60 research outputs found

    Teachers' Educational Qualification, Rank Level, Working Duration, Age, Work Motivation and Work Effectiveness

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    Teachers' Educational Qualification, Rank Level, Working Duration, Age, Working Mo­tivation, and Working Effectiveness The study investigated the effects of educational qualification, rank level, working duration and age on the elementary school teachers' working motivation and working ef­fectiveness. The sample of the study consisted of 438 elementary school teachers in Malang which were selected through cluster sampling technique. The study was conducted using explanatory design in the form of causal model. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentation, and were analyzed descrip­tively employing structural equation technique. The study revealed that that the effect of the educational qualification, rank level, working duration and age on teachers' working motivation and working effec­tiveness, both directly and indirectly, was not significant

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Bahan Kimia Maleat Anhidrida terhadap Gondorukem Maleat dari Getah Pinus Merkusii

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi asam maleat terhadap rendemen dan kualitas gondorukem maleat yang diolah lansung dari getah pinus. Dalam pengolahan getah pinus ditambah larutan asam maleat, minyak terpentin dan air secukupnya. Setelah itu disuling selama 5 jam, di mana untuk mencapai suhu 175OC diperkirakan memerlukan waktu 2 jam, lalu dijaga pada suhu tersebut selama 3 jam. Persentase asam maleat yang digunakan terdiri dari 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 dan 12%. Gondorukem maleat yang dihasilkan selanjutnya diuji rendemen dan sifat fisiko-kimianya. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan prosedur GLM paket komputer.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan persentase asam maleat pada pengolahan getah pinus meningkatkan rendemen, titik lunak, bilangan asam dan bilangan penyabunan, serta cenderung meningkatkan kadar kotoran gondorukem maleat yang dihasilkan. Gondorukem maleat yang dihasilkan mempunyai kualitas WW dan kualitas ini lebih baik dibandingkan dengan gondorukem maleat produksi Cina dan Amerika. Pengolahan getah pinus dengan penambahan asam maleat 6% menghasilkan gondorukem maleat yang memenuhi persyaratan kualitas titik lunak gondorukem maleat dari Cina mau pun Amerika, sedangkan penambahan asam maleat 12% menghasilkan gondorukem maleat yang setara dengan kualitas pertama gondorukem maleat Amerika. Berdasarkan nilai bilangan asam dan bilangan penyabunan, gondorukem maleat yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini sudah memenuhi persyaratan kualitas kedua dari gondorukem maleat produksi Cina

    Menata PKL, Mengembangkan Ekonomi Kerakyatan

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    The city of Solo (Surakarta) gives a serious attention towards the existence of street vendors (PKL or Pedagang Kaki Lima). Dealing with various obstacles, efforts of PKL arrangement and development are continuously carried out. The attention given by the city government on PKL existence has increasingly escalated during the leadership of Joko Widodo, the Mayor of Solo. PKL arrangement was started by socialization in 2005, continued by PKL relocation in 2006, which shows the hard work of various parties. The policy of arrangement and development was arranged not to put PKL out, but to offer assurance to them as to support the efforts in developing the citizens' economic conditions

    Sifat Fisiko-kimia Minyak Keruing Yang Dihasilkan Dari Metode Penyulingan Uap (the Physico-chemical Properties of Keruing Oils Obtained by Steam Distillation Technique)

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    Keruing oils can be obtained through separating the oil from keruing gum by distillation technique, or distilling keruing wood. In accordance with the lattest method, the objective of this research is to study the physico-chemical properties of keruing oils which were obtained by steam distillation of a mixture of several keruing wood species. This wood was randomly taken three times from the wastes of wood processing industry in East Kalimantan. Each wood wastes taken was steam distilled and the yielded oils were analysed their physico-chemical properties. The difference between means value of the properties of the oils was tested by using LSD according td SAS procedure.Results revealed that wood wastes gave a highly significant effect on refractive index, optical rotation, acid and ester number of keruing oils. It also gave a significant effect on saponification number. Further analysis showed that the keruing oil with clear colour compared to both keruing oil with clear yellow and pale yellow colour was a significant difference in acid and ester number. Moreover, the keruing oil with pale yellow colour had ll significant difference in saponification number compared the others. Among these oils, the refractive index and optical rotation properties were a significant difference one to the others. Based these results, if the keruing wood wastes will be used as raw materials for keruing oil production, it is better that the keruing wood containing much oil or gum should be separated from the others before further processing


