10,268 research outputs found

    Aquatic virus culture collection: an absent (but necessary) safety net for environmental microbiologists

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    Viruses are recognised as the most abundant biological entities on the planet. In addition to their role in disease, they are crucial components of co-evolutionary processes, are instrumental in global biogeochemical pathways such as carbon fluxes and nutrient recycling, and in some cases act regionally on climate processes. Importantly, viruses harbour an enormous, as of yet unexplored genetic and metabolic potential. Some viruses infecting microalgae harbour hundreds of genes, including genes involved in cellular metabolic pathways. Collectively, these attributes have given rise to new fields of research: environmental virology and viral ecology. While traditionally the potential of viruses was recognised by isolating novel viruses into culture and subsequent sequencing of their genomes in the laboratory, advancements in next-generation sequencing technologies now allow for direct sequencing of viral genomes from their natural setting, bypassing the need for culturing. Nevertheless, the lack of associated biological reference material with most of these novel environmental genomes is problematic as there are limitations to what can be achieved with sequence data alone. Where aquatic viruses do exist in culture, they are most often kept privately within research institutes and are not available to the wider research community. Many are thus at risk of being lost because research teams rarely have secure long term resources to ensure continued propagation. Culture collections do exist for medically and agriculturally important viruses causing disease, but collections focusing on viruses infecting aquatic algae and bacteria are non-existent. We therefore highlight here the need for a centralised depository for aquatic viruses and present arguments indicating the benefits such a collection would have for the scientific community of environmental virologists

    Effect of Animal Stocking Density and Habitat Enrichment on Survival and Vitality of Wild Green Shore Crabs, Carcinus maenas, Maintained in the Laboratory.

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    The wide geographic distribution, large size and ease of capture has led to decapod crustaceans being used extensively in laboratory experiments. Recently in the United Kingdom decapod crustaceans were listed as sentient beings, resulting in their inclusion in animal care protocols. Ironically, little is known about how captive conditions affect the survival and general condition of wild decapod crustaceans. We used the green shore crab, Carcinus maenas, to investigate the effects of stocking density and shelter on survival and vitality indices during a 6 month period in the laboratory. Neither stocking density nor the presence of shelter affected survival. Stocking density also had no effect on the vitality indices (limb loss, claw strength, BRIX, righting time, leg flare and retraction). The presence of shelter did affect the number of limbs lost and the leg retraction response, but had no effect on the other vitality indices. All vitality indices changed, and mortality increased over time, independent of treatment: this became most apparent after 8 to 11 weeks storage in the laboratory. This decline in condition may have been due to repeated handling of the crabs, rather than the stocking conditions. In support of this, untracked, non-handled (control) individuals sustained a 4% mortality rate compared with 67% mortality in experimental crabs during the 6 month period. Although simple experimental monitoring of crabs with biweekly vitality tests only produced transient short-term stress events, the repeated handling over time apparently led to a cumulative stress and a deterioration in animal health. Bringing wild crustaceans into the laboratory and holding them, even with modest experimental manipulation, may result in high mortality rates. Researchers and animal care committees need to be aware that wild captive invertebrates will respond very differently to laboratory-bred vertebrates, and plan experiments accordingly

    Situating Media Infrastructure: Understand the Role of Public Space Characteristics in Influencing Public Interaction with Media Infrastructure

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    Media Architecture scholars have outlined the importance of considering the urban design perspective in informing the deployment of digital media in public space. In this paper, we build on their work and provide a detailed account based on the knowledge from urban design theories coupled with literature from Human-computer Interaction research. Specifically, we address the role of location- its physical and spatial characteristics and situated human activities- in influencing public interaction with media infrastructure. We aim to provide a framework for understanding the complex relationship between media infrastructure and urban public spaces, and explore the impact of locations on how people interact with media infrastructure by: 1) developing an initial framework of public space characteristics based on urban design knowledge, 2) conducting a case study of InLinkUK network with detailed field study and analysis on 3 selected sites in London. We discuss the initial outcome of the case study analysis and report on the next stages of this research. This paper addresses the question: how media architecture can contribute to a sense of place and provide a detailed account based on a case study in London. It attempts to broaden and extend existing calls by media architecture scholars to consider urban design knowledge in informing the deployment of digital media infrastructure in public spaces

