4,311 research outputs found

    Lifshitz transitions and quasiparticle de-renormalization in YbRh2_2Si2_2

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    We study the effect of magnetic fields up to 15 T on the heavy fermion state of YbRh2_2Si2_2 via Hall effect and magnetoresistance measurements down to 50 mK. Our data show anomalies at three different characteristic fields. We compare our data to renormalized band structure calculations through which we identify Lifshitz transitions associated with the heavy fermion bands. The Hall measurements indicate that the de-renormalization of the quasiparticles, {\it i.e} the destruction of the local Kondo singlets, occurs smoothly while the Lifshitz transitions occur within rather confined regions of the magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Solitonic spin-liquid state due to the violation of the Lifshitz condition in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te

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    A combination of phenomenological analysis and M\"ossbauer spectroscopy experiments on the tetragonal Fe1+y_{1+y}Te system indicates that the magnetic ordering transition in compounds with higher Fe-excess, y≥y\ge 0.11, is unconventional. Experimentally, a liquid-like magnetic precursor with quasi-static spin-order is found from significantly broadened M\"ossbauer spectra at temperatures above the antiferromagnetic transition. The incommensurate spin-density wave (SDW) order in Fe1+y_{1+y}Te is described by a magnetic free energy that violates the weak Lifshitz condition in the Landau theory of second-order transitions. The presence of multiple Lifshitz invariants provides the mechanism to create multidimensional, twisted, and modulated solitonic phases.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Pressure-induced phase transitions and high-pressure tetragonal phase of Fe1.08Te

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    We report the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the temperature-induced phase transitions in Fe1.08Te in the pressure range 0-3 GPa using synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction (XRD). The results reveal a plethora of phase transitions. At ambient pressure, Fe1.08Te undergoes simultaneous first-order structural symmetry-breaking and magnetic phase transitions, namely from the paramagnetic tetragonal (P4/nmm) to the antiferromagnetic monoclinic (P2_1/m) phase. We show that, at a pressure of 1.33 GPa, the low temperature structure adopts an orthorhombic symmetry. More importantly, for pressures of 2.29 GPa and higher, a symmetry-conserving tetragonal-tetragonal phase transition has been identified from a change in the c/a ratio of the lattice parameters. The succession of different pressure and temperature-induced structural and magnetic phases indicates the presence of strong magneto-elastic coupling effects in this material.Comment: 11 page

    High spin polarization in the ferromagnetic filled skutterudites KFe4Sb12 and NaFe4Sb12

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    The spin polarization of ferromagnetic alkali-metal iron antimonides KFe4Sb12 and NaFe4Sb12 is studied by point-contact Andreev reflection using superconducting Nb and Pb tips. From these measurements an intrinsic transport spin polarization Pt of 67% and 60% for the K and Na compound, respectively, is inferred which establishes these materials as a new class of highly spin polarized ferromagnets. The results are in accord with band structure calculations within the local spin density approximation (LSDA) that predict nearly 100% spin polarization in the density of states. We discuss the impact of calculated Fermi velocities and spin fluctuations on Pt.Comment: Pdf file with fi

    Finding Galaxy Groups In Photometric Redshift Space: the Probability Friends-of-Friends (pFoF) Algorithm

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    We present a structure finding algorithm designed to identify galaxy groups in photometric redshift data sets: the probability friends-of-friends (pFoF) algorithm. This algorithm is derived by combining the friends-of-friends algorithm in the transverse direction and the photometric redshift probability densities in the radial dimension. The innovative characteristic of our group-finding algorithm is the improvement of redshift estimation via the constraints given by the transversely connected galaxies in a group, based on the assumption that all galaxies in a group have the same redshift. Tests using the Virgo Consortium Millennium Simulation mock catalogs allow us to show that the recovery rate of the pFoF algorithm is larger than 80% for mock groups of at least 2\times10^{13}M_{\sun}, while the false detection rate is about 10% for pFoF groups containing at least ∼8\sim8 net members. Applying the algorithm to the CNOC2 group catalogs gives results which are consistent with the mock catalog tests. From all these results, we conclude that our group-finding algorithm offers an effective yet simple way to identify galaxy groups in photometric redshift catalogs.Comment: AJ accepte

    Interplay between Kondo suppression and Lifshitz transitions in YbRh2_2Si2_2 at high magnetic fields

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    We investigate the magnetic field dependent thermopower, thermal conductivity, resistivity and Hall effect in the heavy fermion metal YbRh2Si2. In contrast to reports on thermodynamic measurements, we find in total three transitions at high fields, rather than a single one at 10 T. Using the Mott formula together with renormalized band calculations, we identify Lifshitz transitions as their origin. The predictions of the calculations show that all experimental results rely on an interplay of a smooth suppression of the Kondo effect and the spin splitting of the flat hybridized bands.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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