9 research outputs found

    Differences in microleakage in bulk-fill composite resin and fiber reinforced composite restorations in class I cavities with the bulk-fill technique

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    Introduction: Micro leakage is one of the most frequent failures of old restorations and new restorations. Many factors can cause micro leakage among other types of restorative materials. Addition of fiber into the resin is said to increase resistance to fracture and strengthen restorations and reduce micro leakage than fiberless resins. Objective: To know the difference of micro leakage on bulk-fill composite resin and fiber reinforced composite materials in class I cavity by bulk-fill technique. Method: pure experimental study, the sample in this study used post-extraction molar teeth of 32 free from caries. The sample was first soaked a 0.9% NaCl solution for 1 day to condition the teeth in the mouth, then sample will be done cavity class I preparation and will be restored with two different restorative materials. After the restoration will be done soaking on 2% methylene blue liquor for 1 day, after that thermocycling process with temperature 5˚ and 55˚, after that cutting and observation of micro leak with stereomicroscope Result: Average of micro leakage happened more large on bulk-fill composite resin compared with fiber reinforced composite. with p value = 0.000 (p <0,05). Conclusions: The average micro leakage occurring is greater in composite bulk-fill resins than with composite reinforced fiber composite resins. Micro leakage that occurs smaller in composite resin fiber resin than composite bulk-fill resin due to differences in composite resin content

    Laporan kasus: Gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan

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    Jaringan lunak wajah merupakan faktor penting yang berperan dalam membentuk estetika wajah. Penilaian terhadap adanya perbaikan estetika wajah akibat perawatan ortodonti masih menjadi perdebatan yang menarik di kalangan ortodontis karena banyaknya aspek yang menjadi ukuran dalam penilaian estetika wajah. Perubahan pada penampilan wajah terjadi karena adanya perubahan posisi gigi anterior yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan profil jaringan lunak wajah terutama pada daerah bibir, sehingga penelitian mengenai perubahan posisi bibir dan posisi gigi anterior menjadi sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan estetika wajah pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan nilai perubahan posisi bibir akibat dari perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal gigi insisivus pada kasus gigi protrusif menggunakan analisis sefalogram lateral sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan metode cross sectional dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling sebanyak 16 sampel sefalometri sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.pengumpulan data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan korelasi Pearson’s Product Moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal terhadap bibir melalui garis estetik dimana dihasilkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan bermakna cukup kuat dari nilai perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal gigi insisivus terhadap bibir melalui garis estetik sebelum dan setelah dilakukan perawatan ortodonti

    Gambaran pengetahuan dokter mengenai karsinoma sel skuamosa rongga mulut dan human papillomavirus

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    Karsinoma sel skuamosa rongga mulut atau oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) lazim di seluruh dunia dan merupakan salah satu penyebab paling banyak pada kanker. Faktor etiologi yang paling dikenal untuk OSCC adalah penggunaan tembakau.  Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa infeksi Human papillomavirus (HPV) juga merupakan faktor risiko penting untuk OSCC. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dokter umum di lingkungan Universitas Prima Indonesia mengenai OSCC terkait HPV. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner online kepada 80 dokter umum di lingkungan Universitas Prima Indonesia. Responden dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dari hasil peneilitian ini, sebanyak 63 responden atau 78,8% memiliki gambaran pengetahuan baik,  dan sebanyak 17 responden atau 41,1 % memiliki gambaran pengetahuan yang cukup. Pengetahuan dokter umum di lingkungan Universitas Prima Indonesia  mengenai OSCC terkait HPV sudah terbilang baik

