86 research outputs found

    Development of ITER relevant ICRF wall conditioning technique on European tokamaks

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    In future reactor-scale superconducting fusion devices such as ITER, the presence of a permanent high magnetic field will prevent the use of conventional Glow Discharge Conditioning in between shots. Therefore, only discharges fully compatible with the presence of high magnetic field can be used for the conditioning procedure. ICRF discharge has a high potential to solve this problem. The paper presents a review of the new ICRF wall conditioning technique developed on limiter tokamaks TEXTOR and TORE SUPRA and the results of the first tests on the divertor tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET.У майбутніх термоядерних установках зі надпровідними магнітними системами масштабу ИТЕРа присутність постійного сильного магнітного поля буде перешкоджати використанню звичайних тліючих розрядів для підготовки вакуумних стінок між розрядами. Тому тільки розряди, що працюють при сильному магнітному полі, можуть бути використані для цих цілей. ВЧ розряди в області частот ІЦР мають великий потенціал для рішення цієї проблеми. У даній роботі представлений огляд нових ВЧ ІЦРтехнік підготовки стінок, розвитих на токамаках з лімітером TEXTOR і TORE SUPRA і результати перших іспитів на токамаках з дивертором ASDEX UPGRADE іJET.В будущих термоядерных установках с сверхпроводящими магнитными системами масштаба ИТЕРа присутствие постоянного сильного магнитного поля будет препятствовать использованию обычных тлеющих разрядов для подготовки вакуумных стенок между разрядами. Поэтому только разряды, работающие при сильном магнитном поле, могут быть использованы для этих целей. ВЧ разряды в области частот ИЦР обладают большим потенциалом для решения этой проблемы. В настоящей работе представлен обзор новых ВЧ ИЦР техник подготовки стенок , развитых на токамаках с лимитером TEXTOR и TORE SUPRA и результаты первых испытаний на токамаках с дивертором ASDEX UPGRADE и JET

    New developments in ICRF antennas and non-traditional applications of HF power on TEXTOR

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    This paper reviews the present status of new developments in ICRF antennas, recent results on more realistic modeling of ICRF antennas using the 3-D full electromagnetic code ICANT and, finally, the latest development in the scenarios of non-traditional applications of HF power for wall conditioning

    An Outer Membrane Receptor of Neisseria meningitidis Involved in Zinc Acquisition with Vaccine Potential

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    Since the concentration of free iron in the human host is low, efficient iron-acquisition mechanisms constitute important virulence factors for pathogenic bacteria. In Gram-negative bacteria, TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors are implicated in iron acquisition. It is far less clear how other metals that are also scarce in the human host are transported across the bacterial outer membrane. With the aim of identifying novel vaccine candidates, we characterized in this study a hitherto unknown receptor in Neisseria meningitidis. We demonstrate that this receptor, designated ZnuD, is produced under zinc limitation and that it is involved in the uptake of zinc. Upon immunization of mice, it was capable of inducing bactericidal antibodies and we could detect ZnuD-specific antibodies in human convalescent patient sera. ZnuD is highly conserved among N. meningitidis isolates and homologues of the protein are found in many other Gram-negative pathogens, particularly in those residing in the respiratory tract. We conclude that ZnuD constitutes a promising candidate for the development of a vaccine against meningococcal disease for which no effective universal vaccine is available. Furthermore, the results suggest that receptor-mediated zinc uptake represents a novel virulence mechanism that is particularly important for bacterial survival in the respiratory tract

    The influence of different culture microenvironments on the generation of dendritic cells from non-small-cell lung cancer patients

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    This study extends the model developed in Williams and Seaman’s [Williams, J. J. and Seaman, A. E. (2010). Corporate Governance and Mindfulness: The Impact of Management Accounting Systems Change, The Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 1-17] exploratory paper examining the moderating effects of management accounting systems (MAS) change on the corporate governance/mindfulness relationship for a Canadian sample of 124 top-level accounting professionals. Canonical correlation analysis was applied to the linkage of multiple cognitive processes of mindfulness (Weick and Sutcliffe, 2001; 2007) and the governance dimensions of performance and conformance specified by the International Federation of Accountants (2009), underpinned by the moderating effects of five different components of MAS change, which yielded 13 significant relationships. The latter were subsequently analyzed for important gestalts (i.e., patterns) in the overall relationship, and assessed within the context of aligning professional accounting practices involving systems changes to the IFAC (2009) governance framework. These findings appear to have implications for improved governance structures in practice as well as offering a rich foundation for future research

    Comparison of a Flow Assay for Brucellosis Antibodies with the Reference cELISA Test in West African Bos indicus

