214 research outputs found

    Key challenges for transformations towards a circular economy : the status quo in Germany

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    Facing an ever-increasing global consumption of natural resources and related environmental as well as socioeconomic challenges, the transition towards a circular economy will be of crucial importance. The issue is high on the political agenda, especially since the European Commission published its Circular Economy Action Plan in December 2015. Apparently different stakeholders have very different perceptions of the concept as well as different expectations for its implementation. During a workshop series by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, experts from policy, science, administration, industry and unions discussed key issues for the circular economy: What's the status quo in Germany? How can the circular economy be implemented in a comprehensive and efficient way? Which instruments are available? Is the legal framework on EU and national level sufficient for the evolvement of a circular economy? What is the role of the consumer? What are the economic potentials especially with regard to job creation? How can research and innovation policy contribute to this process? This paper aims to summarise the different discussions

    Measuring urban circularity based on a territorial perspective : final report ; CIRCTER - circular economy and territorial consequences

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    This report provides an overview of the main findings from the different research tasks in the CIRCTER project and delivers selected policy messages with European coverage. The report provides: (Sec. 2) a territorial definition of the circular economy; (Sec. 3) insights into the available statistics on material and waste patterns and flows and their interpretation, alongside new territorial evidence on both aspects; (Sec. 4) a sectoral characterisation of the circular economy at regional level (NUTS-2), including data on turnover and jobs; (Sec. 5) key findings from the CIRCTER case studies; (Sec. 6) a systemic interpretation of the circular economy that works as a knowledge-integration mechanism for the entire report; (Sec. 7 and 8) an analysis of the most relevant circular economy policies and strategies at various territorial levels; (Sec. 8) a subset of policy recommendations focusing in particular on territorial and cohesion policies, and; (Sec. 9) suggestions for further research

    The institutional dimension of resource efficiency in a multi-level governance system : implications for policy mix design

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    The paper undertakes a closer look on the relation of institutions and policy mixes within the multi-level scope of the European Union in the policy field of resource efficiency and maps out different configurations. Based on an extensive analysis of scope, foci, instruments and especially the distribution of institutional responsibilities in 32 EU countries, the paper aims to amplify the categorisation of policy mix characteristics developed by Rogge and Reichardt by considerations on the institutional background of policy mixes. It specifically brings into question the potential impact of different institutional settings on the consistency and coherence of approaches in this evolving policy field. Resource efficiency is an eminently cross-cutting policy concept and a specific interesting unit of analysis due to the observable heterogeneity of implementation approaches. However, it is still mainly disconnected from energy issues and, at the same time, EU policy has shifted to the circular economy approach, indicating further need for streamlining with the resource efficiency approach. The paper stresses the need to include institutional and multi-level governance issues for policy design and the development of policy mixes, especially in the context of the now refocused resource efficiency agenda to the transition to a circular economy

    Increasing the Use of Secondary Plastics in Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Extending Products Lifetime – Instruments and Concepts

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    While secondary plastics arising at the manufacturing and processing phases are recycled to the production process in large measure due to its high purity, the market share of secondary plastics remains low and recycling is often dominated by thermal recovery. Energetic recovery of plastics in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been dominating for a long time. At the same time reuse of WEEE is not well developed at EU level; with few exceptions at Member State level

    Der EU-Aktionsplan zur Kreislaufwirtschaft - Zwischen Ambitionen und Realitäten

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    Die Europäische Kommission hat ihren Aktionsplan zur Kreislaufwirtschaft vorgelegt, der stark auf die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile geschlossener Stoffkreisläufe abzielt. Die potenziellen Beiträge zur verbesserten Ressourceneffizienz sollten dabei nicht als selbstverständlich angenommen werden

    Schaffung einer Datenbasis zur Erfassung der Mengen von in Deutschland wiederverwendeten Produkten : Zwischenbericht

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    Im Rahmen des Projektes werden mögliche Bewertungsmaßstäbe für die Erfolgsmessung von Abfallvermeidungsmaßnahmen vertiefend analysiert und bewertet sowie ein passendes Set an Indikatoren erarbeitet und ein geeignetes Daten-Erfassungskonzeptes entwickelt. Bezogen auf das Datenerfassungskonzept gibt es im Bereich Wiederverwendung (WV) erhebliche Datenlücken zu den tatsächlich wiederverwendeten Mengen gebrauchter Produkte. Der vorliegende Zwischenbericht enthält die Ergebnisse einer ersten Datenerhebung auf Basis einer Befragung der 400 Wiederverwendungseinrichtungen in Deutschland. Ergänzend wurde das Potential der aus Online-Angeboten gewinnbaren Gebrauchtprodukte zur WV recherchiert

    Fostering circular cities : a study on urban circularity hotspot frameworks for the Western Balkan region

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    A main goal of this study - which also functions as deliverable 210078-D07 of the Circular Economy Beacons (CEB) project - is to evaluate currently available frameworks that measure and operationalise Circular Economy (CE), with a particular focus on the urban context. The regional focus lies on the Western Balkan region, which is at the centre of the project. Such "Urban Circularity Hotspot Frameworks" (UCHF) aim at providing decision support for policy makers, companies, citizens etc. regarding the transition to CE within cities. Based on the analysis of different frameworks, suggestions are derived regarding UCHF suitable for the specific characteristics of Western Balkan municipalities, i.e. a Circular Economy Beacons Urban Circularity Hotspot Framework (CEB-UCHF) ready for short-term implementation

    Development of proposals, including legal instruments, to improve the data situation on the whereabouts of end-of-life vehicles

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    To minimize the impact of end-of life vehicles on the environment they have to be managed in accordance with the legal requirements. Against this background it is important to comprehend the whereabouts of permanently decommissioned passenger cars. From the available statistical sources it was only possible to account for the whereabouts in parts for the last years. The subject-matter of the research project was the closure of this "statistical gap" to the maximum extent possible. The objectives of the project were the identification of the possible reasons underlying the "statistical gap", the determination, itemisation and, to the maximum extent possible, quantification of information on the actual whereabouts of permanently decommissioned vehicles and the development of measures and instruments that can be used to permanently improve the data situation