14 research outputs found

    Desain Tungku Briket Biomassa System Kontinyu Sebagai Teknologi Pemanfaatan Energi Alternatif Pengganti Bahan Bakar Terpakai Pada Oven Tembakau Di Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    Semakin menipisnya cadangan minyak dunia yang menyebabkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terus melambung. Tungku spiral berbahan bakar minyak tanah, merupakan komponen utama pada oven (omprongan) tembakau yang ada di NTB, yang mana potensi tembakau Virginia sebanyak 45.534 ton dan memerlukan minyak tanah 45 juta liter. Tembakau yang banyak tersebut  terancam tidak dapat dikeringkan akibat mahal dan langkanya minyak tanah sebagai bahan bakar utama. Sementara energy alternative pengganti berupa bongkahan batu bara dan kayu bakar tidak memberikan solusi yang baik.  Untuk  itu dalam penelitian ini didesain tungku yang kemudahan pengoperasiannya menyerupai kombinasi tungku minyak tanah dan tungku bongkahan batu bara dengan memanfaatkan kelebihan dan memperbaiki kelemahan-kelemahannya.  Dengan tungku yang mudah dioperasikan sebagai alat pemanfaat energi alternative dan terbarukan, maka masyarakat akan tertarik untuk menggunakannya, ini akan berdampak pada menurunnya biaya pengovenan tembakau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen langsung, untuk mengetahui kinerja tungku spiral dilakukan beberapa pengujian. Untuk mendapatkan kesepadanan kemampuan pemanasan antara tungku spiral berbahan bakar minyak tanah dengan tungku desain baru berbahan bakar briket, dilakukan pengujian nilai kalor dan perhitungan jumlah alur briket yang diperlukan, selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian boilling time pada masing-masing tungku.  Dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan waktu operasional tungku baru dibanding bahan bakar alternatif lain, dapat dilakukan pengujian lama nyala dalam satu kali pengisian tungku briket.  Serangkain pengujian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah  tungku desain baru ini layak  digunakan pada omprongan tembakau. Dari hasil pengujian nilai kalor diperoleh bahwa nilai kalor tertinggi adalah minyak tanah dengan nilai kalor, 9.828,2816 Kkal/kl, dan yang terendah adalah briket biomassa dengan nilai kalor 4.996,5028 Kkal/kg. Pada tungku spiral diperoleh kecedrungan bahwa semakin besar stelan, maka n boilling time semakin kecil (cepat) dan kebutuhan bahan bakar yang semakin besar. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendidihkan 1 liter air ( boiling time) yang paling kecil (cepat) adalah pada stelan ke 4 yaitu 178,67 detik, pada posisi ini, kebutuhan bahan bakarnya terbesar yaitu  103,33 ml. dari pengujian  tungku briket desain baru yang menggunakan dua bahan bakar alternative,  boilling time kedua bahan bakar alternative (briket) tersebut masih lebih besar dibandingkan dengan tungku spiral stelan ke 4. yaitu  masing-masing 390.67 detik untuk briket biomassa dan 255.33 detik untuk briket batubara. Sedangkan dilihat dari boiling time tungku spiral stelan ke 2 yang memiliki nilai 437.33, maka kedua bahan bakar alternative yang menggunakan tungku desain baru, memiliki boiling time yang lebih kecil (cepat) dan dari pengujian lama operasional tungku berbahan bakar briket biomassa, dibandingkan dengan bongkahan batubara dan kayu bakar, diperoleh peningkatan lama operasional sebanyak tiga kali lipat. Bongkahan batubara dan kayu bakar, dalam satu kali pengisian dapat beroperasi selama maksimal 2 jam, sedangkan tungku desain baru berbahan bakar biomassa, dapat beroperasi 6 jam dalam satu kali pengisian. Sedangkan Mekanisme kerja penekan briket, alur briket dan penahan ruang pembakaran dapat berjalan sesuai fungsinya sehingga, kontinyuitas tungku dalam 1 kali pengisian dapat berjalan dan beroperasi dengan stabil selama 6 jam.  Dari kinerja tersebut, maka tungku desain baru layak menggantikan tungku spiral pada omprongan tembakau

    Kajian Tekno Ekonomi Unit Alat Pencacah Plastik Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Jual Sampah Plastik: Studi Kasus-ud. Sari Plastik Lombok Timur, NTB

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    Processing plastic waste in East Lombok mostly just collect plastic waste processing and then sent to the city in its original form. If the plastic waste is processed by applying plastic shredded units or chopper machine technology, the sale value of the plastic waste will be increased. This study describes to determine of feasibility technical and economic aspects to apply the plastic shredder units. The method used in this study is quantitative method in which the author will be a number of data collection is needed in relation to the issues to be examined, so that the research results can be trusted and relied upon the truth. The results of the study found that the engine performance in terms of the efficiency of each stage of the production process of shredded plastic. To purchase process stages, sorting, drying, packaging, and selling obtained an efficiency of 0.938, while the efficiency of the shredding process is 0.906. Furthermore, to obtain a production capacity of 1230.01 kg/day processing owners must buy raw materials 1588.34 kg/day by the number of machines required 2 units of 3 units of existing plastic shredder. So based on the feasibility analysis in terms of the value of BEP, obtained at 29092.03 kilogram production capacity, with a total cost of Rp 176,424,168.75, NPV Rp 113,545,038.34 (>0) and Net B/C ratio of 1.79 (>0) otherwise feasible. By optimizing the engine to 3 units obtained BEP value equal to the NPV Rp 385.139.485,25 (>0) and Net B/C ratio of 4.01 (>0). From the analysis of the value of shredded plastic BEP selling price is higher than the selling price of plastic intact from Rp 3,531/kg into Rp 6.064,35/kg