    Digital storytelling: An innovative teaching method for medical education

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    Introduction: The transition from face-to-face to entirely online or hybrid teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic has been reported to reduce student engagement and lack of engagement among medical students. These changes require Medical educators to try innovative teaching methods to increase student engagement and improve medical teaching. Digital storytelling can potentially improve student engagement and provide a better learning experience for medical students. Methods: Narrative review of literature on digital storytelling and Medical education. Discussion: Digital storytelling is a multistep process. Planning and creating a digital story has effectively improved self-reflection, literacy, communication, idea organization, and technology skills. Conclusion: Using digital storytelling could be a valuable addition to teaching methods in Medical schools. Adopting this innovative teaching method could provide a better learning experience for medical students

    Secondary forest within a timber plantation concession in Borneo contributes to a diverse mammal assemblage

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    Commercial tree plantations of fast-growing species have become increasingly important in Southeast Asia to meet global demand for wood and wood fiber products. There is a growing need to understand more about their value for wildlife and how they can be managed for biodiversity. We evaluated the effects of landscape attributes on mammal communities in a timber concession consisting of 83 % secondary forest and 17 % tree plantations in northern Sabah, Malaysia. Using camera traps, we compared mammalian species assemblages of secondary forest and commercial tree plantation stands and identified habitat predictors associated with total mammal species detections and species richness in the landscape mosaic. We used 87 camera stations deployed for 23 days across two major land-use types: 62 sites in secondary forest (previously logged natural forest) and 25 sites in tree plantations. We evaluated variation in species richness in these two major land-use categories and assessed the effects of natural and anthropogenic predictors on variation in total mammal detections and species richness. We detected at least 23 large and medium-sized mammal species over 2035 trap nights. Fourteen of those species were classified as threatened or near-threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Rarefaction did not reveal differences in mammal species richness or diversity between camera sites placed in tree plantations and secondary forests, likely because most camera sites in tree plantations were close to secondary forest and comprised < 30 % of all sites. However, generalized linear models indicated lower mammal diversity as proportions of tree plantation and proximity to human settlements increased. Total mammal records, including those of threatened mammals, increased with greater proportions of secondary forest. Retention of larger tracts of secondary forest around plantation areas appears to be important to maintain mammalian species richness and contributes to the conservation value of commercial timber plantations. These findings may assist in the management of mammals of conservation concern and implementation of adaptive management plans to enhance biodiversity conservation in commercial plantations

    Hubungan perubahan nilai posisi dan sudut interinsisal gigi insisivus terhadap bibir melalui garis estetik

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    Jaringan lunak wajah merupakan faktor penting yang berperan dalam membentuk estetika wajah. Penilaian terhadap adanya perbaikan estetika wajah akibat perawatan ortodonti masih menjadi perdebatan yang menarik di kalangan ortodontis karena banyaknya aspek yang menjadi ukuran dalam penilaian estetika wajah. Perubahan pada penampilan wajah terjadi karena adanya perubahan posisi gigi anterior yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan profil jaringan lunak wajah terutama pada daerah bibir, sehingga penelitian mengenai perubahan posisi bibir dan posisi gigi anterior menjadi sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan estetika wajah pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan nilai perubahan posisi bibir akibat dari perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal gigi insisivus pada kasus gigi protrusif menggunakan analisis sefalogram lateral sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan metode cross sectional dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling sebanyak 16 sampel sefalometri sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.pengumpulan data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan korelasi Pearson’s Product Moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal terhadap bibir melalui garis estetik (p&lt;0,05). Terdapat hubungan bermakna cukup kuat dari nilai perubahan posisi dan sudut interinsisal gigi insisivus terhadap bibir melalui garis estetik sebelum dan setelah dilakukan perawatan ortodonti

    Uji Sitotoksik dan Anti-Inflamasi Ekstrak Buah Bengkuang (Pachyrizus Erosus (L.) Urb.) terhadap Sel RAW 264.7 yang Distimulasi Lipopolisakarida

