2,599 research outputs found

    The Ultramassive White Dwarf EUVE J1746-706

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    We have obtained new optical and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopy of the ultramassive white dwarf EUVE J1746-706. We revise Vennes et al.'s (1996a, ApJ, 467, 784) original estimates of the atmospheric parameters and we measure an effective temperature of 46,500 +/- 700 K and a surface gravity log g = 9.05 +/- 0.15 (~1.2 M_o), in agreement with Balmer line profiles and the EUV continuum. We derive an upper limit on the atmospheric abundance of helium of He/H = 1.3 x 10^{-4} and a neutral hydrogen column density in the local interstellar medium N_HI = 1.8 +/- 0.4 x 10^{19} cm^{-2} from the EUV spectrum. Our upper limit corresponds to half the helium abundance observed in the atmosphere of the ultramassive white dwarf GD 50. We discuss the possibility that EUVE J1746-706 represents an earlier phase of evolution relative to GD 50 and may, therefore, help us understand the origin and evolution of massive white dwarfs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses aastex, to be published in ApJ Letter

    Recognition of micro-scale deformation structures in glacial sediments - pattern perception, observer bias and the influence of experience

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    It is a scientist's mission to try to remain unbiased. However, certain factors play a role in scientific analyses that are not controlled by conscious thought. These factors are potentially very important in areas of science where interpretations are based on a scientist's ability to identify patterns or structures. One such area is the micromorphology of glacial sediments. In this paper we investigate the role of an analyst's experience in relation to pattern perception with specific reference to turbate microstructures in glacial diamictons. An experiment was conducted on 52 participants, which demonstrated that, as may be expected, more experienced (glacial) micromorphologists tend to exhibit a higher sensitivity-to-signal, but that complete novices, if given clear instructions, can reach levels of sensitivity similar to those of experts. It also showed, perhaps more surprisingly, that response bias does not decrease with experience. We discuss psychological factors, such as the drive for success and consistency, that may have contributed to these results and investigate their possible implications in the micromorphological analysis and interpretation of glacial sediments

    Alan D. Weidemann

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    Dr. Weidemann is an adjunct faculty member at University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Marine Science, as well as a researcher at the Naval Research Laboratory. His areas of specialization are optical oceanography, propagation of ultraviolet, visible and near-IR electromagnetic radiant energy in oceanic environments, and relationship between inherent and apparent optical properties. Present research is measurement of optical properties on unmanned gliders and development of a flow cytometer to function on the unmanned glid

    An empirical initial-final mass relation from hot, massive white dwarfs in NGC 2168 (M35)

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    The relation between the zero-age main sequence mass of a star and its white-dwarf remnant (the initial-final mass relation) is a powerful tool for exploration of mass loss processes during stellar evolution. We present an empirical derivation of the initial-final mass relation based on spectroscopic analysis of seven massive white dwarfs in NGC 2168 (M35). Using an internally consistent data set, we show that the resultant white dwarf mass increases monotonically with progenitor mass for masses greater than 4 solar masses, one of the first open clusters to show this trend. We also find two massive white dwarfs foreground to the cluster that are otherwise consistent with cluster membership. These white dwarfs can be explained as former cluster members moving steadily away from the cluster at speeds of <~0.5 km/s since their formation and may provide the first direct evidence of the loss of white dwarfs from open clusters. Based on these data alone, we constrain the upper mass limit of WD progenitors to be >=5.8 solar masses at the 90% confidence level for a cluster age of 150 Myr.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Contains some acknowledgements not in accepted version (for space reasons), otherwise identical to accepted versio

