15 research outputs found

    Characterization of the hemineglect syndrome : specificity of the nursing care

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    Hemineglect results from the damage of the single, usually right brain hemisphere (non-dominant one). It consists of the lack of awareness of the intra- and extrapersonal space contralaterally to the affected hemisphere. This disturbance combines complex abnormalities in various modalities of special senses: visual, auditory, sensory, and kinesthetic-motor one. Hemineglect is predominantly a cognitive disorder. Patients live in limited space, being unaware of functional restrictions. Causes and pathomechanisms of hemineglect remain poorly understood. The occurrence of the disorder results from the damage of the various cerebral structures. Analysis of the attitude, attention and emotions suggests the neuropsychological background of that phenomenon. The diagnosis of hemineglect is based mainly on neuropsychological testing. Clinical picture of the hemineglect syndrome is dominated by the disordered communication, recall, orientation towards the stimuli coming from the neglected side, frequently with preserved motor and sensory functions. Reeducational management is still at the research stage. It is based mainly on the rehabilitation programs including psychological elements that promote stimuli from the neglected side, stimulation of the neglected parts of the body, improvement of the visuospatial analysis, as well as the perceptive-motor integration. Specific patient鈥檚 problems require the adequate approach of the therapeutic team. Important activities include motivation and making patient aware of the deficit, elimination of the neglect signs, and consequently, improvement of patient鈥檚 self-dependence and quality of life. The goal of this work is the presentation of the hemineglect syndrom characteristics and the nursing proceedings aimed at the alleviation of the occuring disorders, and at improving patients performance in their daily funcions

    Prevalence of hemineglect syndrome in patients after ischemic stroke

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    Neglect of one half of space is a result of damage to one hemisphere, most often after right-sided, nondominant damage. The term "neglect" is used to describe inattention specific to space or body usually contralateral to the side of brain injury. Unilateral neglect is a heterogeneous syndrome and inattention includes ignoring contralesional sights, sounds, smells, tactile or imagined stimuli. The aim of this study was to asses the frequency of hemispatial neglect and resolution of symptoms with time in a consecutive group of patients with ischemic stroke. The following data were analyzed: medical history patients after ischemic stroke, neurological examination, activities of daily leaving. Five "pencil-paper" tests from Behavioral Innatention Test were used to verify diagnosis of neglect. The examination was performed in the first and fourteenth day of patient's hospital stay. The neglect was diagnosed in 41% of patients. The most common symptoms were: sensory neglect, anosognosia and extrapersonal neglect. The resolution of symptoms was seen during a few weeks, especially with regard to activities of everyday leaving

    Respiratory insufficiency in patients after neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position

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    Neurosurgical procedures in the area of the posterior cranial cavity and cervical spine may be performed in the prone, lateral and sitting position. However, sitting position may lead to numerous intraoperative complications and result with patient's respiratory insufficiency after the surgery. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the impact of patient's clinical status before the surgery, anaesthetics used during the procedure, surgery duration and intraoperative complications, which occurred during this intervention, on the incidence of respiratory insufficiency in patients after neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position. The analysis included 139 neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position. 60% of the study group were females and remaining 40% were men. The most frequent cause of the surgery included: cerebellum tumours (47%) and cerebello-pontine angle tumours (29%). Arterial blood pressure variations, heart arrhythmia, and air embolism were the main intraoperative complications. Respiratory insufficiency was diagnosed after surgery in 32% of patients. It concerned mainly the oldest patients, with the surgical risk ratio ASA between 3 and 4, those who were reoperated or whose surgery lasted longer than four hours. Almost half of the group with respiratory insufficiency suffered from three or more intraoperative complications at the same time. Also, every second patient with one of the complications i.e. tachycardia, the increase of arterial blood pressure or air embolism, had respiratory insufficiency after the neurosurgical procedure. All patients who were operated because of aneurysms or angiomas of the posterior fossa were free from respiratory insufficiency

