25 research outputs found

    Synthesis Of Polyol From Edible Oil Waste With Ozonolysis Technology

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    Polyol is a chemical compound that contains many hydroxyl groups. Polyol can be made from petroleum, nevertheless petroleum's price is increasingly high and petroleum itself is a non renewable resource,so it may be gone someday.Alternatively, synthesis of polyol can use other material that is renewable, in case it can use waste from edible oil. In experiment, polyol is made from edible oil waste(used palm cooking oil) through ozonolysis reaction. Beside ozone,as reactant are also used a mixture of methanol isopropanoal and water in certain ratio and sulphuric acid as catalyst.Mechanism of reaction will start at ozone attack and break the double bonds( C=C) of unsaturated fatty acid in the waste,and then hydroxyl groups of alcohol can made contact to produce polyol. The main purpose of experiment is to determine the optimum condition for making polyol with ozonolysis technology.The experiment will be carried out by vary temperature of ozonolysis reaction, mol ratio of oil-alcohol,reaction time and ozone concentration. The result of experiment show that hydroxyl number values of polyol vary from 92.75 to 265.62 and viscosity values vary from 9.228 to 20.403 cp. The optimum condition determined by response optimization program,and from experiment show that converting edible oil waste to polyol will be efficient with temperature 25'C, 3 hours reaction time, l:7 for oil and alcohol mol ratio and ozone concentration 6.3

    Studi Eksperimental Aliran Gas Liquid dalam Mikroreaktor

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    Mikroreaktor merupakan reaktor yang berbentuk canal dengan dimensi <=1mm. Microcanal ini memberikan keuntungan dalam proses dengan meningkatkan laju perpindahan massa dan panas, sehingga reaktor jenis ini cocok digunakan untuk reaksi-reaksi yang sangat eksothermis/endothermis dan atau dibatasi oleh perpindahan masa. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan mikroreaktor ini adalah tercapainya selektivitas yang tinggi pada konversi reaksi yang tinggi, serta keamanan dalam proses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari parameter-parameter hidrodinamika yang terdiri dari panjang slug dan bubble dari aliran gas-liquid yang berkelakuan sebagai aliran Taylor pada 2 kondisi operasi yaitu debit udara konstan 0,75 ml/min dan debit ethanol bervariasi pada range 0,2 ml/min serta debit ethanol konstan 0,3ml/min dan debit udara bervariasi antara 0,3 ml/min - 1 ml-min. Dua jenis konfigurasimicrocanal digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu canal berbentuk "T" dan canal konfigurasiserpent (berkelak-kelok menyerupai ular) Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa panjang bubble yang terbentuk dalam canal dipengaruhi oleh debit phase kontinu & debit phase diskontinu serta dimensi panjang canal. Metode Garstecky dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi panjang bubble pada konfigurasi canal yang berkelak-kelok

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Laju Alir Volumetrik Reaktan pada Reaksi Hidrolisa Acetic Anhydrid

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate dynamic and steady state phenomenon within Single-Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactor (CSTR) and to investigate the effect of temperature and volumetric flow rate of reactant to reach the steady state condition. In the experiment, the concentration of acetic acid is analyzed in the certain time and the value of the concentration is used to make a prediction the phenomenon of CSTR reactor related to semi-batch and continuous stage. The main conclusions are hydrolysis of acetic anhydride is an irreversible reaction with pseudo first order. Rate of reaction is influenced by the temperature and volumetric flow rate of reactant. At the semi-batch stage, concentration acetic acid and reactor volume is dependent to time but at the continuous stage, concentration and reactor volume is constant (Independent to Time

    Sintesa Biodiesel dengan Teknologi Mikroreaktor

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    Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, and waste cooking oils by transesterification with Alcohol in order to substitute fossil fuels. As a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel. biodiesel has been widely produced and its demand will continue to grow globally innovative technologies and process integration are needed to produce biodiesel in an energy efficient way. The application of microreactors on biodiesel synthesis . may give a better solution for this purpose or high production efficiency, short residence time, low operating cost and energy consumption in biodiesel synthesis via transesterification. This review provide an overview on biodiesel synthesis using microreactor technology, including the microchannel size, residence time, reaction temperature. the type of catalyst used Researchers believe that implementation if this technology into biodiesel production could be a next big breakthrough not only in intensification process but also in economics process

    Gas-Liquid-Liquid Microreactor for Biodiesel Synthesis

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    The current work aims to develop synthesis biodiesel through simultaneous transesterification and ozonation reactions in a microtube reactor of 1 mm diameter, which has low energy consumption, provides process safety, as well as enables high reaction yield and conversion.The synthesis were carried out by contacting two immiscible liquids oil-methanol and ozone gas in a microtube of 5 m long at 30 °C, 1 atm pressure, the oil-methanol molar ratio 1:3, 1:5, with 1 wt% catalyst NaOH. For the purposes of comparison and assessment the influence of ozone gas, biodiesel was also synthesized by performing the reactions in series, i.e., transesterification then ozonation, and vice versa, by utilizing the same experimental conditions. After a preliminary study on gas-liquid-liquid flows, the result shows that the microtube reactor used is capable of producing a high yield and conversion through the simultaneous processes in a much shorter reaction time around 15 minutes by applying the lower ozone flow rates and the smaller methanol-oil molar ratio 1:3 than the previous works in stirred tank reactors. Ozone in this synthesis has broken the double bounds carbon chains of methyl oleate, methyl linoleate, and methyl linolenate and converting them to the saturated methyl esters, therefore, the biodiesel product has a better stability

