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Common injuries among Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners in Medan City
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on floor fighting and was first popularized in Brazil. The BJJ originally focused on entertainment, health, and self-development. These goals changed when practitioners began participating in competitions in which there was a significant increase in the number of BJJ injuries. A pre-survey in the field indicated that many jiu jitsu practitioners were affected by common injuries. The type of research in this study is a descriptive survey with a cross-sectional approach conducted at Ryu Dojo Martial Arts Center, Musi Jiu Jitsu, and PBJI Medan City in March 2024. Data were collected in the form of questionnaires, interviews, and medical records of practitioners diagnosed with injuries who were sampled. Univariate analysis was used to obtain the frequency distribution of respondents for each variable, namely age, gender, belt level, weight, training frequency, and competitor status. The results of the study were analyzed using SPSS version 27.0. The results showed that the highest number of practitioners was in the late teenage group (53.8%), the highest gender was male (92.3%), and the highest number of practitioners was white belt (69.2%). Based on body weight, the highest number of practitioners was in the Light Feather category (< 64 kg/141 lbs) with a percentage of 26.9%, and the most training hours were 3-5 hours 16 (30.8%). Lower Back Pain was the most common injury with a total of 25 practitioners. A total of 75% of the practitioners stated that their daily activities were disrupted because of their injuries. It can be concluded that the majority of BJJ participants were in their late teens, male was the most common gender, and white belts were the most common practitioners. The most common injury was lower back pain due to the amateur competitor status. Most respondents stated that their injuries interfered with their daily activities
Pengaruh Deep Back Massage Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Kala I Fase Aktif Ibu Bersalin Di Klinik Dandy Tahun 2023
Pain relief is one of those unpleasant and complex states that is a very individual phenomenon with sensory and emotional components. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as many as 303,000 women die during pregnancy and childbirth, 99% of all deaths occur in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to Analyze the Effect of Deep Back Massage on Pain Reduction During 1 Active Phase in Maternity Women at Dandy Clinic 2023.The research design in this study is using the Pre-Experimental Design approach design in the form of One Group Pre-test and Post-test. The population in this study is all active phase I maternity mothers who want to give birth at Dandy Clinic with pain complaints in June 2023 as many as 20 people with sampling techniques using the total sampling technique. The data analysis used in this study was univaraiat and bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test with a significance value of 0.05. Identification before deep back massage intervention was moderate pain as many as 4 people (20%) and severe pain as many as 16 people (80%) with an average reduction in pain during the active phase I before was 7.1 with the lowest pain - the highest 5-8. Identification after deep back massage intervention was mild pain as many as 12 people (60%), moderate pain as many as 6 people (30%) and severe pain as many as 2 people (10%). With a decrease in pain during the I active phase after is 3.45 with the lowest pain - the highest 1-8. Wilcoxson test results obtained a p-value of 0.000 (<0.05). The conclusion in this study is that there is an effect of deep back massage on reducing pain during the active phase in maternity mothers at Dandy Medan Clinic 2023
Cerita Rakyat Anak Durhaka Ojuang Dan Pemanfaatannya Untuk Menyusun Bahan Ajar Teks Apresiasi
This study aims to examine the folklore of the disobedient child Ojuang in Riau and its use to compile teaching materials for appreciation texts in vocational schools. This study is qualitative and uses descriptive methods. Description and analysis were carried out on the structure of the folklore of the disobedient child Ojuang, which consists of an analysis of the structure of the folklore. The results of this study are as follows: First, the plot or events that build the story use the law of cause and effect. Second, the main character is played by the child (Ojuang), this character is told quite a lot from beginning to end. The mother and father play other characters. Third, the setting in this story is divided into three parts, namely, the setting of place, the setting of time, and the setting of atmosphere. Fourth, the story of the occurrence of the folklore of the disobedient child Ojuang has a theme about a disobedient child. Disobedience is a trait that is not commendable, so the mother prays to God so that God will teach her child a lesson who does not want to acknowledge his mother. Fifth, the message in this story is (a) to be grateful to God Almighty. (b) Not to forget the services of both parents in any situation and condition. Sixth, the use of folk tales as teaching materials for compiling appreciation text