    Particle shape effect on heat transfer performance in an oscillating heat pipe

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    The effect of alumina nanoparticles on the heat transfer performance of an oscillating heat pipe (OHP) was investigated experimentally. A binary mixture of ethylene glycol (EG) and deionized water (50/50 by volume) was used as the base fluid for the OHP. Four types of nanoparticles with shapes of platelet, blade, cylinder, and brick were studied, respectively. Experimental results show that the alumina nanoparticles added in the OHP significantly affect the heat transfer performance and it depends on the particle shape and volume fraction. When the OHP was charged with EG and cylinder-like alumina nanoparticles, the OHP can achieve the best heat transfer performance among four types of particles investigated herein. In addition, even though previous research found that these alumina nanofluids were not beneficial in laminar or turbulent flow mode, they can enhance the heat transfer performance of an OHP

    A Lattice Study of the Magnetic Moment and the Spin Structure of the Nucleon

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    Using an approach free from momentum extrapolation, we calculate the nucleon magnetic moment and the fraction of the nucleon spin carried by the quark angular momentum in the quenched lattice QCD approximation. Quarks with three values of lattice masses, 210, 124 and 80 MeV, are formulated on the lattice using the standard Wilson approach. At every mass, 100 gluon configurations on 16^3 x 32 lattice with \beta=6.0 are used for statistical averaging. The results are compared with the previous calculations with momentum extrapolation. The contribution of the disconnected diagrams is studied at the largest quark mass using noise theory technique.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Talk given at Lattice2001, Berlin, German

    Methanol immersion reduces spherical aberration of water dipping lenses at long wavelengths used in multi-photon laser scanning microscopy

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    Dipping objectives were tested for multi-photon laser scanning microscopy, since their large working distances are advantageous for thick specimens and the absence of a coverslip facilitates examination of living material. Images of fluorescent bead specimens, particularly at wavelengths greater than 850 nm showed defects consistent with spherical aberration. Substituting methanol for water as the immersion medium surrounding the beads corrected these defects and produced an increase in fluorescence signal intensity. The same immersion method was applied to two representative biological samples of fixed tissue: mouse brain labeled with FITC for tubulin and mouse gut in which the Peyer’s patches were labeled with Texas Red bilosomes. Tissue morphology was well preserved by methanol immersion of both tissues; the two-photon-excited fluorescence signal was six times higher than in water and the depth of penetration of useful imaging was doubled. No modification of the microscope was needed except the provision of a ring to retain a sufficient depth of methanol for imaging

    New effective treatment of the light-front nonvalence contribution in timelike exclusive processes

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    We discuss a necessary nonvalence contribution in timelike exclusive processes. Following a Schwinger-Dyson type of approach, we relate the nonvalence contribution to an ordinary light-front wave function that has been extensively tested in the spacelike exclusive processes. A complicate four-body energy denominator is exactly cancelled in summing the light-front time-ordered amplitudes. Applying our method to Kℓ3K_{\ell3} and D0→K−ℓ+ÎœlD^0\to K^- \ell^+ \nu_l where a rather substantial nonvalence contribution is expected, we find not only an improvement in comparing with the experimental data but also a covariance(i.e. frame-independence) of existing light-front constituent quark model.Comment: 10 pages including 5 figures; Changes: 1-added some sentences; 2-enlarged the figures; 3-added some reference

    Bilaterally Combined Electric and Acoustic Hearing in Mandarin-Speaking Listeners: The Population With Poor Residual Hearing