    Karakterisasi Transisi Regime Aliran 2 Fase (Gas-Liquid) dalam Round Canal dan Rectangular Canal

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    In design of micro-reactor for gas-liquid reactions topic, it is needed to well known the flow pattern of 2 phases gas-liquid within canal in micro dimensional the present study investigate the effect of canal diameter and shape (round canal and rectangular canal with aspect ratio I) to flow regime transitions for 2 phases flow. The experiment will be conducted with the diameter ranging from 0,6-1mm, the variables of gas and liquid velocity range from 0,1m/s - 100 m/s and 0,01 m/s - 10 m/s respectively. The flow patterns: bubble, slug, slug annular, annular, and churn are observed by CCD camera. The result will be compared with the Damianides and westwater correlations and also Weisman correlations. Flow regime transition fo 2 phases flow at variables gas and liquid velocity are presented in the experiment

    Phenomena Kecepatan Bubble dan Aliran Gas Liquid Dalam Mikro-Canal

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    Micro-reactor are reactors with three dimensional structures, the inner dimensions of which are under a millimeter in size. Micro-structured reactors can be advantageously used as process engineering tools for acquiring information which allow in a short time and with greater safety, a process to be transferred to the pilot and production scale. Information for micro-structured reactors can also be used for optimizing process plats already in operation. Micro-structured reactors are suitable for the exothermic/endothermic reaction and or limited by mass transfer. The objects of the experiment are to study phenomenon of bubble velocity for gas-liquid flow as Taylor flow at 2 conditions of which are first constant-volumetric flow rate of gas 0,75 ml/min and volumetric flow rate of ethanol varies between 0,2 ml/min-1 ml/min, and second for constant-volumetric flow rate of ethanol 0,3ml/min and volumetric flow rate of gas varies between 0,3 ml/min- 1 ml/min. Two configuration of reactors(canal take form "t": canal take from serpent/meander) are used in this experiment. Results of experiment show the the bubble velocity has fluctuated to time with certain period amplitude. Bubble velocities are proportional inverse to dimension of bubble

    Studi Eksperimental Aliran Gas-Liquid dalam Mikroreaktor (Canal Straight-Serpent)

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    Microstructured reactors are reactors with three dimensional structures, the inner dimensions of which are under a millimeter in size. Microstructured reactors can be advantageously used as process engineering tools for acquiring information which allow in a short time and with greater safety, a process to be transferred to the pilot and production scale. Information from microstructured reactors can also be used for optimizing process plants already in operation. Microstructured reactors are suitable for the exothermic/endothermic reaction and or limited by mass transfer. The objects of the experiment are to study parameters hydrodynamic (length of bubble and slug) for gas-liquid flow as Taylor flow at 2 conditions of which are first constant-volumetric flow rate of gas 0.75 ml/min and volumetric flow rate of ethanol varies between 0.2 ml/min – 1 ml/min, and second for constant-volumetric flow rate of ethanol 0.3 ml/min and volumetric flow rate of gas varies between 0.3 ml/min – 1 ml/min. Two configurations of reactor (canal take form serpent) are used in this experiment. Results of experiment show that the lengths of bubble under the influences of the volumetric flow rate of continue and discontinue phases, and also the dimension of canal-reactor. Garstecky’s method is suitable to predict the dimensions of bubbles at canal configuration of serpent/meander. The result will be compared with the previous work in the configuration “T”

    Aliran Dua Fase Minyak - Air Melalui Sudden Expansion dan Sudden Contraction

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    The purposes of the research are learning the effect of varying fluid velocity and tap position to (AP/p), knowing the value of loss coefficients of two phase oil/water, analyzing the effect of concentration changing to the value of loss coefficients, comparing the value of loss coefficients in sudden expansion and sudden contraction from this research with the loss coefficients for one phase that is get from literature. The main conclusions are the increase of fluid velocity and further rap position from the center of sudden expansion and sudden contaction will increase the value of (AP/p), loss coefficients in sudden expansion ranged between 0,4 - 0,65 and for sudden contraction ranged between 0,3 - 0,5 loss coefficients in sudden expansion and sudden contraction for two phase oil/water can be approached with the one loss coefficients equation which get from literature, the loss coefficients is not significantly influenced by concentration of oil in water emulsio

    Gas-Liquid Taylor Flow Characteristics In Circular Microchannel

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    Miniaturization performs better than conventional equipment since it can generate a high specific surface (A/V) for mass and heat transfer between phases. The current studies aimed at characterizing the two-phase flow pattern (air-methanol) with a circular cross-sectional area of silicone, determining bubble length in the inlet and outlet section by using the three configurations of microchannel; finding the effect of gas and liquid velocity as well as the pressure drop throughout the channel to the bubble dimensions formed. The experiments were conducted by visualizing a gas-liquid flow pattern (Taylor) and measuring the bubble length within a channel of 1 mm ID. As a flow pattern target in this work, Taylor has a uniform shape, dimension, and constant velocity during observations. An increase in the ratio of linear velocity (UG/UL) brings on an increase in bubble length throughout the channel from the inlet to the outlet section. The bubble length outlet is longer than the inlet section due to the effect of increasing pressure drop (ΔP) and is sometimes caused by the bubble coalescence phenomena. The wettability on the inner wall of the microchannel strongly determined the flow pattern type and the length of bubbles