This study aims to analyze the development strategy of brown sugar agroindustry to eight palm oil and to identify the factors of development of brown sugar agroindustry to eight palm oil in Pegajahan Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency. This research uses SWOT Analysis methods, namely Strenght (Strength), Weakness (Weakness), Threats (Threat), and Op-portunity (Opportunity). Internal factors in a business include strengths and weaknesses, while external factors include opportunities and threats. The results of the study were used, there are internal factors that include (strengths and weaknesses), it can be seen that the strength factor in the palm oil brown sugar business has the highest rating is in products recognized by the public / marketing is quite broad and internal factors that are indicators of weakness of the highest rating are not yet having a brand. While external factors (opportunities and threats) can be seen from the opportunity to have the highest rat-ing, namely high market demand, and the factor that is the highest rating threat indicator is No government assistance
Faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya rupture perineum pada ibu bersalin
Rupture perineum is the occurrence of perineal tears when a baby is born naturally or spontaneously or using tools or procedures. The incidence of perineal rupture in birthing mothers in the world in 2020 was 2.7 million cases, where this figure is estimated to reach 6.3 million in 2050. On the Asian continent alone, 50% of mothers in labor experienced perineal rupture.4 Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health In 2019, there were 4,221 maternal deaths in Indonesia, with most deaths caused by bleeding. In 2017, it was discovered that 75% of mothers who gave birth vaginally experienced perineal rupture. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between maternal age, birth weight and parity with the incidence of perineal rupture. The population in this study were all mothers giving birth at PMB. Bdn. Ria Permata Sari, S.Keb, this type of research uses secondary data. Statistical test using testchi-square. The results of the univariate analysis showed that there were 17 respondents with perineal rupture (%), 25 respondents with normal birth weight (62.5%), 21 respondents (62.5%) who were not at risk, 18 respondents of primary and multiparous parity. respondents (45%). Based on statistical test resultschi-squareage obtainedp-value of 0.361, the birth weight of the baby is obtainedp-value 0.024, parity obtainedp-value of 0.020, meaning there is a significant relationship between parity and the incidence of perineal rupture. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between birth weight, parity and no relationship between maternal age and the incidence of perineal rupture in mothers. It is hoped that this research will provide information that can reduce or prevent the incidence of perineal rupture
This research aims to juridical analysis of the crime of premeditated murder committed by a minor, with a focus on the study of the judge's decision. Committed by minors, with a focus on the study of the judge's decision. The research This research uses normative and empirical legal research methods by analyzing judges' decisions related to premeditated murder cases. Analyzing judges' decisions related to premeditated murder cases involving minors. cases involving minors. Through a normative approach, this research examines the legal framework governing juvenile criminal offenses, particularly in the context of premeditated murder. Children, especially in the context of premeditated murder. Meanwhile, the empirical approach involves analyzing judges' decisions to understand how these aspects of the law are applied in judicial practice. Aspects of the law are applied in judicial practice