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    Salah satu tanaman yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia ialah buah bengkuang yang berpeluang untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai agen anti-inflamasi. Dalam penelitian ini, ekstrak buah bengkuang (EBB) diujikan terlebih dahulu sitotoksisitasnya untuk mengetahui kadar ekstrak buah bengkuang yang aman untuk keberlangsungan hidup sel. Konsentrasi EBB yang aman pada uji sitotoksik dilanjutkan dengan pengujian pada sel RAW 264.7 (sel makrofag) yang distimulasi lipopolisakarida (LPS) untuk mengimitasi proses inflamasi. Dilakukan 3 jenis uji ELISA untuk mengetahui aktivitas anti-inflamasi ekstrak buah bengkuang, yaitu: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α), dan Interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EBB aman pada konsentrasi 12,5 μg/ml, 25,0 μg/ml, dan 50,0 μg/ml. Selain itu, EBB dengan konsentrasi 75,0 μg/mLmemiliki potensi anti-inflamasi yang bermakna, ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji ELISA terhadap protein PGE2, TNF-α, dan IL-1β. Konsentrasi 12,5 μg/mL dari EBB juga memiliki potensi anti-inflamasi, ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji ELISA terhadap TNF-α dan IL-1β, namun tidak memiliki perbedaan bermakna terhadap penurunan PGE2 bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah EBB aman pada konsentrasi 12,5 μg/ml, 25,0 μg/ml, dan 50,0 μg/ml melalui uji sitotoksik. Selain itu, EBB 75,0 μg/ml memiliki potensi anti-inflamasi yang bermakna


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    One of the cinnamon ingredients is cinnamaldehyde, which has anti- inflammatory effect. In oral application, cinnamaldehyde will be quite soluble due to its low molecular weight. For that, drug carrier such as gelatin is needed. Carbonated apatite (CHA) is one of a material that is used to support the regeneration of hard tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different compositions of gelatin-CHA to the ability of gelatin-CHA to load the cinnamaldehyde. The composition of gelatin-CHA membranes used in this study was varied. The membranes were soaked in the solution of cinnamaldehyde with 4% concentration for 30 minutes dan removed. The remaining solution was measured by using a spectrophotometer with 291nm wave length. Absorbance values obtained were converted to loading percentage and analyzed. Results of One Way Anova test mostly showed the significance value of <0,05 so that it is concluded that there is an effect of different composition of gelatin-CHA to the ability of gelatin-CHA to load cinnamaldehyde

    Secondary forest within a timber plantation concession in Borneo contributes to a diverse mammal assemblage

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    Commercial tree plantations of fast-growing species have become increasingly important in Southeast Asia to meet global demand for wood and wood fiber products. There is a growing need to understand more about their value for wildlife and how they can be managed for biodiversity. We evaluated the effects of landscape attributes on mammal communities in a timber concession consisting of 83 % secondary forest and 17 % tree plantations in northern Sabah, Malaysia. Using camera traps, we compared mammalian species assemblages of secondary forest and commercial tree plantation stands and identified habitat predictors associated with total mammal species detections and species richness in the landscape mosaic. We used 87 camera stations deployed for 23 days across two major land-use types: 62 sites in secondary forest (previously logged natural forest) and 25 sites in tree plantations. We evaluated variation in species richness in these two major land-use categories and assessed the effects of natural and anthropogenic predictors on variation in total mammal detections and species richness. We detected at least 23 large and medium-sized mammal species over 2035 trap nights. Fourteen of those species were classified as threatened or near-threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Rarefaction did not reveal differences in mammal species richness or diversity between camera sites placed in tree plantations and secondary forests, likely because most camera sites in tree plantations were close to secondary forest and comprised < 30 % of all sites. However, generalized linear models indicated lower mammal diversity as proportions of tree plantation and proximity to human settlements increased. Total mammal records, including those of threatened mammals, increased with greater proportions of secondary forest. Retention of larger tracts of secondary forest around plantation areas appears to be important to maintain mammalian species richness and contributes to the conservation value of commercial timber plantations. These findings may assist in the management of mammals of conservation concern and implementation of adaptive management plans to enhance biodiversity conservation in commercial plantations