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    Brucellosis is considered by the Food and Agricultural Organisation and the World Health Organisation as one of the most widespread zoonoses in the world. It is a major veterinary public health challenge as animals are almost exclusively the source of infection for people. It is often undiagnosed in both human patients and the animal sources and it is widely acknowledged that the epidemiology of brucellosis in humans and animals is poorly understood, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. It is therefore important to develop better diagnostic tools in order to improve our understanding of the epidemiology and also for use in the field for disease control and eradication. As with any new diagnostic test, it is essential that it is validated in as many populations as possible in order to characterise its performance and improve the interpretation of its results. This paper describes a comparison between a new lateral flow assasy (LFA) for bovine brucellosis and the widely used cELISA in a no gold standard analysis to estimate test performance in this West African cattle population. A Bayesian formulation of the Hui-Walter latent class model incorporated previous studies' data on sensitivity and specificity of the cELISA. The results indicate that the new LFA is very sensitive (∼87%) and highly specific (∼97%). The analysis also suggests that the current cut-off of the cELSIA may not be optimal for this cattle population but alternative cut-offs did not significantly change the estimates of the LFA. This study demonstrates the potential usefulness of this simple to use test in field based surveillance and control which could be easily adopted for use in developing countries with only basic laboratory facilities

    ICRF Wall Conditioning: Present Status and Developments for Future Superconducting Fusion Machines

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    . 1 ABSTRACT. ITER and future superconducting fusion machines need efficient wall conditioning techniques for routine operation in between shots in the presence of permanent high magnetic field for wall cleaning, surface isotope exchange and to control the in-vessel long term tritium retention. Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) based on the ICRF discharge is fully compatible and needs the presence of the magnetic field. The present paper focuses on the principal aspects of the ICWC discharge performance in large-size fusion machines: (i) neutral gas RF breakdown with conventional ICRF heating antennas, (ii) antenna coupling with low density (~10 17 m -3 ) RF plasmas and (iii) ICWC scenarios with improved RF plasma homogeneity in the radial and poloidal directions. All these factors were identified as crucial to achieve an enhanced conditioning effect (e.g. removal rates of selected "marker" masses). All the observed effects are analyzed in terms of RF plasma wave excitation/absorption and compared with the predictions from 1-D RF full wave and 0-D RF plasma codes. Numerical modeling and empirical extrapolation from the existing machines give good evidence for the feasibility of using ICWC in ITER with the main ICRF antenna

    ICRF plasmas for fusion reactor applications

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    The ICRF plasma production technique is considered as a promising alternative tool for the following applications in the present and next generation superconducting fusion devices: (i) Wall conditioning in the presence of permanent high magnetic field; (ii) Assistance for the tokamak start-up at low inductive electric field (E₀ ~ 0.3 V/m in ITER); (iii) Target dense plasma production (ne ≥ 10¹⁹ m⁻³) in stellarators. The paper presents a review of the ICRF plasma production technique and its applications in the present-day tokamaks and stellarators. The perspective of the alternative technique applications in ITER is analyzed in the frame of 0-D plasma modeling.ВЧ-метод утворення плазми (ICRF) розглядається як перспективний альтернативний інструмент для таких застосувань у сучасних й майбутніх надпровідних термоядерних установках: (i) ВЧ-чистка стінок в присутності постійного сильного магнітного поля; (ii) Aсистування старту токамака у режимі слабого вихрового електричного поля (E₀~ 0.3 В/м в ITERі); (iii) Створення густої вихідної плазми (ne ≥ 10¹⁹ м⁻³) в стелараторах. Зроблено огляд ВЧ-метода створення плазми та його застосування у сучасних токамаках й стелараторах. В рамках моделювання 0-D плазмовим кодом проведено аналіз перспективності використання даного метода в ITERі.ВЧ-метод создания плазмы (ICRF) рассматривается как перспективный альтернативный инструмент для следующих применений в современных и будущих сверхпроводящих термоядерных установках: (i) ВЧ-чистка стенок в присутствии постоянного сильного магнитного поля; (ii) Aссистирование старту токамака в режиме слабого вихревого электрического поля (E₀ ~ 0.3 В/м в ITERе); (iii) Создание плотной исходной плазмы (ne ≥ 10¹⁹ м⁻³) в стеллараторах. Сделан обзор ВЧ-метода создания плазмы и его применений в современных токамаках и стеллараторах. В рамках моделирования 0-D плазменным кодом проведен анализ перспективности использования данного метода в ITERе

    Morphological analysis of the sheathed flagellum of Brucella melitensis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It was recently shown that <it>B. melitensis </it>is flagellated. However, the flagellar structure remains poorly described.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analyzed the structure of the polar sheathed flagellum of <it>B. melitensis </it>by TEM analysis and demonstrated that the Ryu staining is a good method to quickly visualize the flagellum by optical microscopy. The TEM analysis demonstrated that an extension of the outer membrane surrounds a filament ending by a club-like structure. The Δ<it>ftcR</it>, Δ<it>fliF</it>, Δ<it>flgE </it>and Δ<it>fliC </it>flagellar mutants still produce an empty sheath.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that the flagellum of <it>B. melitensis </it>has the characteristics of the sheathed flagella. Our results also suggest that the flagellar sheath production is not directly linked to the flagellar structure assembly and is not regulated by the FtcR master regulator.</p