    Characterization of the hemineglect syndrome; specificity of the nursing care

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    Zesp贸艂 zaniedbywania po艂owiczego wyst臋puje po uszkodzeniu jednej p贸艂kuli m贸zgu, najcz臋艣ciej prawej (niedominuj膮cej) i polega na nie艣wiadomo艣ci istnienia przestrzeni osobniczej i pozaosobniczej po stronie przeciwleg艂ej do uszkodzonej p贸艂kuli. S膮 to z艂o偶one zaburzenia w zakresie r贸偶nych modalno艣ci zmys艂owych: wzrokowej, s艂uchowej, czuciowej lub kinestetyczno-ruchowej, przede wszystkim jednak pomijanie stronne jest zaburzeniem poznawczym. Pacjenci 偶yj膮 w okrojonej przestrzeni, nie zdaj膮c sobie sprawy z ogranicze艅 w funkcjonowaniu. Przyczyny i patomechanizm zespo艂u zaniedbywania po艂owiczego nadal nie s膮 do ko艅ca poznane. Wp艂yw na powstawanie zaburze艅 ma uszkodzenie r贸偶nych struktur m贸zgowych. Wskazuje si臋 na neuropsychologiczne pod艂o偶e zjawiska poprzez analiz臋 proces贸w ustosunkowania, uwagi i emocji. Diagnostyka opiera si臋 g艂贸wnie na testach neuropsychologicznych. W obrazie klinicznym zespo艂u zaniedbywania uwag臋 zwracaj膮 zaburzenia komunikacji, odtwarzania, orientacji wzgl臋dem bod藕c贸w ze strony pomijanej, cz臋sto przy zachowaniu prawid艂owych funkcji czucia i ruchu. Post臋powanie reedukacyjne jest wci膮偶 na etapie badawczym. Opiera si臋 g艂贸wnie na programach rehabilitacyjnych z elementami psychologii maj膮cych na celu wyr贸偶nianie bod藕c贸w pomijanej strony, stymulacj臋 zaniedbywanych cz臋艣ci cia艂a, usprawnianie analizy wzrokowoprzestrzennej i integracj臋 percepcyjno-motoryczn膮. Specyficzne problemy pacjenta wymagaj膮 od zespo艂u terapeutycznego odpowiedniego podej艣cia. Wa偶ne jest u艣wiadomienie i motywowanie chorego, eliminowanie objaw贸w pomijania, a w efekcie poprawa samodzielno艣ci i jako艣ci 偶ycia chorego. Celem pracy jest charakterystyka zespo艂u zaniedbywania po艂owiczego oraz przedstawienie post臋powania piel臋gniarskiego nastawionego na zmniejszenie wyst臋puj膮cych zaburze艅 i popraw臋 funkcjonowania pacjenta w czynno艣ciach codziennych.Hemineglect results from the damage of the single, usually right brain hemisphere (non-dominant one). It consists of the lack of awareness of the intra- and extrapersonal space contralaterally to the affected hemisphere. This disturbance combines complex abnormalities in various modalities of special senses: visual, auditory, sensory, and kinesthetic-motor one. Hemineglect is predominantly a cognitive disorder. Patients live in limited space, being unaware of functional restrictions. Causes and pathomechanisms of hemineglect remain poorly understood. The occurrence of the disorder results from the damage of the various cerebral structures. Analysis of the attitude, attention and emotions suggests the neuropsychological background of that phenomenon. The diagnosis of hemineglect is based mainly on neuropsychological testing. Clinical picture of the hemineglect syndrome is dominated by the disordered communication, recall, orientation towards the stimuli coming from the neglected side, frequently with preserved motor and sensory functions. Reeducational management is still at the research stage. It is based mainly on the rehabilitation programs including psychological elements that promote stimuli from the neglected side, stimulation of the neglected parts of the body, improvement of the visuospatial analysis, as well as the perceptive-motor integration. Specific patient’s problems require the adequate approach of the therapeutic team. Important activities include motivation and making patient aware of the deficit, elimination of the neglect signs, and consequently, improvement of patient’s self-dependence and quality of life. The goal of this work is the presentation of the hemineglect syndrom characteristics and the nursing proceedings aimed at the alleviation of the occuring disorders, and at improving patients performance in their daily funcions