    Calibration of White Dwarf cooling sequences: theoretical uncertainty

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    White Dwarf luminosities are powerful age indicators, whose calibration should be based on reliable models. We discuss the uncertainty of some chemical and physical parameters and their influence on the age estimated by means of white dwarf cooling sequences. Models at the beginning of the white dwarf sequence have been obtained on the base of progenitor evolutionary tracks computed starting from the zero age horizontal branch and for a typical halo chemical composition (Z=0.0001, Y=0.23). The uncertainties due to nuclear reaction rates, convection, mass loss and initial chemical composition are discussed. Then, various cooling sequences for a typical white dwarf mass (M=0.6 Mo) have been calculated under different assumptions on some input physics, namely: conductive opacity, contribution of the ion-electron interaction to the free energy and microscopic diffusion. Finally we present the evolution of white dwarfs having mass ranging between 0.5 and 0.9 Mo. Much effort has been spent to extend the equation of state down to the low temperature and high density regime. An analysis of the latest improvement in the physics of white dwarf interiors is presented. We conclude that at the faint end of the cooling sequence (log L/Lo=-5.5) the present overall uncertainty on the age is of the order of 20%, which correspond to about 3 Gyr. We suggest that this uncertainty could be substantially reduced by improving our knowledge of the conductive opacity (especially in the partially degenerate regime) and by fixing the internal stratification of C and O.Comment: 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    A Dusty Disk Around WD1150-153: Explaining the Metals in White Dwarfs by Accretion from the Interstellar Medium versus Debris Disks

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    We report the discovery of excess K-band radiation from a metal-rich DAV white dwarf star, WD1150-153. Our near infrared spectroscopic observations show that the excess radiation cannot be explained by a (sub)stellar companion, and is likely to be caused by a debris disk similar to the other DAZ white dwarfs with circumstellar debris disks. We find that the fraction of DAZ white dwarfs with detectable debris disks is at least 14%. We also revisit the problem of explaining the metals in white dwarf photospheres by accretion from the interstellar medium (ISM). We use the observed interstellar column densities toward stars in close angular proximity and similar distance as DAZ white dwarfs to constrain the contribution of accretion from the ISM. We find no correlation between the accretion density required to supply metals observed in DAZs with the densities observed in their interstellar environment, indicating that ISM accretion alone cannot explain the presence of metals in nearby DAZ white dwarfs. Although ISM accretion will certainly contribute, our analysis indicates that it is not the dominant source of metals for most DAZ white dwarfs. Instead, the growing number of circumstellar debris disks around DAZs suggests that circumstellar material may play a more dominant role in polluting the white dwarf atmospheres.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Low Luminosity Companions to White Dwarfs

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    This paper presents results of a near-infrared imaging survey for low mass stellar and substellar companions to white dwarfs. A wide field proper motion survey of 261 white dwarfs was capable of directly detecting companions at orbital separations between ∌100\sim100 and 5000 AU with masses as low as 0.05 M⊙M_{\odot}, while a deep near field search of 86 white dwarfs was capable of directly detecting companions at separations between ∌50\sim50 and 1100 AU with masses as low as 0.02 M⊙M_{\odot}. Additionally, all white dwarf targets were examined for near-infrared excess emission, a technique capable of detecting companions at arbitrarily close separations down to masses of 0.05 M⊙M_{\odot}. No brown dwarf candidates were detected, which implies a brown dwarf companion fraction of <0.5<0.5% for white dwarfs. In contrast, the stellar companion fraction of white dwarfs as measured by this survey is 22%, uncorrected for bias. Moreover, most of the known and suspected stellar companions to white dwarfs are low mass stars whose masses are only slightly greater than the masses of brown dwarfs. Twenty previously unknown stellar companions were detected, five of which are confirmed or likely white dwarfs themselves, while fifteen are confirmed or likely low mass stars. Similar to the distribution of cool field dwarfs as a function of spectral type, the number of cool unevolved dwarf companions peaks at mid-M type. Based on the present work, relative to this peak, field L dwarfs appear to be roughly 2-3 times more abundant than companion L dwarfs. Additionally, there is no evidence that the initial companion masses have been altered by post main sequence binary interactions.Comment: 149 pages, 59 figures, 11 tables, accepted to ApJ Supplement

