9 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kemampuan Manajemen, Motivasi Franchise, Brand Image dan Promotion Strategy terhadap Keberhasilan USAha Franchise (Studi Kasus : Primagama Indonesia Timur)
Enterprises that can be directly executed properly without having to market from the beginning is to buy products or services that have become, namely Franchise. It is the licensing of an overall business format in which the franchisor grants a license to a number of dealers or franchisee to market a product / service and conduct a business developed by franschisor using a name brand, Trademarks, specialist merchandising services and how to do business that the franchisor owns. This data analysis technique is by using quantitative technique with path analysis. Variable there are 6, which consists of Management Ability, Motivation Franchise, Brand Image and Promotion Strategy. These variables are called independent variables. Performance Franchise enter the dependent variable, while Franchise Cooperation entered variable factor. The sample in this research is 120 respondents, with data collection technique through questionnaire with likert scale. The result of this research is that the variable of Management Capability, Franchise Motivation, Brand Image and Promotion Strategy have direct influence to Franchise Cooperation, but have no direct effect on Knelan Franchise
Usulan Pengembangan Fasilitas dan Perangkat Kendaraan Siaran Langsung (Ob Van) (Studi Kasus di Lppl Radio Gemilang Fm Magelang)
OB (Outside Broadcasting) Van Radio Gemilang FM Magelang is a vehicle that has studio facilities and transmitting equipment as a studio and broadcast radio transmitters in general in the form of mini and specific functions. From various user inputs such as broadcast division, operator and technical part there are development opportunities that can be done to further improve the quality of facilities and devices according to the needs of coverage and technology activities in the future. This study involved 30 respondents who are competent in operating OB Van equipment. The method used in this development proposal using the measurement of technique parameters with QFD method up to level 2, there are 17 quality variables that are based on 8 Quality Dimension Garvin. From the results of research conducted there are 10 technical respond that can be done, with the most important development priority is softwaredevelopment and audio codec device to reduce digital audio transfer rate transfer with weight 297,7 and internet connection quality with weight 256,8
Pemilihan Karakter Agronomi untuk Menyusun Indeks Seleksi pada 11 Populasi Kedelai Generasi F6
High-yielding variety is one of the targets in soybean breeding program. High-yielding variety could be developed through simultaneous selection. Simultaneous selection using selection index was more efficient than selection based on an individual trait only. Objective of the research was to select agronomic characters for construction selection index on 11 soybean populations F6 generation based on correlation analysis, path analysis, and heritability. The correlation analysis showed that number of branch, number of total nod, number of filled pod, number of unfilled pod, number of total pod, and percentage of filled pod have positively and significantly correlated with yield per plant. Based on path analysis, characters number of branch, number of unfilled pod, and number of filled pod have positive direct on yield per plant. The result also showed that number of filled pod has maximum positive direct effect on yield per plant. Generally, number of total nod, number of filled pod, number of total pod, and percentage of filled pod have higher heritability than other characters
Regional Investment Attractiveness: Rating to 134 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia & Problems on Business Environment
Committed to bring regional autonomy policy to a more meaningful existence, KPPOD (Regional Autonomy Watch) again comes up with result of another rating. This time, statistical aspects and dynamic aspects were combined to better rate autonomous regions and capture their real dynamics.
Our focuses remain two: policy variables and endowment variables. Policy variables are grouped into two factors, namely institutional factor and sociopolitical factor; endowment variables into three: regional economy, labor and productivity, and physical infrastructure. For the whole, 42 indicators were employed here, each with its value different from others from the perception of business community. The research includes 134 regions, consisting of 97 regencies and 37 cities spread in 26 provinces in Indonesia.
Data used in the analysis of indicators were primary and secondary, qualitative and quantitative. Valuation of variables and processing of data were done using AHP (The Analytic Hierarchy Process) method
Daya Tarik Investasi Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia: Peringkat 134 Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia & Gambaran Permasalahan Dunia Usaha
Selain perwujudan demokratisasi, dan pelembagaan hubungan pemerintahan pusat – daerah dan antar daerah, kesejahteraan rakyat menjadi salah satu dari tiga tujuan utama otonomi daerah; hal ini
berarti bahwa dari segi ekonomi, keberhasilan otonomi daerah diukur dari sejauhmana warga daerah mendapat akses ekonomi yang lebih dari masa sebelumnya. Berbagai tolok ukur bisa digunakan dalam hal akses ekonomi itu, namun ukuran yang sangat jelas adalah keterserapan tenaga kerja secara langsung serta multiplier effect yang muncul dari adanya investasi