    Prevalence of hemineglect syndrome in patients after ischemic stroke

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    Wst臋p. Zesp贸艂 zaniedbywania po艂owiczego wyst臋puje po uszkodzeniu jednej p贸艂kuli m贸zgu, najcz臋艣ciej prawej, niedominuj膮cej. Polega na nie艣wiadomo艣ci istnienia przestrzeni osobniczej i pozaosobniczej po stronie przeciwleg艂ej do uszkodzonej p贸艂kuli. S膮 to z艂o偶one zaburzenia poznawcze w zakresie r贸偶nych modalno艣ci zmys艂owych: wzrokowej, s艂uchowej, czuciowej lub kinestetyczno-ruchowej. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena wyst臋powania objaw贸w zespo艂u zaniedbywania po艂owiczego u chorych po przebytym niedokrwiennym udarze m贸zgu, analiza dynamiki tych objaw贸w, wp艂yw danych klinicznych i socjologicznych na wyst臋powanie tego zespo艂u oraz wp艂yw zaburze艅 na funkcjonowanie chorych w czynno艣ciach 偶ycia codziennego. Materia艂 i metody. Analizie poddano dokumentacj臋 szpitaln膮 pacjent贸w po przebytym udarze niedokrwiennym m贸zgu, zaobserwowane objawy neurologiczne, funkcjonowanie pacjenta w czynno艣ciach 偶ycia codziennego. Do potwierdzenia zaburze艅 zastosowano 5 zada艅 typu "papier–o艂贸wek" BIT. Badanie wykonano w 1. i 14. dobie od wyst膮pienia udaru niedokrwiennego m贸zgu. Wyniki i wnioski. W badanej grupie stwierdzono wyst臋powanie zespo艂u zaniedbywania po艂owiczego u 41% pacjent贸w. Najcz臋stszymi objawami klinicznymi by艂o wygaszanie sensoryczne, ignorowanie jednej strony cia艂a oraz zaniedbywanie przestrzeni oko艂oosobowej. Zaobserwowano regresj臋 objaw贸w zespo艂u zaniedbywania po艂owiczego w ci膮gu kilku tygodni, zw艂aszcza w zakresie funkcjonowania w czynno艣ciach 偶ycia codziennego.Introduction. Neglect of one half of space is a result of damage to one hemisphere, most often after right-sided, nondominant damage. The term "neglect" is used to describe inattention specific to space or body usually contralateral to the side of brain injury. Unilateral neglect is a heterogeneous syndrome and inattention includes ignoring contralesional sights, sounds, smells, tactile or imagined stimuli. Aim. The aim of this study was to asses the frequency of hemispatial neglect and resolution of symptoms with time in a consecutive group of patients with ischemic stroke. Material and methods. The following data were analyzed: medical history patients after ischemic stroke, neurological examination, activities of daily leaving. Five "pencil-paper" tests from Behavioral Innatention Test were used to verify diagnosis of neglect. The examination was performed in the first and fourteenth day of patient’s hospital stay. Results and conclusions. The neglect was diagnosed in 41% of patients. The most common symptoms were: sensory neglect, anosognosia and extrapersonal neglect. The resolution of symptoms was seen during a few weeks, especially with regard to activities of everyday leaving

    Trudna intubacja dotchawicza

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    Respiratory insufficiency in patients after neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position

