15 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengakuan Pendapatan dan Beban Kontrak Konstruksi pada PT. Wahana Tata Riau

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    In the Financial Accounting Standards reveal that income can be interpreted as gross cash inflows from economic benefits arising from the company's normal activities during an accounting period, if the inflow results in an increase in equity that does not originate from investment contributions. While the burden can be interpreted as an economic sacrifice to produce something in economic activities. PT. Wahana Tata Riau classifies expenses in two load classifications, namely project costs and operating expenses. Project costs are a group of costs that are directly related to the project. Here there is an error in loading or recording costs arising from project work such as raw material costs, labor wages and overhead. The company records raw material expenditures by debiting contract costs and crediting raw materials, while for labor wages, the company debits contract costs and credits the labor costs as well as overhead costs

    Socialization of the Accreditation Asessment System (SISPENA) of the National Accreditation Board for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Non Formal Education (PNF) in Bengkalis, Riau Province

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    Accreditation aims for the government to control and guarantee the quality of education. Accreditation is one form of government public accountability for the quality of PAUD and PNF programs and units in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. By getting the results of an ongoing education quality map, the government can develop the coaching programs that are needed even as well as the controls that need to be carried out so that the participants in the field of education participate in efforts to provide good quality education services. In submitting accreditation, PAUD and PNF institutions are required to use the SISPENA Application

    Implementasi Metta Sutta terhadap Metode Pembelajaran di Kelas Virya Sekolah Minggu Sariputta Buddies

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    Sekolah Minggu Buddha (SMB) merupakan pelengkap atau bagian dari pendidikan agama pada satuan pendidikan formal. Pendidikan non formal diselenggarakan dengan berbagai maksud dan tujuan diantaranya memberikan tambahan pelajaran di sekolah formal; melengkapi pelajaran di sekolah formal; mengganti pelajaran karena tidak mendapat pendidikan sekolah formal. Sampel adalah sebagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini,untuk sampelnya yang diambil adalah 4 orang pendidik yang mengajar di kelas Virya. Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan cara-cara yang akan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data dan keterangan-keterangan yang diperlukan dalam penelitian. Pendidik (Guru) Sekolah Minggu Buddha memiliki peran untuk mendidik, membimbing, serta mengarahkan peserta didik menjadi lebih memahami ajaran-ajaran Buddha yang terdapat dalam Tipitaka dan kitab-kitab komentarnya

    Designing Citizens Data Management Information System Social Guidance at UPT. Bina Laras Riau Provincial Social Service

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    So far the data management of socially assisted occupants at the UPT. Bina Laras Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau is still sober and has not implemented an optimal computerized system. The data is only processed using Microsoft Word and Excel, with different files. This causes the search data to be long and the difficulty of managing these data. Even though there are quite a lot of data and are interrelated with each other. With the existence of these problems, the author feels the need to create an information system that can manage all the data contained in an application program. Information System for Data Management of Socially assisted Occupants at the UPT. Bina Laras Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau was created using the Java language and MySQL as the database. Finally, with the existence of this information system, users can be used to get the information needed quickly, efficiently and effectively. Likewise, updating data will also become easier. Making reports that are relatively long will also be Faster

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Data Warga Binaan Sosial di Upt. Bina Laras Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau

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    Selama ini pengelolaan data warga binaan sosial di UPT. Bina Laras Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau masih seadanya dan belum menerapkan sistem komputerisasi secara optimal. Data-data yang ada hanya diolah dengan menggunakan Microsoft Word dan Excel, dengan file-file yang berbeda. Hal ini menyebabkan pencarian data menjadi lama dan sulitnya mengelola data-data tersebut. Padahal data yang ada cukup banyak dan saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Dengan adanya masalah tersebut, penulis merasa perlu untuk membuat suatu sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola semua data yang ada di dalam satu program aplikasi. Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Data Warga Binaan Sosial UPT. Bina Laras Dinas Sosial Provinsi Riau ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa Java dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Akhirnya dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, dapat mempermudah user dalam mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan cepat, efesien dan efektif. Begitupun dengan update data juga akan menjadi lebih gampang. Pembuatan laporan yang biasanya relatif lama juga akan menjadi lebih cepat

    Design of Sales System on CV. Sukses Karya Abadi Based on Web

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    The development of technology is very rapid, and the needs are ever more numerous. Making the company's competitiveness more and more, with the web-based sales information system aims as a promotional tool as well as can be used to order goods online. With the website it is expected to cover a wider area because the internet is the most wide-reaching promotional area and makes it easier to offer the latest products Faster than before, and can minimize costs because it is cheaper compared to printing brochures or catalogs. This study uses primary data types, for data collection using the interview method