2 research outputs found

    Mechanical Testing of 3D Printed Prosthetics

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    The Rapid Orthotics for CURE Kenya team as a whole aims to empower the orthopedic technicians in the CURE Kenya hospital by creating, optimizing, and testing 3D printed prosthetics and orthotics. Our team started in 2016 by creating a 3D printing process for below the knee prosthetic sockets. Since then, we had adapted to the hospital\u27s needs over the years, expanding the capabilities of the system itself. Presently, a section of our team has worked specifically with these leg sockets to ensure the safety and functionality for patients. They have done testing to make sure the sockets are strong enough and to make sure the silicone liners are safe for use in developing countries. In addition to safety testing, over the years we have created ankle-foot orthotics and prosthetic hands. The design part of our team works to create new 3D printed devices to help our clients reach more patients. By 2024 we hope to fully integrate our expanded system in the orthopedic workshop in Kijabe, Kenya.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2020/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets

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    Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya (ROCK) works with CURE, a non-profit orthopedic workshop in Kjabe, Kenya, to implement a 3D printing system for manufacturing custom prosthetics and orthotics. The goal is to reduce the production time and cost for the current transtibial sockets being manufactured in the orthotic clinic to give the patients a way to integrate into society and reduce stigma from their communities. The team has developed a transtibial socket for below-the-knee amputees produced by a 3D printing system that converts a scan of the residual limb to a model that takes a third of the time to print versus the current manufacturing method. The current focus of the team is to develop a rigorous testing procedure adhering to the requirements set by the ISO 10328 Standard, an internationally recognized testing method. In order to ensure the safety of the sockets, tests must be run demonstrating that the product can withstand the different forces experienced during the gait cycle. Due to the complex geometry of the applied forces outlined in the ISO 10328, the team has designed a novel testing rig that interfaces with the MTS machine at Messiah University to apply the necessary forces according to the geometry outlined in the standard. Additionally, computer-based simulations are being developed in SolidWorks, a 3D modeling software, to determine how the components will behave under certain loading conditions. This is done to ensure accordance with the 10328 Standard and will be critical in the future for developing necessary cyclic tests.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2021/1013/thumbnail.jp