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    Wst臋p. Operacje neurochirurgiczne w obr臋bie tylnej jamy czaszki i szyjnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa mo偶na wykonywa膰 w u艂o偶eniu na brzuchu, na boku oraz w pozycji siedz膮cej. Zastosowanie pozycji siedz膮cej zwi膮zane jest z mo偶liwo艣ci膮 wyst膮pienia powik艂a艅 艣r贸doperacyjnych, co mo偶e doprowadzi膰 do niewydolno艣ci oddechowej pacjenta po zabiegu. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena wp艂ywu stanu klinicznego pacjent贸w przed zabiegiem, zastosowanych 艣rodk贸w anestetycznych, czasu trwania operacji oraz zaistnia艂ych zaburze艅 艣r贸doperacyjnych na wyst臋powanie niewydolno艣ci oddechowej u pacjent贸w po zabiegach neurochirurgicznych przeprowadzanych w pozycji siedz膮cej. Materia艂 i metody. Przeprowadzona analiza dotyczy 139 zabieg贸w neurochirurgicznych wykonanych z zastosowaniem pozycji siedz膮cej. W badanej grupie by艂o 60% kobiet i 40% m臋偶czyzn. Najcz臋艣ciej wykonywano zabiegi z powodu guza m贸偶d偶ku (47%) oraz guza k膮ta mostowo-m贸偶d偶kowego (29%). G艂贸wnymi powik艂aniami 艣r贸doperacyjnymi by艂y: wahania ci艣nienia t臋tniczego krwi, zaburzenia rytmu serca oraz zatorowo艣膰 powietrzna. Wyniki i wnioski. Niewydolno艣膰 oddechow膮 po zabiegu rozpoznawano w 32%. Zaburzenia oddechowe dotyczy艂y g艂贸wnie najstarszych pacjent贸w w stopniu ryzyka operacyjnego ASA 3 lub 4, u kt贸rych przeprowadzano reoperacje lub zabiegi trwaj膮ce powy偶ej czterech godzin. Prawie po艂owa badanych z rozpoznan膮 po zabiegu niewydolno艣ci膮 oddechow膮 mia艂a trzy lub wi臋cej powik艂a艅 艣r贸doperacyjnych r贸wnocze艣nie. Tak偶e w prawie po艂owie przypadk贸w wyst膮pienia zaburze艅, czyli tachykardii, wzrostu ci艣nienia t臋tniczego lub zatorowo艣ci powietrznej obserwowano po zabiegu niewydolno艣膰 oddechow膮. Wszyscy pacjenci po zabiegach t臋tniak贸w lub naczyniak贸w w obr臋bie tylnej jamy czaszkowej byli wydolni oddechowo.Introduction. Neurosurgical procedures in the area of the posterior cranial cavity and cervical spine may be performed in the prone, lateral and sitting position. However, sitting position may lead to numerous intraoperative complications and result with patient’s respiratory insufficiency after the surgery. Aim. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the impact of patient’s clinical status before the surgery, anaesthetics used during the procedure, surgery duration and intraoperative complications, which occurred during this intervention, on the incidence of respiratory insufficiency in patients after neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position. Material and methods. The analysis included 139 neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position. 60% of the study group were females and remaining 40% were men. The most frequent cause of the surgery included: cerebellum tumours (47%) and cerebello-pontine angle tumours (29%). Arterial blood pressure variations, heart arrhythmia, and air embolism were the main intraoperative complications. Results and conclusions. Respiratory insufficiency was diagnosed after surgery in 32% of patients. It concerned mainly the oldest patients, with the surgical risk ratio ASA between 3 and 4, those who were reoperated or whose surgery lasted longer than four hours. Almost half of the group with respiratory insufficiency suffered from three or more intraoperative complications at the same time. Also, every second patient with one of the complications i.e. tachycardia, the increase of arterial blood pressure or air embolism, had respiratory insufficiency after the neurosurgical procedure. All patients who were operated because of aneurysms or angiomas of the posterior fossa were free from respiratory insufficiency