840 research outputs found

    Properties of the Optokinetic Motor Fibres in the Rock Lobster: Build-Up, Flipback, Afterdischarge and Memory, Shown by Their Firing Patterns

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    The properties of sets of motor fibres responding to both clockwise and anticlockwise rotation have been studied in the oculomotor nerve of the rock lobster. There are probably three, but perhaps four, units in each set. None of these fibres has statocyst input, but there is weak input onto the tonic fibres from the antennal joints such that the eye turns in the direction toward which the antenna points. Many preparations show bilateral visual input onto all fibres but the degree of coupling between the eyes is very variable, and at times can be nearly totally absent. Depending on the speed of rotation the fibres show a gradual build-up in frequency, during rotation in the preferred direction, interrupted by flipbacks. During the fast stage of the resulting nystagmic movements all agonistic fibres can be completely inhibited and all antagonistic ones can be activated, usually for a period of about 0.5 sec. Fibre activity is demonstrated which appears to underlie an ‘optokinetic memory’ of contrasting target position in the visual field. It consists of (a) very prolonged after-discharges for a stationary striped pattern (b) resumption of discharges at an appropriate frequency after dark periods up to 2 min, and (c) adjustment of such frequencies to changes in stripe position during the dark period. The fibres show habituation to repeated stripe movement but the response can be dishabituated by passive rotation of the animal. The largest visual responses were obtained to intermediate speeds of stripe rotation (about 2°/sec)

    Input Sources and Properties of Position-Sensitive Oculomotor Fibres in the Rock Lobster, Panulirus Interruptus (Randall)

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    Sets of head-up, head-down, eye-up and eye-down motor fibres were studied in the oculomotor nerve of the rock lobster. An eye-withdrawal fibre was also investigated. Apart from the statocyst input, light distribution on the eyes has the strongest influence on the position-sensitive fibres. Weaker optokinetic input from moving targets is also present. Strongly habituating input is obtained from the antennal joints. This input causes orientation of the eye toward the direction in which the antenna points. The same antennule movement in the vertical plane can result in either excitation or inhibition of the head-down fibre, suggesting the presence of two opposing inputs, presumably from the statocysts and basal joint receptors of the antennule. The inputs on to the position-sensitive fibres which indicate body position are such as to stabilize the eye position in space during body movement. The optokinetic and antennal joint inputs are probably involved in tracking and antennal pointing reactions. The eye-withdrawal fibre is stimulated by touch of the head and around the eye, but is inhibited by the excited state

    MP733: Preliminary Database Assessment for International Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Efforts

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    Description of a database assessment of international ecological monitoring efforts.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_miscpubs/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Status of National Open Spatial Data Infrastructures: a Comparison Across Continents

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    The increasing need for geospatial information demands for well-organised management among all levels of society. A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a multidisciplinary and dynamic instrument that facilitates access and sharing of geospatial information. The current trend towards open data initiatives is influencing the development of these infrastructures. In order to examine this effect, this article addresses the following question: what is the current state of SDI openness of four best practice open data countries Canada, The Netherlands, Australia and Brazil, and how do they compare? The question is answered through a qualitative literature study and the application of a newly developed Open SDI Assessment Framework to the countries. The Netherlands and Canada show a high performance on all assessment dimensions; data discovery, data access and data properties. Australia and Brazil show a poor open SDI performance, as they could not meet the requirements set for the assessed datasets. General conclusions of the assessment are that data is currently fragmented and scattered among the web in all four countries, which strongly negatively influences the user experience. It is crucial that a strict legal framework is embedded in a country, which ensures that current SDI objectives and propositions regarding an user-centred approach and open data availability are achieved