Pemberian imunisasi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu dan anak yang paling cost-effective. Salah satu yang dapat di manfaatkan oleh petugas kesehatan untuk mencatat dan jadwal dari pemberian imunisasi adalah dengan menggunakan buku KIA. Penggunaan yang tepat pada buku KIA dapat menjadi indikator dari kualitas perawatan yang diberikan kepada anak-anak dilayanan kesehatan. Keberhasilan pemanfaatan buku KIA bila ibu, suami bahkan keluarga membaca , memahami, mempelajari dan menerapkan secara bertahap isi dari buku KIA di kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu diperlukan petugas kesehatan untuk dapat memfasilitasi dan memastikan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap buku KIA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki bayi dan datang ke PMB Lismarini, sedangkan sampel penellitian ini yaitu yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Teknik pengolahan analisis menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Nilai p value 0,001<0,05 ada hubungan pemanfaatan buku KIA dengan kepatuhan imunisasi dasar dan nilai OR 12,09 yang berarti dengan memanfaatkan buku KIA dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan ibu sebesar 12,09 kali. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memanfaatkan buku KIA dengan baik maka dapat mematuhi pemberian imunisasi dasar anaknya sesuai dengan jadwal. Saran untuk petugas kesehatan dapat memberikan informasi kepada semua pengguna buku KIA untuk dapat memanfaatkan dengan bai
Pekerjaan proes panen kelapa sawit yang masih menggunakan alat tradisional dapat menjadi faktor penentu untuk terjadinya keluhan musculoskeletal pada pekerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan risiko ergonomi terhadap keluhan musculoskeletal pada pekerja kebun kelapa sawit. Populasi Pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pekerja kebun kelapa sawit yang berada di Kelurahan Handayani, Desa Simpang Raja. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 54 orang. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden berusia dewasa dengan jumlah 45 responden (83.3%),sedangkan usia lansia dengan jumlah 9 responden (16.7%), pendidikan responden yang tidak sekolah dengan jumlah 15 responden (27.8%), SD dengan jumlah 23 responden (42.6%), SMP dengan jumlah 6 responden (11.1%), SMA dengan jumlah 10 responden (18.5%), Jenis Pekerjaan responden untuk pemuatan ke truk dengan jumlah 15 responden (27.8%), Pemanen dengan jumlah 27 responden (50%), Perawatan dengan jumlah 12 responden (22.2%), Risiko ergonomi Tinggi dengan jumlah 38 responden (70.4%), Risiko ergonomic rendah dengan jumlah 16 responden (29.6%), responden yang ada keluhan dengan jumlah 36 responden (66.7%), sedangkan yang tidak ada keluhan dengan jumla 18 responden (33.3%).Hasil bivariat didapat bahwa sebagian besar responden dengan risiko tinggi mengalami keluhan muskuloskeletal sebanyak 32 reponden (59.3%). Berdasarkan hasil uji statistic chi-square didapatkan p-value sebesar 0.000 (≤ α=0.05), artinya ada hubungan yang bermakna antara risiko ergonomi dengan keluhan muskuloskeletal
An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Writing Narrative Text at SMA WR Supratman 2 Medan
The objective of this research is to search and analyse the difficulties faced by the students in writing narrative text which was done by the 11th grade students at SMA WR Supratman 2 in the academic year of 2023/2024. This research used descriptive qualitative method. This research involved 23 students and 2 teachers as the research samples. The data were collected from written test and interview as the instruments. Both written test and interview were analysed to gain the result. The written exam results revealed that the majority of students faced challenges in grammar, particularly with tenses. Following grammar, students struggled with sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. The data also showed that students were not accustomed to do writing that those habits shaped students’ opinion that writing is a difficult task. Consequently, students’ lack motivation in writing. Therefore, researcher suggest teachers to firstly ensure students mastery in the usage of language features before moving on to writing. Researcher also suggest students to practice writing short paragraphs, then gradually progress to longer texts.
Analisis Perawatan Mesin Kritis Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit
Perusahaan Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit di Propinsi Sumatera Utara merupakan salah satu industri yang bergerak di bidang produksi CPO dan kernel, Perusahaan ini sangat sering mengalami masalah dalam maintenance mesin dalam proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi dan memberikan usulan perawatan dan jadwal perbaikan mesin. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis penyebab kegagalan serta akibat yang ditimbulkan dari kegagalan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode RCM dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi, mode kegagalan, dan strategi perawatan yang sesuai untuk mesin-mesin kritis di PKS. Strategi perawatan yang direkomendasikan mencakup preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, dan kondisi berdasarkan perawatan. Penerapan metode RCM juga dapat meningkatkan keandalan mesin, meminimalkan downtime, dan mengoptimalkan biaya perawatan di PKS