45 research outputs found

    Keamanan Stevia Hasil Budidaya B2p2to2t Dalam Aspek Teratogenitas

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    Teratogenic test has been performed on sweet stevia as product of B2P2TO2T cultivation at rats (Rattus novergicus) pregnant female Wistar. Stevia sweet was administered orally at a dose of 360, 120 and 40 mg/kg bw, volume 1 ml/100g bw per day during organogenesis period, on the day of pregnancy to the 6th until 15th. During the test, test animals were observed two times daily with the distance of six hours against the toxicity symptoms such as changes in skin, hair, eyes and mucous membranes, bleeding. Animals that experienced abortion, premature birth or death during the trial period were sacrificed and observed immediately with microscopic technic. At 20th day of pregnancy all of the pregnant rat dissected, and put out the fetuses from the mother's and observated the health conditions in general and the whole of mothers reproductive systems of fetuses, the outer fetal malformation and soft tissue system of fetal. The conclusion were sweet stevia of B2P2TO2T no worse effect on the mother rats, fetal body weight and morphology of mother rats and the fetus, does not affect the process of development of fetal soft tissue, and does not affect the development of fetal skeleton. Generally the B2P2TO2T stevia sweet substances safe for used, does not cause teratogenic effects

    Dampak Kebijakan Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa terhadap Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Negeri 7 Semarang

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    Issues regarding the education and growth process of children into a very complex social problems. This study aimed to describe the implementation of development policies national character in the SMKN 7 Semarang and impacts arising from the implementation. Design of this research is qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the integration of the values of the foundation of the nation's character has been pretty well according to indicators of class and school

    Produksi Dan Kualitas Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Dengan Kedalaman Berbeda Di Perairan Bulu Kabupaten Jepara

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    Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan di daerah pesisir. Dalam rangka pengembangan potensi ini diperlukan salah satu teknik budidaya yang dapat mengoptimalkan kolom perairan sehingga hasil produksi maupun kualitas rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii dapat optimal. Kedalaman yang berbeda pada rumput laut E.cottonii dapat menyerap cahaya serta unsur hara yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh kedalaman yang berbeda terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii, dan mengetahui kedalaman yang memberikan produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E.cottonii terbaik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Agustus 2014. Tanaman uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rumput laut dari jenis Eucheuma cottonii dengan bobot awal 100 gram pada setiap perlakuan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 12 kali ulangan. perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm), B (kedalaman 60 cm), dan C (kedalaman 90 cm). Data yang dikumpulkan adalah laju pertumbuhan harian, dan kandungan karaginan rumput laut E. cottonii. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedalaman yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E. cottonii. Perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm) menunjukkan pertumbuhan relatif (176,67 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (2,26 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (87,70%) . Sedangkan pada perlakuan B (kedalaman 60 cm) pertumbuhan relatif (157,50 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (2,10 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (71,20 %). Perlakuan C (kedalaman 90 cm) pertumbuhan relatif (111, 25 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (1,66 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (70,01 %). Kesimpulan yang didapat ialah kedalaman berbeda berpengaruh terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E. cottonii dan perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm) memberikan produksi serta kualitas rumput laut E.cottonii terbaik dan direkomendasikan untuk dibudidayakan. Seaweed is one of very potential comodity to be developed in coastal areas. In order to increase this potential can required cultivation techniques by optimize in water column production and quality of the seaweed Eucheuma cottonii. Seaweed E. cottonii can absorb light and different nutrient at different depth. The objective of was research were to know the effects of different depths on the production and quality of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii, and the depth that gives the best production and quality seaweed E. cottonii. The research was conducted from July to August 2014. Seaweed used in this study was the seaweed Eucheuma cottonii with initial weight of 100 g in each treatment. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 12 replications. Treatment A (30 cm depth), treatment B (60 cm depth), and treatment C (90 cm depth). Data collected are daily growth rate and the content of carrageenan. The results showed that different depths significantly affect the production and quality of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii. Treatment A (30 cm depth) showed relative growth (176.67 %), daily growth rate (2.26%/day), and carrageenan content (87.70%). Treatment B (60 cm depth) relative growth (157.50%), daily growth rate (2.10%/day), and carrageenan content (71.20%). Treatment C (90 cm depth) relative growth (111, 25%), daily growth rate (1.66% / day), and carrageenan content (70.01%). The conclusion is a different depths significantly affect the production and quality of seaweed E. Cottonii, and treatment A (30 cm depth) provide production and the best quality of seaweed E. cottonii and recommended for cultivated

    Pengaruh Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Peningkatan Harga Diri terhadap Harga Diri Klien Menarik Diri di Ruang Seruni RS Jiwa Dr Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang

