11 research outputs found

    Elements of gamification in social marketing compaigns

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    The goal of this article is to present the essences of gamification and possibilities which are given by using it in the marketing work. Special attention was paid to activities of social marketing, which superior task is to pay direct attention to social problems, to change the social consciousness of given problem, to present the results of some behaviours and to support activities serving the change of attitudes

    Social media as a new channel for company communication on the example of clothing company

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    The evolution of marketing orientations, issues of company and market communication are submitted in the article. The role of social media and its using by companies and their customers are pointed. The author of this article has presented the results of the research conducted with young citizens of Silesia Voivodeship

    Elements of gamification in social marketing compaigns

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    The goal of this article is to present the essences of gamification and possibilities which are given by using it in the marketing work. Special attention was paid to activities of social marketing, which superior task is to pay direct attention to social problems, to change the social consciousness of given problem, to present the results of some behaviours and to support activities serving the change of attitudes

    Promocja aktywnosci fizycznej w kampaniach shockvetisingowych

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    Preferowanie pasywnego stylu życia oraz wynikający z tego problem otyłości stały się w wielu krajach bardzo powszechne. Według badań aktywność fizyczna Polaków wypada poniżej średniej dla krajów Unii Europejskiej. Promowanie aktywności fizycznej jest jednym z najważniejszych zadań zdrowia publicznego

    The promotion of phisical activity in shockvertising campaigns

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    Preferring passive life style and the problems with obesity eventuating from this fact, have become very common in many countries. According to research, the physical activity of Poles turns out to be under the average for EU countries. (Sport activity of Poles, 2015, p.3) The promotion of physical activity is one of the most important tasks of public health. The publicity of physical activity, habits of caring for health and wellbeing should be realized by national and local authorities, media and organisations connected w sport and recreation. Next, there are subjects providing sport recreation services, which use properly worked out marketing programs, apart from purely business goals, they can also become the promoters of physical activity. The aim of this article is to present shocking advertisement as the part of social campaigns influencing the changing the passive lifestyle for the active one. Shown in this article research was conducted among students of one university. The goal of research was the assessment of emotions which were aroused by showing examples of campaigns and their influence on the willingness to take up physical activities by the youth. The article contains the examples of campaigns and the results of research into using this kind of actions among young people. It was assumed, that the showing shocking messages concerning the consequences of lack physical activity, influences on taking up such activity by young people

    Promocja aktywnosci fizycznej w kampaniach shockvetisingowych

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    Preferowanie pasywnego stylu życia oraz wynikający z tego problem otyłości stały się w wielu krajach bardzo powszechne. Według badań aktywność fizyczna Polaków wypada poniżej średniej dla krajów Unii Europejskiej. Promowanie aktywności fizycznej jest jednym z najważniejszych zadań zdrowia publicznego

    Development of sustainable tourism in the eastern part of Poland on the example of bicycle green velo trail

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    Sustainable tourism’s aim is to lower negative influence of tourism on environment. Development of such a tourism influences on local employment. Advantages of the development are aimed at local societies, tourism agencies and tour operators and also tourists themselves. Apart from that sustainable tourism does not disturb the natural environment and is environmentally friendly. The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as a tourism that satisfies the needs of both tourists and tourist destinations, while protecting and promoting their future development. The main goal of sustainable tourism is to preserve the economic and social benefits of tourism while minimizing or mitigating adverse environmental, historical, cultural or social impacts. This goal is achieved by balancing the needs of tourists with the needs of tourist destinations. The most important documents defining the basis for sustainable tourism are: Agenda 21 and principles for sustainable development, UNCED, Rio de Janeiro Declaration, 1992, Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, WTO, 1999 and Cape Town Declaration. Responsible Tourism in Destinations, World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. (http://zb.eco.pl/publication/koncepcja-zrownowazonego-rozwoju-w-turystyce-p1338l1) Sustainable tourism goes side by side with ecotourism and heritage tourism. Many voivodeships in Poland have started to apply activities connected with sustainable tourism. The example of sustainable tourism is Green Velo Trail completed in Eastern Poland

    Development of sustainable tourism in the eastern part of Poland on the example of bicycle green velo trail

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    Sustainable tourism’s aim is to lower negative influence of tourism on environment. Development of such a tourism influences on local employment. Advantages of the development are aimed at local societies, tourism agencies and tour operators and also tourists themselves. Apart from that sustainable tourism does not disturb the natural environment and is environmentally friendly. The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as a tourism that satisfies the needs of both tourists and tourist destinations, while protecting and promoting their future development. The main goal of sustainable tourism is to preserve the economic and social benefits of tourism while minimizing or mitigating adverse environmental, historical, cultural or social impacts. This goal is achieved by balancing the needs of tourists with the needs of tourist destinations. The most important documents defining the basis for sustainable tourism are: Agenda 21 and principles for sustainable development, UNCED, Rio de Janeiro Declaration, 1992, Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, WTO, 1999 and Cape Town Declaration. Responsible Tourism in Destinations, World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. (http://zb.eco.pl/publication/koncepcja-zrownowazonego-rozwoju-w-turystyce-p1338l1) Sustainable tourism goes side by side with ecotourism and heritage tourism. Many voivodeships in Poland have started to apply activities connected with sustainable tourism. The example of sustainable tourism is Green Velo Trail completed in Eastern Poland

    Геймификация как новый тренд в маркетинге

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    У статті автор досліджує особливості гейміфікації як нового тренду в маркетингу та наводить приклади його використання. Зазначається, що використання принципів гейміфікації в компанії вимагає від маркетологів не лише належного планування і впровадження, а й творчості та інноваційного підходу. Автором обґрунтовано, що гейміфікація є інструментом підвищення конкурентоспроможності компанії.В статье автор исследует особенности геймификации как нового тренда в маркетинге и приводит примеры его использования. Указывается, что использование принципов геймификации в компании требует от маркетологов не только соответственного планирования и внедрения, но и творчества и инновационного подхода. Автором обосновано, что геймификация является инструментом повышения конкурентоспособности компании.The article deals with area and the examples to use gamification as a new trend in marketing. The using of gamification in company marketing actions require from marketers not only proper planning and introducing but a lot of creativity and innovation. It has been assumed that gamification can be a reply of a company to increase its competitiveness

    Gamification in sport-recreation services as an innovative element of offer

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    Grywalizacja jako jedno z najnowszych odkryć marketingu jest coraz powszechniej wykorzystywana w wielu branżach w celu budowania zaangażowania nabywców i zarządzania relacjami z klientem. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie koncepcji grywalizacji czyli zastosowania elementów znanych z gier w rzeczywistym życiu. W usługach sportowo-rekreacyjnych, gdzie usługodawcy zależy nie tylko na promocji samej usługi, pojawia się również nacisk na zmianę postaw potencjalnych uczestników z pasywnych na aktywnych i zainteresowanych aktywnością fizyczną. Założono, że odpowiednio skonstruowany program marketingowy wykorzystujący elementy gier może mieć wpływ na zmianę postaw nabywców oraz wraz z usługami sportoworekreacyjnymi stanowić innowacyjną ofertę rynkową.Gamification as the one of the newest discoveries of marketing is more and more commonly used in many branches in order to build new involvement of purchasers and managing the relations with customer. The goal of the article was presentation of the gamification concept so using the elements known from games in real life. In case of sport- recreation services, where a contractor takes care not only for the promotion of service itself, there is a focus on the changing the attitude of potential participants from passive to active and more interested in physical activity. It was assumed that properly wrought marketing program using the elements of games can influence on the changing the attitudes of participants and can become the innovative offer of market with sportrecreation services