    The Formation Rate, Mass and Luminosity Functions of DA White Dwarfs from the Palomar Green Survey

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    Spectrophotometric observations at high signal-to-noise ratio were obtained of a complete sample of 347 DA white dwarfs from the Palomar Green (PG) Survey. Fits of observed Balmer lines to synthetic spectra calculated from pure-hydrogen model atmospheres were used to obtain robust values of Teff, log g, masses, radii, and cooling ages. The luminosity function of the sample, weighted by 1/Vmax, was obtained and compared with other determinations. The mass distribution of the white dwarfs is derived, after important corrections for the radii of the white dwarfs in this magnitude-limited survey and for the cooling time scales. The formation rate of DA white dwarfs from the PG is estimated to be 0.6x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1). Comparison with predictions from a theoretical study of the white dwarf formation rate for single stars indicates that >80% of the high mass component requires a different origin, presumably mergers of lower mass double degenerate stars. In order to estimate the recent formation rate of all white dwarfs in the local Galactic disk, corrections for incompleteness of the PG, addition of the DB-DO white dwarfs, and allowance for stars hidden by luminous binary companions had to be applied to enhance the rate. An overall formation rate of white dwarfs recently in the local Galactic disk of 1.15+/-0.25x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1) is obtained. Two recent studies of samples of nearby Galactic planetary nebulae lead to estimates around twice as high. Difficulties in reconciling these determinations are discussed.Comment: 73 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ Supplemen

    The New Class of Dusty DAZ White Dwarfs

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    Our mid-infrared survey of 124 white dwarfs with the Spitzer Space Telescope and the IRAC imager has revealed an infrared excess associated with the white dwarf WD 2115-560 naturally explained by circumstellar dust. This object is the fourth white dwarf observed to have circumstellar dust. All four are DAZ white dwarfs, i.e. they have both photospheric Balmer lines and photospheric metal lines. We discuss these four objects as a class, which we abbreviate "DAZd", where the "d" stands for "dust". Using an optically-thick, geometrically-thin disk model analogous to Saturn's rings, we find that the inner disk edges are at >~0.1 to 0.2 Ro and that the outer disk edges are ~0.3 to 0.6 Ro. This model naturally explains the accretion rates and lifetimes of the detected WD disks and the accretion rates inferred from photospheric metal abundances.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, ApJ accepte

    The Early Palomar Program (1950-1955) for the Discovery of Classical Novae in M81: Analysis of the Spatial Distribution, Magnitude Distribution, and Distance Suggestion

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    Data obtained in the 1950-1955 Palomar campaign for the discovery of classical novae in M81 are set out in detail. Positions and apparent B magnitudes are listed for the 23 novae that were found. There is modest evidence that the spatial distribution of the novae does not track the B brightness distribution of either the total light or the light beyond an isophotal radius that is 70\arcsec from the center of M81. The nova distribution is more extended than the aforementioned light, with a significant fraction of the sample appearing in the outer disk/spiral arm region. We suggest that many (perhaps a majority) of the M81 novae that are observed at any given epoch (compared with say 101010^{10} years ago) are daughters of Population I interacting binaries. The conclusion that the present day novae are drawn from two population groups, one from low mass white dwarf secondaries of close binaries identified with the bulge/thick disk population, and the other from massive white dwarf secondaries identified with the outer thin disk/spiral arm population, is discussed. We conclude that the M81 data are consistent with the two population division as argued previously from (1) the observational studies on other grounds by Della Valle et al. (1992, 1994), Della Valle & Livio (1998), and Shafter et al. (1996) of nearby galaxies, (2) the Hatano et al. (1997a,b) Monte Carlo simulations of novae in M31 and in the Galaxy, and (3) the Yungelson et al. (1997) population synthesis modeling of nova binaries. Two different methods of using M81 novae as distance indicators give a nova distance modulus for M81 as (m−M)0=27.75(m-M)_0 = 27.75, consistent with the Cepheid modulus that is the same value.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted to PAS
