8 research outputs found

    Kelayakan Finansial USAha Pengolahan Ikan Asin di Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Kabupaten Seruyan Kalimantan Tengah

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    This study aimed to analyze the financial feasibility of salted fish processing business Seruyan Hilir in district Seruyan. The method used is the method of census, census method is a research method that uses all individuals in the population so that in this study did not use samples. Analysis of the data used is qualitative analysis to analyze the costs incurred for activities ranging from the cost of investment, production operations and financial analysis used to determine feasible or not its processing business, salted fish using the criteria for eligibility of investment are: Net Present Value ( NPV), Internal rate of Return (IRR), Net Benefit Cost ratio (Net B / C), Payback Period and sensitivity analysis switching value to determine the sensitivity level of effort toward the changes to assumptions used for example only the first assumption the price of raw materials fresh fish rose 10%, assuming both the selling price of salted fish down 10%, and assuming a third the price of raw materials fresh fish rose 10% and the price of salted fish down 10% on the analysis finasial processing business, salted fish seen on the criteria of investment used salted fish processing business is still feasible to be developed or executed and based on the analysis of switching value that the reduction in the selling price of salted fish is more sensitive than the increase in raw material use fresh fish

    Analisis Break Even Point dan Risiko Pendapatan USAha Kerupuk Ikan Gabus di Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Kabupaten Seruyan Kalimantan Tengah

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    This study aims to analyze Break Even Point (BEP) and the risk of snakehead fish cracker business income in subdistrik seruyan hilir district seruyan, this research was conducted in March 2017 s / d June 2017 in sub district Seruyan Hilir Seruyan District. Sampling using census method or the entire population of snakehead fish cracker processing business owner in Seruyan Hilir Sub-district that actively producing snakehead fish cracker is sampled In this research, there are 14 people who are all sampled in research. The data analysis used was Break Even Point analysis and income risk from snakehead fish cracker business, based on the result of the average fixed cost analysis used Rp 7.095.803 per year and the average variable cost used was Rp 59.779.200 per year , And based on Break Even Point analysis of snakehead fish cracker business conducted for Break Even Point from production of fish snakehead crackers in one production process is 7.96 kg / production and Break Even Point based on sales obtained in one production is Rp 7.324. 303 and the result of risk analysis of snakehead fish cracker income based on business income risk for CV value of 0,17 (0,17 3,749,920,75 (> 0), it can be interpreted that income risk the minimum obtained by the business of fish snakehead crackers in the run of Rp 3,749,920.75 / kg

    Distribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Nelayan (Studi Kasus di Desa Sungai Bakau Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Timur dan Desa Sungai Undang Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Kabupaten Seruyan)

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    The objectives of this research were to analyze distribution of fishermen household incomes in Sungai Bakau village in Seruyan Hilir Timur Distric and Sungai Undang in Seruyan Hilir Distric of Seruyan Regency. The methode of this research applied survey method using questioners to gather primary data, the number of respondent in this study is 157 people consisting of fishermen in the village Sungai Bakau 70 people and in the village Sungai Undang 87 people. to analyze distribution of family incomes using coefficient Gini Ratio. The result of the descriptive analysis of the family consumption expenditure in the village of Sungai Bakau and Sungai Undang shows that household expenditure allocated for food consumption is greater than in the non-food consumption. people's income distribution reflected in the Gini Ratio 0.18197 for Sungai Bakau village and 0.20905 for Sungai Undang, this condition indicated a level of inequality low

    Analisis Kelayakan dan Model Pengembangan USAha Kerupuk Ikan dengan Pendekatan Entreprenuerial Marketing

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kelayakan finansial, sensitivitas USAha, serta menganalisis model pengembangan USAha pengolahan kerupuk ikan di Kabupaten Seruyan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2018, menggunakan data primer dengan metode sensus pada seluruh pengusaha kerupuk ikan di Kabupaten Seruyan. Kelayakan finansial dalam USAha pembuatan kerupuk ikan ini dianalisis menggunakan beberapa kriteria investasi yaitu Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, Net B/C Ratio. Sensitifitas USAha dianalisis dengan menggunakan switching value, sedangkan model pengembangan USAha di analisis menggunakan PLS SEM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa USAha kerupuk ikan di Kabuapten Seruyan layak untuk di USAhakan berdasarkan 4 kriteria investasi yang digunakan dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 192.357.2999,43, IRR sebesar 60,94%, Net B/C sebesar 2,76 dan pay back period sebesar 3 tahun 18 hari. Adapun hasil analisis sensitifitas menunjukkan penurunan harga jual lebih sensitive jika dibandingkan dengan penurunan harga bahan baku, dan untuk kenaikan harga bahan baku batas tertinggi sebesar 37,80% dan untuk penurunan harga jual kerupuk batas terendah sebesar 24,30%, dan berdasarkan analisis model pengembangan USAha (Entrepreneurial Marketing) diketahui bahwa Entrepreneurial marketing berpengaruh sangat signifikan (p value 0,000) terhadap pengembangan USAha kerupuk ikan di Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Kabupaten Seruyan

    The Role of Social Media on Market Accessibility and the Business Success of Fish Crackers Industry at Seruyan Regancy

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    Indonesia and in other developing countries. ICT has the ability to cut space and time limitations, especially access to communication and information, which has been a constraint to weak market access for entrepreneurs. One form of information technology that is developing and the current trend is the presence of social media (social media) that were built with the aim of connecting various people through internet media in various places without constraints of space and time. This study aims 1) to analyze the influence of social media as a marketing medium on the accessibility of fish cracker processing industries in Seruyan Hilir District, Seruyan Regency to the market. 2) analyze the relationship between market accessibility and business success. Respondents were taken from the region which is the center of fish cracker processing industry in Seruyan Regency, namely Seruyan Hilir Sub-district using the census method as many as 18 respondents. The analysis uses a partial structural equation model (PLS-SEM) with the main variables namely the use of social media, market accessibility, and business success. Each variable is then measured using several indicators. Based on the results of the analysis it is known that the use of social media has a significant effect on the accessibility of the fish cracker processing industry to the market. The business success is also significantly influenced by the accessibility of the fish cracker processing industry to the marke

    Analysis Of Factors That Influence Production Of Rice Farming Variety Of Siam Epang At Sub District Of Seruyan Hilir

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    Increasing paddy production at Sub-District of Seruyan Hilir is expected to be able to increase income for farmers for increasing the welfare of each farmer family. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the area of land, seed, labor in the family, labor outside the family, fertilizer, and pesticides on the production of paddy of Siam Epang Varieties at Sub District of Seruyan Hiir. Study field was at Subdistrict of Seruyan Hilir, Seruyan Regency. Data in this research are primary and secondary data, sample are 86 farmers is choosen by stratified random sampling technique, data collecting method using interview method, questionnaire and literature study and data processing done using Eviews 7 software, the method used is the least squares method (Ordinary Least Squares) in a regression model that produces the best linear unbias estimator (Best Linear Unbias Estimator). The result of data analysis showsthat the factors that have positive and significant influence on the production level of paddy Siam Epang Varieties in Subdistrict of Seruyan Hilir are land area, fertilizer and pesticide with coefficient value are 1.009, 0.355, and 0,248. While the factors that have negative and insignificant effect on the level of production are seeds, TKDK , and TKLK, with coefficient values are -0.131, -0.210, and -0.080. The R2 value is 0.847 means that 84.7 percent of paddy production can be explained by all factors in this study