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    The hearing loss criterion for cochlear implant candidacy in mainland China is extremely stringent (bilateral severe to profound hearing loss), resulting in few patients with substantial residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear. The main objective of the current study was to examine the benefit of bimodal hearing in typical Mandarin-speaking implant users who have poorer residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear relative to those used in the English-speaking studies. Seventeen Mandarinspeaking bimodal users with pure-tone averages of 80 dB HL participated in the study. Sentence recognition in quiet and in noise as well as tone and word recognition in quiet were measured in monaural and bilateral conditions. There was no significant bimodal effect for word and sentence recognition in quiet. Small bimodal effects were observed for sentence recognition in noise (6%) and tone recognition (4%). The magnitude of both effects was correlated with unaided thresholds at frequencies near voice fundamental frequencies (F0s). A weak correlation between the bimodal effect for word recognition and unaided thresholds at frequencies higher than F0s was identified. These results were consistent with previous findings that showed more robust bimodal benefits for speech recognition tasks that require higher spectral resolution than speech recognition in quiet. The significant but small F0-related bimodal benefit was also consistent with the limited acoustic hearing in the nonimplanted ear of the current subject sample, who are representative of the bimodal users in mainland China. These results advocate for a more relaxed implant candidacy criterion to be used in mainland China

    The forming of mild steel plates with a 2.5 kW high power diode laser

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    Bending of 07 M20 mild steel sheets to various degrees using a contemporary 2.5 kW high power diode laser (HPDL) has been successfully demonstrated for the first time. The experimental results revealed that the HPDL induced bending angle increased with an increasing number of irradiations and high laser powers, yet decreased as the traverse speed was increased. It was also apparent from the experimental results that the laser bending angle was only linearly proportional to the number of irradiations when the latter was small. It is believed that the absence of linearity observed when the number of irradiations was high is due to local material thickening along the bend edge. From graphical results and the employment of an analytical model, the laser line energy range in which accurate control of the HPDL bending of the 07 M20 mild steel sheets could be exercised was found to be between 138 J mm-1 and 260 J mm-1

    Metabonomic Investigation of Liver Profiles of Nonpolar Metabolites Obtained from Alcohol-Dosed Rats and Mice Using High Mass Accuracy MSn Analysis

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    Alcoholism is a complex disorder that, in man, appears to be genetically influenced, although the underlying genes and molecular pathways are not completely known. Here the intragastric alcohol feeding model in rodents was used together with high mass accuracy LC/MS(n) analysis to assess the metabonomic changes in nonpolar metabolite profiles for livers from control and alcohol treated rats and mice. Ion signals with a peak area variance of less than 30% (based on repeat analysis of a pooled quality control sample analysed throughout the batch) were submitted to multivariate statistical analysis (using principal components analysis, PCA). PCA revealed robust differences between profiles from control and alcohol-treated animals from both species. The major metabolites seen to differ between control and alcohol-treated animals were identified using high accuracy MS(n) data and verified using external search engines (http://www.lipidmaps.org; http://www.hmdb.ca; http://www.genome.jp/kegg/) and authentic standards. The main metabolite classes to show major changes in the alcoholic liver-derived samples were fatty acyls, fatty acid ethyl esters, glycerolipids and phosphatidylethanol homologues. Significant metabolites that were up-regulated by alcohol treatment in both rat and mouse livers included fatty acyls, metabolites such as octadecatrienoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, a number of fatty acid ethyl esters such as ethyl arachidonate, ethyl docosahexaenoic acid, ethyl linoleate and ethyl oleate and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) homologues (predominantly PEth 18:0/18:2 and PEth 16:0/18:2; PEth homologues are currently considered as potential biomarkers for harmful and prolonged alcohol consumption in man). A number of glycerophospholipids resulted in both up-regulation (m/z 903.7436 [M+H](+) corresponding to a triglyceride) and down-regulation (m/z 667.5296 [M+H](+) corresponding to a diglyceride). Metabolite profiles were broadly similar in both mouse and rat models. However, there were a number of significant differences in the alcohol-treated group particularly in the marked down-regulation of retinol and free cholesterol in the mouse compared to the rat. Unique markers for alcohol treatment included ethyl docosahexaenoic acid. Metabolites were identified with high confidence using predominantly negative ion MS(n) data for the fatty acyl components to match to www.lipidmaps.org MS and MS/MS databases; interpreting positive ion data needed to take into account possible adduct ions which may confound the identification of other lipid classes. The observed changes in lipid profiles were consistent with alcohol induced liver injury in humans
