5,100 research outputs found

    Complete parameterization, and invariance, of diffusive quantum trajectories for Markovian open systems

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    The state matrix ρ\rho for an open quantum system with Markovian evolution obeys a master equation. The master equation evolution can be unraveled into stochastic nonlinear trajectories for a pure state PP, such that on average PP reproduces ρ\rho. Here we give for the first time a complete parameterization of all diffusive unravelings (in which PP evolves continuously but non-differentiably in time). We give an explicit measurement theory interpretation for these quantum trajectories, in terms of monitoring the system's environment. We also introduce new classes of diffusive unravelings that are invariant under the linear operator transformations under which the master equation is invariant. We illustrate these invariant unravelings by numerical simulations. Finally, we discuss generalized gauge transformations as a method of connecting apparently disparate descriptions of the same trajectories by stochastic Schr\"odinger equations, and their invariance properties.Comment: 10 pages, including 5 figures, submitted to J. Chem Phys special issue on open quantum system

    Reducing the linewidth of an atom laser by feedback

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    A continuous atom laser will almost certainly have a linewidth dominated by the effect of the atomic interaction energy, which turns fluctuations in the condensate atom number into fluctuations in the condensate frequency. These correlated fluctuations mean that information about the atom number could be used to reduce the frequency fluctuations, by controlling a spatially uniform potential. We show that feedback based on a physically reasonable quantum non-demolition measurement of the atom number of the condensate in situ can reduce the linewidth enormously.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Effects of twin-beam squashed light on a three-level atom

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    An electro-optical feedback loop can make in-loop light (squashed light) which produces a photocurrent with noise below the standard quantum limit (such as squeezed light). We investigate the effect of squashed light interacting with a three-level atom in the cascade configuration and compare it to the effects produced by squeezed light and classical noise. It turns out that one master equation can be formulated for all three types of light and that this unified formalism can also be applied to the evolution of a two-level atom. We show that squashed light does not mimic all aspects of squeezed light, and in particular, it does not produce the characteristic linear intensity dependence of the population of the upper-most level of the cascade three-level atom. Nevertheless, it has nonclassical transient effects in the de-excitation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The pointer basis and the feedback stabilization of quantum systems

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    The dynamics for an open quantum system can be `unravelled' in infinitely many ways, depending on how the environment is monitored, yielding different sorts of conditioned states, evolving stochastically. In the case of ideal monitoring these states are pure, and the set of states for a given monitoring forms a basis (which is overcomplete in general) for the system. It has been argued elsewhere [D. Atkins et al., Europhys. Lett. 69, 163 (2005)] that the `pointer basis' as introduced by Zurek and Paz [Phys. Rev. Lett 70, 1187(1993)], should be identified with the unravelling-induced basis which decoheres most slowly. Here we show the applicability of this concept of pointer basis to the problem of state stabilization for quantum systems. In particular we prove that for linear Gaussian quantum systems, if the feedback control is assumed to be strong compared to the decoherence of the pointer basis, then the system can be stabilized in one of the pointer basis states with a fidelity close to one (the infidelity varies inversely with the control strength). Moreover, if the aim of the feedback is to maximize the fidelity of the unconditioned system state with a pure state that is one of its conditioned states, then the optimal unravelling for stabilizing the system in this way is that which induces the pointer basis for the conditioned states. We illustrate these results with a model system: quantum Brownian motion. We show that even if the feedback control strength is comparable to the decoherence, the optimal unravelling still induces a basis very close to the pointer basis. However if the feedback control is weak compared to the decoherence, this is not the case

    Atom Lasers, Coherent States, and Coherence:II. Maximally Robust Ensembles of Pure States

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    As discussed in Wiseman and Vaccaro [quant-ph/9906125], the stationary state of an optical or atom laser far above threshold is a mixture of coherent field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. We are interested in which, if either, of these descriptions of ρss\rho_{ss}, is more natural. In the preceding paper we concentrated upon whether descriptions such as these are physically realizable (PR). In this paper we investigate another relevant aspect of these ensembles, their robustness. A robust ensemble is one for which the pure states that comprise it survive relatively unchanged for a long time under the system evolution. We determine numerically the most robust ensembles as a function of the parameters in the laser model: the self-energy χ\chi of the bosons in the laser mode, and the excess phase noise ν\nu. We find that these most robust ensembles are PR ensembles, or similar to PR ensembles, for all values of these parameters. In the ideal laser limit (ν=χ=0\nu=\chi=0), the most robust states are coherent states. As the phase noise ν\nu or phase dispersion χ\chi is increased, the most robust states become increasingly amplitude-squeezed. We find scaling laws for these states. As the phase diffusion or dispersion becomes so large that the laser output is no longer quantum coherent, the most robust states become so squeezed that they cease to have a well-defined coherent amplitude. That is, the quantum coherence of the laser output is manifest in the most robust PR states having a well-defined coherent amplitude. This lends support to the idea that robust PR ensembles are the most natural description of the state of the laser mode. It also has interesting implications for atom lasers in particular, for which phase dispersion due to self-interactions is expected to be large.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures included. To be published in Phys. Rev. A, as Part II of a two-part paper. The original version of quant-ph/9906125 is shortly to be replaced by a new version which is Part I of the two-part paper. This paper (Part II) also contains some material from the original version of quant-ph/990612

    Measuring measurement--disturbance relationships with weak values

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    Using formal definitions for measurement precision {\epsilon} and disturbance (measurement backaction) {\eta}, Ozawa [Phys. Rev. A 67, 042105 (2003)] has shown that Heisenberg's claimed relation between these quantities is false in general. Here we show that the quantities introduced by Ozawa can be determined experimentally, using no prior knowledge of the measurement under investigation --- both quantities correspond to the root-mean-squared difference given by a weak-valued probability distribution. We propose a simple three-qubit experiment which would illustrate the failure of Heisenberg's measurement--disturbance relation, and the validity of an alternative relation proposed by Ozawa

    Adiabatic Elimination in Compound Quantum Systems with Feedback

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    Feedback in compound quantum systems is effected by using the output from one sub-system (``the system'') to control the evolution of a second sub-system (``the ancilla'') which is reversibly coupled to the system. In the limit where the ancilla responds to fluctuations on a much shorter time scale than does the system, we show that it can be adiabatically eliminated, yielding a master equation for the system alone. This is very significant as it decreases the necessary basis size for numerical simulation and allows the effect of the ancilla to be understood more easily. We consider two types of ancilla: a two-level ancilla (e.g. a two-level atom) and an infinite-level ancilla (e.g. an optical mode). For each, we consider two forms of feedback: coherent (for which a quantum mechanical description of the feedback loop is required) and incoherent (for which a classical description is sufficient). We test the master equations we obtain using numerical simulation of the full dynamics of the compound system. For the system (a parametric oscillator) and feedback (intensity-dependent detuning) we choose, good agreement is found in the limit of heavy damping of the ancilla. We discuss the relation of our work to previous work on feedback in compound quantum systems, and also to previous work on adiabatic elimination in general.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures including two subplots as jpeg attachment