    TB187: Forest Vegetation Monitoring in Acadia National Park

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    The goal of this report is to present the results of the vegetation component of the PRIMENet study at Acadia. The results include a classification of vegetation types and their locations within Cadillac Brook and Hadlock Brook watersheds; a synthesis of the primary and meta tree, sapling, and seedling data from the two study watersheds; and foliar chemical analyses using Acer rubrum and Picea rubens from Cadillac Brook and Hadlock Brook watersheds. This report provides the baseline information for long-term forest vegetation monitoring in the deciduous and coniferous forests in Cadillac Brook and Hadlock Brook watersheds. Ongoing interest and studies on the status of the natural resources within Acadia National Park makes availability of information from previous work, such as the baseline data in this report, very important.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1021/thumbnail.jp

    TB202: Composition and Biomass of Forest Floor Vegetation in Experimentally Acidified Paired Watersheds at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine

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    The percentage cover (abundance), frequency of occurrence, biomass, species richness, and species diversity of understory herbs was measured on a paired watershed ecosystem in eastern Maine, USA. This paired watershed site (Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, BBWM) has had the West Bear Brook Watershed treated bi-monthly with granular ammonium sulfate at a rate of 28.8 kg S ha-1 yr-1 and 25.2 kg N ha-1 yr-1 since 1989. East Bear Brook Watershed serves as the reference site. More than 100 plots were randomly located across the two watersheds. The data suggest that there is generally a lower frequency of occurrence of understory plants on the treated watershed. In addition there was a significant difference in species richness with the treated watershed (West Bear) being lower than the reference watershed (East Bear). Biomass measures generally followed this same trend although there were not significant differences detected. These differences reflect treatment effects in light of biogeochemical changes shown to be occurring in other studies due to treatments.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Super-reflection of light from a random amplifying medium with disorder in the complex refractive index : Statistics of fluctuations

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    The probability distribution of the reflection coefficient for light reflected from a one-dimensional random amplifying medium with {\it cross-correlated} spatial disorder in the real and the imaginary parts of the refractive index is derived using the method of invariant imbedding. The statistics of fluctuations have been obtained for both the correlated telegraph noise and the Gaussian white-noise models for the disorder. In both cases, an enhanced backscattering (super-reflection with reflection coefficient greater than unity) results because of coherent feedback due to Anderson localization and coherent amplification in the medium. The results show that the effect of randomness in the imaginary part of the refractive index on localization and super-reflection is qualitatively different.Comment: RevTex 6 pages, 3 figures in ps file

    Smoothing effect and delocalization of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in random potentials

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    We theoretically investigate the physics of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates at equilibrium in a weak (possibly random) potential. We develop a perturbation approach to derive the condensate wavefunction for an amplitude of the potential smaller than the chemical potential of the condensate and for an arbitrary spatial variation scale of the potential. Applying this theory to disordered potentials, we find in particular that, if the healing length is smaller than the correlation length of the disorder, the condensate assumes a delocalized Thomas-Fermi profile. In the opposite situation where the correlation length is smaller than the healing length, we show that the random potential can be significantly smoothed and, in the meanfield regime, the condensate wavefunction can remain delocalized, even for very small correlation lengths of the disorder.Comment: The word "screening" has been changed to "smoothing" to avoid confusions with other effects discussed in the literature. This does not affect the content of paper, nor the results, nor the physical discussio

    Random Resonators and Prelocalized Modes in Disordered Dielectric Films

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    Areal density of disorder-induced resonators with a high quality factor, Q≫1Q\gg 1, in a film with fluctuating refraction index is calculated theoretically. We demonstrate that for a given kl>1kl>1, where kk is the light wave vector, and ll is the transport mean free path, when {\em on average} the light propagation is diffusive, the likelihood for finding a random resonator increases dramatically with increasing the correlation radius of the disorder. Parameters of {\em most probable} resonators as functions of QQ and klkl are found.Comment: 6 pages including 2 figure

    Coherent Backscattering of Light by Cold Atoms

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    Light propagating in an optically thick sample experiences multiple scattering. It is now known that interferences alter this propagation, leading to an enhanced backscattering, a manifestation of weak localization of light in such diffuse samples. This phenomenon has been extensively studied with classical scatterers. In this letter we report the first experimental evidence for coherent backscattering of light in a laser-cooled gas of Rubidium atoms.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 1 page color image GIF, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
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