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    PENGARUH TERAPI AKTIVITAS KELOMPOK PENINGKATAN HARGA DIRI TERHADAP HARGA DIRI KLIEN MENARIK DIRI DI RUANG SERUNI RS JIWA DR RADJIMAN WEDIODININGRAT LAWANGEffect of Therapy Group Activities Increase In Price of Self Interest Clients In The Soul Dr Seruni Rs Radjiman Wediodiningrat LawangSri Widowati1, Nur Lailatul M2, Widayanti31, 2)Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang3)Alumni Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Bendungan Sutami 188A Malang 65145*)e-mail: [email protected] satu terapi modalitas adalah Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) yang ditujukan untuk klien dengan masalah yang sama. TAK merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan harga diri pasien agar dapat kembali ke masyarakat sehingga dapat berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Untuk pasien menarik diri kita dapat melakukan dengan TAK peningkatan harga diri yang bertujuan untuk menerima dirinya sendiri dengan penuh kepercayaan, menghargai dirinya, dan menilai positif diri sendiri. TAK peningkatan harga diri merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan harga dirinya bagi pasien menarik diri yang harga dirinya rendah. Tujuannya mengidentifikasi ada tidaknya pengaruh TAK peningkatan harga diri terhadap harga diri pasien menarik diri. Desain penelitian menggunakan preexperiment design dengan pendekatan pre test-post test design. Menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 5 responden. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed ranks test. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama sebulan pada bulan Juli 2009 di Ruang Seruni. Dari hasil analisa data dan interpretasi data dapat disimpulkan, harga diri pada pasien menarik diri sebelum diberikan TAK peningkatan harga diri mean untuk pre test = 11,8000 dan setelah dilakukan TAK peningkatan harga diri mengalami penurunan tanda gejala harga diri rendah mean untuk post test = 4,2000. Dan didapatkan perhitungan menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed ranks test adalah z = -5a dan p = 0,00 (p < 0,05). Sehingga Ho ditolak, artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah dilakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok peningkatan harga pada pasien menarik diri di RS Jiwa DR Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang.Kata kunci: TAK peningkatan harga diri, peningkatan harga diri, menarik diriABSTRACTOne of modality therapy is group activity therapy addressed for client with the same problem. Group activity therapy be one of way applied to increase patient self-regard to regain to public causing interaction can with others and vicinity area. For patient withdraws we can do with group activity therapy of increase of self-regard with aim to receive their/his self fully trust, esteems self, and assess positive of own self. Group activity therapy of increase of self-regard is striving to increase the price of self for patient withdraws which the price of low self. As for purpose of generally is identify there are not of increase group activity therapy influence of self-regard to increase of self-regard at patient withdraws. Research design applied is research design of pre method pre-experiment design with approach of pre test-post test design. Sample taken is purposive sampling counted five responders. Data collecting method applied is observation sheet by using wilcoxon signed ranks test. Research executed during one month in July 2009 in chamber Seruni. From result analysis data interpretation and data can be concluded, self regard at patient withdraw before given do not the make-up of self regard of mean for the pre of test = 11,8000 and after conducted do not the make-up of natural self regard of degradation of low self regard symptom sign of mean for the post of test = 4,2000. And got by calculation use test of wilcoxon ranks signed test is z = - 5a and p = 0,00 ( p < 0,05). So that Ho refused, mean there is influence which isn't it between before and after conducted by group activity therapy is make-up of price at patient withdraw in DR Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Hospital

    The Effectiveness of Acupuncture Therapy in Reducing Melasma in an Indonesian Female Population

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    Background: Melasma is a common facial skin disorder seen in women.It is an acquired hypermelanosis of sun-exposed areas of the skin. Melasma is a chronic skin disorder that results in symmetrical, blotchy, and brownish facial pigmentation. Studies have shown thatmanual acupuncture (MA) is widely used alone or in combination with conventional treatment for melasma. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy in reducing melasma in an Indonesian female population. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized control trial study. The study was conducted at Kismoyo village, Ngemplak, Boyolali, Central Java, from June to September 2016. A sample of 30 women was selected for this study by simple random sampling and divided into two groups. The experimental group (15 women) received acupuncture therapy in melasma area and the control group (15 women) received sham acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture therapy is given 12 times every 2 weeks. The dependent variable was melasma (including grade of melasma darkness, hyperpigmentation, and melasma involvement). The independent variable was acupuncture therapy. The data of melasma were measured by melasma area severity index (MASI) and analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Results: Darkness area of melasma in the control group before acupuncture (mean= 16.43) was higher than after treatment (mean= 14.57), but statistically was not significant (p= 0.502). Darkness area of melasma in treatment group before acupuncture (mean= 19.93) was higher than after treatment (mean= 11.07) and statistically significant (p= 0.004). Hyper­pigmentasi grade in control group before acupuncture (mean= 17.43) was higher than after treatment (mean= 13.57), but statistically was not significant (p= 0.121). Hyperpigmentasi grade in treatment group before acupuncture (mean= 17.07) was higher than after treatment (mean= 13.93), but statistically was not significant (p= 0.293). Melasma area in control group before acupuncture (mean= 16.27) was higher than after treatment (mean= 14.73) but statistically was not significant (p= 0.605). Melasma area in treatment group before acupuncture (mean= 20.43) was higher than after treatment (mean= 10.57) and statistically significant (p= 0.001). Conclusion: Acupuncture is effective to reduce melasma, particularly in narrowing melasma area and reducing the darkness the affected area. Keywords: melasma, acupuncture therap