    Aplikasi Break Even Point Pada Sistem Operasional Kapal Motor Penyeberangan Roditha PT. Asdp Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Cabang Lembar

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    This study is intended to analyze the feasibility operation KMP Roditha which owned by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Limited). Location of research in the trajectory Sheet - Padang Bai, was used the Break Even Point. Collecting a range of cost of KMP Rodita, therefore was known the operating costs, maintenance costs and income from the sale of tickets while one year. Stepsare used in this research is the analysis of quantitative data, where i would collect the data required in relation to the matter to be investigated, so that research results can be more reliable and credible. The results of this study indicate that KMP Roditha income in 2010 was Rp. 12,007,178,916, of a total of 504 trips. Break Even Point in 2010 occurred in the 5th month on 213 trips, so that KMP Roditha feasible to operate

    Studi Kelayakan Penggunaan Mesin Diesel Dengan Metode Break Even Point (Bep) Dan Analisis Sensitivitas Pada Pltd (Studi Kasus : PT Pln Persero Sektor Pembangkitan Lombok Pltd Ampenan)

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    This study intended to analyze the feasibility of the use of the Power Plant (PLTD) of Ampenan using the break even point (BEP) and sensitivity analysis. That there are several alternatives that can be taken are: first, if the use of the selling price to the public\u27s ability to     Rp. 800 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 29.758.612.278 per month, then power plant will have a turnover in the  month to 12 to earn a revenue of Rp. 159.148.857.478. Secondly, if the use of the selling price to Rp. 900 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 28.100.809.978 per month, then power plant  will have a turnover in the month to 12  to earn a revenue of Rp. 179.042.464.663. Thirdly, if the use of the selling price to Rp. 1000 per kWh and a subsidy of Rp. 26.443.007.678 per month, then power plant will have a turnover in the month to 12 to earn a revenue of        Rp. 199.936.071.847. Then the results of research using sensitivity analysis to changes in the initial investment is known that the increase in initial investment 600,83% below power plant  is still feasible to operate.. But the power plant  would not be feasible to operate when the increase 600,83% above the initial investment.Furthermore the sensitivity analysis to changes in income are known to decrease in revenue of less than 85,73% of power plant is still worth operating.  But if the decline in revenue was down more than 85,73% power plant operation is not feasible

    Studi Kelayakan Proses Pembubutan Penekan Kopling Sepeda Motor Dengan Mesin Boxford Cnc Menggunakan Pendekatan Statistical Process Control

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    Now days, a companies has been experiencing and facing a tight competitive siege. To be surviving within this competition, the companies must be creative in developing new and robust ideas to improve their business competitiveness which differentiate them from the others. The product quality was the main issues among others. The quality of a product that offered to the consumers must be cheap and have met with consumer satisfaction. Exploring this ides, current research has conducted with the main goal was investigating the quality of product produced on CNC Turning. The quality was calculated with a Statistical Process Control (SPC) analysis. Meanwhile, ductile iron workpieces size of 130 mm in length and 19 mm in diameter were manufactured for the samples. The data gathered including diameter, length, and thickness of the samples measured with Digital Vernier Caliper and Micrometer. Based on data observed, the result of experiment shows that the quality of sample products produced in single run (12 products) has met with basic standard requirement with which all samples dimension was lay inside the control limit (Upper and Lower Control Limit (UCL and LCL). It can be concluded that each variable still in process control and was ready for the automation


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    This study is intended to analyze the feasibility operation KMP Roditha which owned by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Limited). Location of research in the trajectory Sheet - Padang Bai, was used the Break Even Point. Collecting a range of cost of KMP Rodita, therefore was known the operating costs, maintenance costs and income from the sale of tickets while one year. Stepsare used in this research is the analysis of quantitative data, where i would collect the data required in relation to the matter to be investigated, so that research results can be more reliable and credible. The results of this study indicate that KMP Roditha income in 2010 was Rp. 12,007,178,916, of a total of 504 trips. Break Even Point in 2010 occurred in the 5th month on 213 trips, so that KMP Roditha feasible to operate

    Keanekaragaman Lamun dan Makrozoobentos sebagai Indikator Kondisi Perairan Pantai Sindhu, Sanur, Bali

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    Sindhu Beach is part of the Sanur beach area. Sanur area is one of 11 strategic national tourism areas in Bali. Beach tourism activities have the potential to cause degradation of coastal ecosystems. Ecosystem changes can be determined using bioindicators. This study aims to determine the condition of the Sindhu Coast waters ecosystem based on seagrass diversity and macrozoobenthos as indicators. This research was conducted in November 2019 at Sindhu Beach. Seagrass observations and macrozoobenthos sampling were carried out at four stations with three replications at each station. Data and samples were collected using the quadratic transect method. Eight species of seagrass were found in Sindhu Beach with a percentage of cover between 16.33% - 63.37% and density between 1572 ind / m2 - 3314.4 ind / m2. The average value of the seagrass diversity index was 1.24, the average uniformity index was 0.78, and the average dominance index was 0.32. Types of macrozoobenthos found were 23 species with abundances ranging from 2.33 ind / m2 - 28.33 ind / m2. The average value of macrozoobenthos uniformity index is 1.50, the average diversity index is 0.68 and the average dominance index is 0.36. Based on the index value shows that the waters of Sindhu Beach are in good condition or there is no ecologically significant pressure