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    Fenomena pemekaran daerah pasca Reformasi menemukan momentumnya, saking derasnya kemunculan Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB) pasca Reformasi, para ahli menyebut fenomena pemekaran daerah yang relatif cepat dan massif tersebut dengan istilah “big bang” decentralization, semacam ledakan atau dentuman besar terkait perubahan kebijakan desentralisasi yang sangat drastic. Kehadiran Daerah Otonomi Baru tersebut harus diakui memicu konflik yang kemudian mengemuka, salah satunya adalah konflik batas wilayah. Salah satunya yakni konflik batas wilayah antara Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar dengan Kabupaten Buton Selatan. Mahkamah melalui Putusan Nomor 24/PUU-XVI/2018 tertanggal 13 Maret 2019 yang menyatakan pada pokoknya bahwa permasalahan yang diajukan oleh Pemohon I dan Pemohon II bukanlah permasalahan konstitusional. Penulis kemudian tertarik untuk meneliti apa Ratio Decidendi Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Putusan Nomor 24/PUU-XVI/2018 tertanggal 13 Maret 2019 dan Apakah Ratio decidendi Hakim Konstitusi dalam Putusan Nomor 24/PUU- XVI/2018 tertanggal 13 Maret 2019 ditinjau dari Makna Teori Negara Kesatuan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendeskripsikan model-model konflik batas wilayah, factor-faktor yang memicu munculnya konflik tersebut serta upaya-upaya penyelesaiannya, metode penelitian dalam penyusunan karya ilmiah ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan legis positivis, yang menyatakan bahwa hukum identic dengan norma-norma tertulis yang dibuat dan diundangkan oleh lembaga atau pejabat yang berwenang, dan hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa Ratio Decidendi hakim dalam Putusan Nomor 24/PUU-XVI/2018 bahwa “Pelaksanaan Pasal 18 ayat (1) UUD 1945 menjadi kewenangan sepenuhnya dari Pembentuk Undang-Undang untuk membagi wilayah termasuk menetapkan batas-batas wilayahnya..”, dan relevansinya dengan teori negara kesatuan sangatlah erat, karena pendirian Mahkamah tersebut jelas sekali berkesuaian dengan teori negara kesatuan sebagaimana digambarkan oleh para ahli.Kata Kunci : Pemerintah Daerah, Daerah Otonomi, Konflik Batas Wilayah, Ratio Decidendi

    Pengaruh Jenls Pelarut Organik dan Umur Daun Pinus terhadap Rendemen Lilin

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    The objective of this research is to study the effect of organic solvents and pine needles age on wax yields. The organic solvents used in extracting wax consisted of chloroform, n hexane and ethanol; however, the radiate pine needles' age used as raw materials for the action were primary pine needles (one year old or less), secondary pine needles (two o tu, e years old), and mixtare of both. the data were analysed with an A x B factorial design where A represented organic solvents and B depicted pine needles' age. the differenc between means of wax yields was calculated with an LSD method in the SAS compute packages.Results showed that organic solvents, pine needles' age and the interaction of both gave ,high fr significance on wax yields. Compared lo the other combinations, a combination of. chtorofonn solvent and secondary pine needles produced the highest of wax yield. A wax yiet. obtained by extracting secondary pine needles was statistically similar lo a wax yield obtaine, frotn a mixture of both primary and secondary pine needles. A chloroform solvent is a goo. solvent to extract pine needle waxes from any kind of pine species

    Persepsi dan Sikap Guru Tentang Pendayagunaan Media Jejaring Sosial dalam Pembelajaran

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    One of the phenomenon in the 20th century that is currently being discussed is about emerging and the development of many social networking media. The media is now a trend all over among the people regardless of age, it is because social networking media provides convenience services in communicating, in particular interact and share information between human. If associated in the context of education, then social networking media to be one of the means of communication that can be utilized in the process of education management and learning for teachers.Salah satu fenomena pada abad ke-20 yang saat ini sedang ramai diperbincangkan adalah tentang berkembangnya media jejaring sosial. Media tersebut kini menjadi trend di seluruh kalangan masyarakat tanpa memandang usia, hal itu dikarenakan media jejaring sosial memberikan kemudahan layanan dalam berkomunikasi, khususnya berinteraksi dan berbagi informasi antar manusia. Jika dikaitkan dalam konteks pendidikan, maka media jejaring sosial menjadi salah satu sarana komunikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses manajemen pendidikan dan pembelajaran bagi guru. Pemanfaatan media tersebut tentu memiliki dampak positif dan negatif yang dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan dalam mencapai tujuan
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