrystals are suitable for solution processing of (opto)Ā­electronic devices. As examples, phthalocyanine nanowire transistors as well as quinacridone nanocrystal photodetectors, with photoresponsivity values by far outperforming those of vacuum deposited reference samples, are demonstrated. The high responsivity is enabled by photoinduced charge transfer between the nanocrystals and the directly attached electron-accepting vitamin B2 ligands. The semiconducting nanocrystals described here offer a cheap, nontoxic, and environmentally friendly alternative to inorganic nanocrystals as well as a new paradigm for obtaining organic semiconductor materials from commercial colorants

    Reversible Biofunctionalization of Surfaces with a Switchable Mutant of Avidin

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    Label-free biosensors detect binding of prey molecules (ā€³analytesā€³) to immobile bait molecules on the sensing surface. Numerous methods are available for immobilization of bait molecules. A convenient option is binding of biotinylated bait molecules to streptavidin-functionalized surfaces, or to biotinylated surfaces via biotinā€“avidinā€“biotin bridges. The goal of this study was to find a rapid method for reversible immobilization of biotinylated bait molecules on biotinylated sensor chips. The task was to establish a biotinā€“avidinā€“biotin bridge which was easily cleaved when desired, yet perfectly stable under a wide range of measurement conditions. The problem was solved with the avidin mutant M96H which contains extra histidine residues at the subunitā€“subunit interfaces. This mutant was bound to a mixed self-assembled monolayer (SAM) containing biotin residues on 20% of the oligoĀ­(ethylene glycol)-terminated SAM components. Various biotinylated bait molecules were bound on top of the immobilized avidin mutant. The biotinā€“avidinā€“biotin bridge was stable at pH ā‰„3, and it was insensitive to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at neutral pH. Only the combination of citric acid (2.5%, pH 2) and SDS (0.25%) caused instantaneous cleavage of the biotinā€“avidinā€“biotin bridge. As a consequence, the biotinylated bait molecules could be immobilized and removed as often as desired, the only limit being the time span for reproducible chip function when kept in buffer (2ā€“3 weeks at 25 Ā°C). As expected, the high isolectric pH (p<i>I</i>) of the avidin mutant caused nonspecific adsorption of proteins. This problem was solved by acetylation of avidin (to p<i>I</i> < 5), or by optimization of SAM formation and passivation with biotin-BSA and BSA