31 research outputs found

    EC59-1831 Plant Diseases : Soil Treatments for Damping-Off

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    Extension Circular 59-1831 is about plant diseases specifically the soil treatments for damping – off. This includes the fungicides for damping-off, nematicides, soil sterilants, and the precautions

    False Smut of Buffalograss

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    False smut of buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm., caused by Cercospora seminalis Ell. & Ev. is a disease that destroys the unfertilized ovary. The disease was first reported by J. B. Ellis and B. M. Everhart in 1888. They gave only a brief description of the disease and named the causal fungus Cercospora seminalis. There are no etiological studies of false smut recorded in the literature. The origin of the term false smut is unknown to the author, but it so descriptively fits the general appearances of the disease that one readily understands its usage. The following studies were conducted from 1950 to 1954

    EC55-1814 Fire Blight of Apples and Pears

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    Extension Circular 55-1814: This is about fire blight of apples and pears. Includes symptoms, cause, control, and resistant and susceptible varieties

    EC55-1814 Fire Blight of Apples and Pears

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    Extension Circular 55-1814: This is about fire blight of apples and pears. Includes symptoms, cause, control, and resistant and susceptible varieties

    EC1806 Revised 1955 Cedar Apple Rust

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    Extension Circular 1806 Revised 1955 is called Cedar Apple Rust and is about the symptoms of the Cedar Tree and Apple Tree when they rust. The symptoms of the Cedar tree are having many orange-colored, gelatinous, flower-like galls on the trees. They are first noticed in June and they grow fast over the summer months and reach adult size by fall. The spread of rust is only from the red cedar to apple trees then from the apple and related species back to the cedar. The symptoms of the Apple trees are during June, orange-colored spots appear on the leaves. When the leaves are infected badly they turn yellow and this weakens the tree and reduces the number and sized of the fruits. There are three ways to control the rust, 1) spraying, 2) removal of the red cedars in the vicinity of the apples, or 3) planting the more resistant varieties

    Results of the Cooperative Uniform Soybean Tests, 1946 Part I. North Central States

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    United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration; Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Division of Forage Crops and Diseases Cooperating with State Agricultural Experiment Station

    Results of the Cooperative Uniform Soybean Tests, 1947 Part I. North Central States

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    United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration; Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Division of Forage Crops and Diseases Cooperating with State Agricultural Experiment Station

    EC59-1825 Plant Diseases : Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomatoes

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    EC 59-1825 is about plant diseases, particularly septoria leaf spot of tomatoes and how to control it

    EC1812 Alfalfa Wilt and the Maintenance of Alfalfa Stands

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    Extension Circular 1812. This circular is about maintaining alfalfa stands. It explains the infection, and symptoms of bacterial wilt

    EC59-1822 Plant Diseases : Peony Blight

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    EC 59-1822 is about Plant diseases and especially peony blight and how to control it